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Jesuits. Maryland Province


Found in 74 Collections and/or Records:

America Magazine Records

Identifier: GTM-GAMMS60
Scope and Contents

This processed segment of the America Magazine Records predominantly contains business and administrative material related to the running of the journal. Searchable back issues (1909-2015) of the magazine can be found online here. Note that the collection had previously been named America Magazine Archives until 2024.

The remainder of the collection is currently unprocessed.

Dates: circa1909-1989

American Catholic Sermon Collection

Identifier: GTM-840320
Scope and Contents The American Catholic Sermon collection was formed from sermons in the Woodstock College Archives, the Maryland Province Archives, and the Georgetown University Archives. It contains manuscript sermons by over 40 different preachers, all but two of which are Jesuits, including 54 texts by Archbishop John Carroll and seven by Georgetown's first president Fr. Robert Plunkett. The sermons are arranged alphabetically by preacher last name.When possible, folder level descriptions of...
Dates: 1692 - 1815

Archives of the Maryland Province of the Society of Jesus

Identifier: GTM-000119
Scope and Contents The Archives of the Maryland Province of the Society of Jesus covers the period from 1630-2004; the bulk of the materials date from 1800-1875. The collection documents the establishment of the Jesuit order, and of the Catholic Church more broadly, in the mid-Atlantic region of the United States. Also referred to as the Maryland Province Archives (MPA), it consists of the organizational records and papers of the Province in its various iterations: the Mission of Maryland (1634-1773), the...
Dates: 1630 - 2004

Peter Attwood, SJ Papers

Identifier: GTM-20240102
Scope and Contents The papers of Peter Attwood, SJ contain bound volumes of treatises copied down by Attwood throughout his Jesuit formation. Some of the original authors are identified (e.g., James Gooden, Edward Slaughter, and Richard Vaughan) and topics covered include geometry, astronomy, and theology. There is also a treatise written by Attwood circa 1720 entitled “Liberty and Property,” in which he contends that British royal governors should have no say in the legislation or local affairs of Maryland...
Dates: 1709 - 1720

Virgil H. Barber, SJ Papers

Identifier: GTM-GAMMS008
Scope and Contents

The Virgil H. Barber, SJ Papers contain correspondence, notes, a prayer book, and clippings relating to his Jesuit formation, his work in New England missions, and the conversion of his family to Catholicism.

Dates: 1804 - 1964

Francis A. Barnum, SJ Papers

Identifier: GTM-GAMMS56
Scope and Contents

The Rev. Francis A. Barnum, SJ Papers contain a wide variety of material, including correspondence, Fr. Barnum's notebooks on language and other topics, a mass of printed ephemera relating to the World War I and its aftermath, and manuscripts and correspondence on Eskimo languages and Alaska. Note: In keeping with Fr. Barnum's terminology, all references to Central Yup'ik are indexed as 'Innuit.'

Dates: 1869 - 1985; Majority of material found within 1869 - 1921

Mark H. Bauer, SJ Papers

Identifier: GTM-891002
Scope and Contents

The Mark H. Bauer, SJ Papers contain material related to his Jesuit formation; his graduate work in biology; and honors received throughout his life. Also includes correspondence, photographs, talks, and resumes.

Dates: 1929 - 1985

Albert A. Beckwith, SJ Papers

 Collection — Box: GTM Shared Box 44, Folder: 1-5
Identifier: GTM-20241126
Scope and Contents

Correspondence to Fr. Albert A. Beckwith, SJ, while he was a theological student at Woodstock College (Maryland) between 1937 and 1941. Senders include his cousin Nellie M. Morgan of Wilcox, Pennsylvania; his godmother May Barry of Warwick, New York; his nephew Albert C. Beckwith of Goshen, Pennsylvania; and his sister Marie Beckwith of Jersey City, New Jersey. They primarily contain family updates and reference personal matters.

Dates: 1937 - 1941

Vincent I. Bellwoar, SJ Papers

Identifier: GTM-20240129
Scope and Contents

The papers of former university archivist Vincent I. Bellwoar, SJ contain materials surrounding his Jesuit formation and parochial duties; teaching at Georgetown and retirement; and golden jubilee celebrations.

