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Showing Results: 41 - 59 of 59

IP-6.7: St. Alphonsus Rodriguez Church - Announcement Book, Sept. 1923-Aug. 1928

 File — Box: 39, Folder: 857
Scope and Contents

Announcement book for St. Alphonsus, Woodkstock, Maryland.

Dates: Sept. 1923-Aug. 1928

IP-6.8: St. Alphonsus Rodriguez - Church notes, Announcements, Sept. 1928 to June 1933

 File — Box: 39, Folder: 858
Scope and Contents

Announcement book for St. Alphonsus, Woodstock, Maryland.

Dates: Sept. 1928 to June 1933

IP-6.9: St. Alphonsus Rodriguez - Church notes, Announcements , July 1933-August 1939

 File — Box: 39, Folder: 859
Scope and Contents

Announcement book for St. Alphonsus, Woodstock, Maryland. Includes photos and press clippings.

Dates: July 1933-August 1939

Reisman, Bert

 File — Box: 156, Folder: data_value_missing_873d3b4a6e95cb7fd3541c440d4200b1
Scope and Contents From the Collection: The collection is comprised of photographs that were used in Quigley Publications, active under various titles since 1915 in motion picture industry trade publishing (Motion Picture Herald, Motion Picture Daily, and others). It is primarily an assemblage of publicity photographs that feature individuals associated with the motion picture industry: producers, directors, animators, and their colleagues. Actors and actresses figure less prominently, but are also represented among the...
Dates: 1906 - 1972

Impreso: Senor: Geronimo Herran, S.J.,..., 01/01/1725-01/01/1725

 File — Box: 1, Folder: 11
Identifier: 35330
Collection-level Scope and Content Note From the Collection: The Paraguayan Jesuits Collection consists of 20 manuscript and 4 printed documents ranging in date from 1639 to about 1744. A number of the manuscripts deal with the employment of Indian laborers from the Jesuit 'reductions' on the fortification of the ports of Buenos Aires; others touch on the incursions of hostile Indians against the reductions. A major emphasis of the collection, however, is on the continuing struggle between the Jesuits and the antagonistic representatives of the Church...
Dates: 01/01/1725-01/01/1725

Correspondence 1957 R-T., 01/01/1957-12/31/1957

 File — Box: 2, Folder: 47
Identifier: 46190
Series-level Scope and Content Note From the Series: [Folders 1:1 - 6:13] Correspondence received by CBL from 1933 through 1971. Includes carbon replies from CBL. Arranged alphabetically by correspondent for each year. To maintain the integrity of a series of correspondence by certain individuals, a given year may include letters from preceding years. In such cases, correspondence is filed by the most recent date in the series. Content is primarily social and personal. Some unclassified official correspondence is included. (Further official...
Dates: 01/01/1957-12/31/1957

Audio Cassettes., 01/01/1969-12/31/1976

 File — Box: 9, Folder: 1
Identifier: 69317
Series-level Scope and Content Note From the Series:

Audio Cassettes.

Dates: 01/01/1969-12/31/1976

Photographs - Unidentified., 01/01/1930-12/31/1968

 File — Box: 19, Folder: 29
Identifier: 47278
Series-level Scope and Content Note From the Series:

[Folders 19:1 - 19:41] This series consists of photographs of Ambassador Lyon taken over the years at various Foreign Service posts around the world, and at numerous official and semi-official functions. Many of the photographs are not identified, but are loosely grouped into the following categories: by country; by function; Ambassador Lyon alone and with colleagues; family; and miscellaneous.

Dates: 01/01/1930-12/31/1968

Correspondence 1958 A., 01/01/1958-12/31/1958

 File — Box: 3, Folder: 1
Identifier: 46192
Series-level Scope and Content Note From the Series: [Folders 1:1 - 6:13] Correspondence received by CBL from 1933 through 1971. Includes carbon replies from CBL. Arranged alphabetically by correspondent for each year. To maintain the integrity of a series of correspondence by certain individuals, a given year may include letters from preceding years. In such cases, correspondence is filed by the most recent date in the series. Content is primarily social and personal. Some unclassified official correspondence is included. (Further official...
Dates: 01/01/1958-12/31/1958

Florida., 01/01/1792-12/31/1811

 File — Box: 16, Folder: 5
Identifier: 79925
Series-level Scope and Content Note From the Series:

Contains correspondence, manuscripts, transcripts, and other documents pertaining to U.S. Catholic Church History. Boxes 12 and 13, which deal with notable individuals in U.S. Catholic History, are arranged alphabetically by last name of individual. Boxes 14 through 20 contain documents which focus on the history of Catholicism in particular geographic places in America, and they are arranged alphabetically by geographic area.

