Correspondence from Rev. Eugene L. Watrin, SJ, to Lois Wolfrum, arranged chronologically.
Printed Materials by, or relating to, Penny Williams, arranged chronologically.
Reports collected by William E. Mulligan.
Published monthly by Office of University Relations for faculty and administration, the "Chronicle" contains brief university news items and notices of faculty grants, publications, appointments, appointments, resignations and activities. Also calendars of events and classifieds. Sections for Medical and Law Centers and Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) are included.
Contains letters sent to Hart from various colleagues, associates, and friends. Includes many carbons from Hart in reply to these correspondents. Arranged alphabetically by last name of recipient. Arranged into more than 50 folders. A carbon of Hart's letter to Saudi Arabian King Faisal is in the last folder in this series.
Contains files consisting of printed matter, notes, and some correspondence. The files were maintained by Parker T. Hart. The order and arrangement Hart imposed on the files has been preserved as much as possible. Most of the material deals with Saudi Arabia and Turkey. Arranged chronologically into 8 folders.
Correspondence files relating to publishers and journals that either published or were interested in Sylvester's works.
This folder consists of the Financial Papers for America Magazine. Among the items to be found are: receipts, letters of receipt, bank statements, invoices, service contracts and other general and miscellaneous items pertaining to financial operations.
Contains correspondence (1954-1993) sent from various individuals to William H. Natcher. Much of the correspondence in 1973-1974 documents some of the public's reaction to the Watergate scandal. Included is correspondence from some of Natcher's Kentucky constituents, various companies, many interest groups, and officials at Western Kentucky University. The correspondence is arranged chronologically by year.
Contains correspondence (1954-1993) sent from various individuals to William H. Natcher. Much of the correspondence in 1973-1974 documents some of the public's reaction to the Watergate scandal. Included is correspondence from some of Natcher's Kentucky constituents, various companies, many interest groups, and officials at Western Kentucky University. The correspondence is arranged chronologically by year.
(Box 1, Folders 1-85; Box 2, Folders 1-33) This series consists of chronologically arranged correspondence received by Ambassador Wilson. Letters for each year are in alphabetical order. Most include copies of replies from the ambassador. @ Note: All correspondents are listed in the description sections of this finding aid. However, only those names that have been asterisked appear in the index.
(Box 1, Folders 1-85; Box 2, Folders 1-33) This series consists of chronologically arranged correspondence received by Ambassador Wilson. Letters for each year are in alphabetical order. Most include copies of replies from the ambassador. @ Note: All correspondents are listed in the description sections of this finding aid. However, only those names that have been asterisked appear in the index.
Series includes correspondence of John Deedy with editors and publishers regarding books and articles he wrote. Also includes letters of reaction from readers, royalty statements, and promotional items.
Sixty-three folders of correspondence constitute this series. Arranged alphabetically by name, correspondents include governors/presidents of Panama, U.S. ministers, consuls and officials to Panama, as well as prominent officers of the Panama Railroad Company. In addition, there is a folder of envelopes addressed to EAD with personalized franks from numerous US congressmen - where identifiable, these are listed by name in the folder description.