Dates: 01/01/1792-12/31/1811

February 14-29, 1605 - 1965

 File — Box: 1, Folder: 4
Scope and Contents Jesuit obituaries: Claude Ramaz (1956), James Lucas (1847), Joseph Soller (1851), Edward McCarthy (1842), Gaspar de Caray (1627), William H. Morrison (1892), Thomas McGlinn (1871), William P. Brett (1914), Cornelius B. Sullivan (1892), Conrad Widman (1906), John Pierron (1678), Louis da Ponte (1624), Jerome de Prado (1605), Philip Fisher (1652), Benedict Masselis (1913), Thomas A. Becker (1954), James Walton (1803), Aloysius Bosch (1903), Edward X. Fink (1928), Peter B. O'Flanagan (1856),...
Dates: 1605 - 1965

"Relationes P.P. Missionarum Societatis Jesu in America Septent...."., 01/01/1672-12/31/1681

 File — Box: 1, Folder: 1
Identifier: 19379
Collection-level Scope and Content Note From the Collection:

This is a collection of late seventeenth-century Latin letters relating to the Church and especially to the Society of Jesus, all bound into one volume. Among other places, they emanate from or discuss Genoa, the South Pacific, the Philippines, Lisbon, Austria, the Balkans, Japan,China, Indochina, Paraguay, Brazil, and Mexico.

Dates: 01/01/1672-12/31/1681

IP: Missions of Woodstock College

Scope and Contents

This series consists of church and sodality records for missions connected to Woodstock College (St. Alphonsus Rodriguez, St. Joseph’s - Sykesville, Alberton, Henryton, Harrisonville, Poplar Springs, Marriotsville). This includes ledgers, member rolls, diaries, photos, newspaper clippings, program notes, pamphlets, etc.

Dates: 1800-1974

Interviews: Jose Blandon (Transcript)., 06/01/1991-06/30/1991

 File — Box: 17, Folder: 74
Identifier: 90579
Scope and Contents From the Collection: This collection contains the research and subject files, interview tapes, including transcripts, and related material of the noted writer and journalist Larry Collins. Included in this collection are the materials for Collins' five collaborative works with French journalist and writer Dominique Lapierre, as well as the three novels he authored alone. The collection has been arranged chronologically according to the dates of publication for his works. The collectins holds material related to...
Dates: 06/01/1991-06/30/1991

Correspondence, M-Z, 1873 - 1906

 File — Box: 2, Folder: 5
Scope and Contents

Correspondence to Rev. Patrick F.Healy, S.J. from sources named M-Z, arranged alphabetically. Includes correspondence from Martin F. Morris; John B. Mullaly, S.J.; John Pool; J.I. Rodriguez; Cesar Roncetti; Ellen Ewing Sherman; Joseph M. Veler, S.J.; James A. Ward, S.J.; William George Ward; John B. Mulledy, S.J.

Dates: 1873 - 1906

IF-3: Programs - Miscellaneous programs , 1902-1966

 File — Multiple Containers
Scope and Contents

Programs for events held at Woodstock College. Also includes the Woodstock Players, a minstrel group made up of community members, possibly of St. Alphonsus Rodriguez.

Dates: 1902-1966

116-2., 1966.

 File — Box: 2, Folder: 7
Scope and Contents From the Collection:

Contains correspondence, clippings, announcements, publications, and other material re all aspects of campus life, including student events, elections, organizations, protests, and activism. Reference is made to civil rights activity, as well as to protests against the Vietnam War. Material relating to the National Student Strike of 1970 and the May Day demonstrations of 1971 is included.

Arranged chronologically.

Dates: 1966.

Saints and Martyrs, 1806 - 1882

 File — Box: 191, Folder: 4
Identifier: 119_5_14
Scope and Contents Biographical and other materials pertaining to saints and martyred members of the Society of Jesus. Items of interest include: Oratio (1806) in Festo Beati Franciscus de Hieronymo, S.J.; Translation of document (1825) pertaining to the beatification of Alphonsus Rodriguez; Letter (Mar. 31, 1862) pertaining to the canonization of the martyrs of Japan-Paul Michi, John de Golo and James Quizai; Sancti Beati et Servi Dei [Catalogue of Jesuit saints and blessed (1869)]; Catalogue of Martyrs...
Dates: 1806 - 1882

Georgetown Alumni Armed Forces Letters, pp. 1-100., 11/11/1941-11/15/1943

 File — Box: 1, Folder: 1
Identifier: 19040
Series-level Scope and Content Note From the Series:

Transcriptions of correspondence received by Rev. Richard C. Law, S.J. from alumni and other former students on active duty with the armed services during World War II.

Dates: 11/11/1941-11/15/1943