Dates: 1937 - 1988

Edward B. Bunn, SJ Papers

Identifier: GTM-200201
Scope and Contents

The Edward B. Bunn, SJ Papers contain materials that are unrelated to or predate his administrative positions at Georgetown University, including personal correspondence, genealogical notes, and speeches made while president of Loyola College and regional director of colleges and universities for the Jesuits' Maryland Province. Of note is a letter regarding his appointment as president of Loyola College in 1938 (folder 2).

Dates: 1909 - 1967

John Carroll Collection

Identifier: GTM-760101
Scope and Contents

The John Carroll Collection contains original and transcribed correspondence; two religious manuscripts; biographical notes and news clippings; and miscellaneous documents related to the first Roman Catholic bishop in the United States and the first archbishop of Baltimore. Of note are transcriptions of letters exchanged with Fr. Charles Plowden in folders 1, 2, and 6.

Dates: 1770 - 1976

Church of St. Francis Xavier Autograph Album

 Collection — Box: 1
Identifier: GTM-20240405
Scope and Contents

A bound album entitled "Century of Autographs" compiled by Patrick F. Dealy, SJ as a memorial of a fair held in the Church of St. Francis Xavier at W 16th St., New York City, in 1880. A list of contributors is provided in the front of the volume.

Dates: 1880 - 1881

James Clark, SJ Papers

Identifier: GTM-GAMMS21
Scope and Contents

The James Clark, SJ Papers contain spiritual writings as well as correspondence predominantly related to the various positions he held in educational administration. Also included are materials regarding his years at West Point and in the US Army.

Dates: 1825 - 1885

William B. Cleary, SJ Papers

Identifier: GTM-20240103
Scope and Contents

The William B. Cleary, SJ Papers contain a commonplace book maintained by Cleary during his Jesuit formation and early teaching career as well as correspondence, certificates, and other miscellaneous documents.

Dates: 1854 - 1884

Arthur A. Coniff, SJ Papers

Identifier: GTM-771231
Scope and Contents

The Arthur A. Coniff, SJ Papers predominantly contain photographs of relatives and friends with a single folder of miscellaneous documents. A majority of those pictured are members of the Alida Withrop-Stanton Felton and Shirlee Terry-John Fomon families.

Dates: 1900 - 1977

John Corbett, SJ Papers on Edward H. Welch, SJ

Identifier: GTM-0042
Scope and Contents

These papers consist of correspondence, printed material, and research notes written and collected by John Corbett, SJ for a proposed biography on Edward H. Welch, SJ.

Dates: 1895 - 1905

Patrick J. Cormican, SJ Papers

Identifier: GTM-GAMMS13
Scope and Contents

The Patrick J. Cormican, SJ Papers consist of poetry as well as materials related to Jeannie Gourley Struthers, an actor performing in Ford's Theater when President Lincoln was assassinated.

Dates: 1924 - 1925

George V. Coyne, SJ Papers

Identifier: GTM-200211
Scope and Contents

The George V. Coyne, SJ Papers consist of materials from his Jesuit formation, undergraduate coursework, and doctoral program in astronomy.

Dates: 1951 - 1965

James Curley, SJ Papers

Identifier: GTM-GAMMS42
Scope and Contents

The James Curley, SJ Papers contain notebooks, journals, biographical notes, correspondence, photographs, and miscellaneous documents. Of note is a personal journal (1868-1889) and a journal for the Georgetown campus greenhouse and garden (1870-1889).

Dates: 1815 - 1893

R. Emmett Curran Papers

Identifier: GTM-180305
Scope and Contents The papers of R. Emmett Curran, a longtime history professor at Georgetown University, consist of historical research material concerning two major topics: the history of Georgetown University and the history of the Catholic Church in America. The Georgetown University portion of the collection includes typed biographical files documenting faculty who taught at the college from 1789 to 1920 and students who attended the college from 1789 to 1955. The Georgetown University-related material...
Dates: 1789 - 2023

Additional filters:

Jesuits -- Education 10
Slavery 8
Jesuits -- Spiritual life 7
Diaries 6
Jesuits -- Theology 4
∨ more
Jesuits -- Biography 3
Jesuits -- Missions -- Philippines 3
Photographs 3
Correspondence 2
Jesuit universities and colleges 2
Jesuits -- History 2
Jesuits -- Missions 2
Maryland -- History 2
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 2
World War, 1939-1945 -- Chaplains 2
World War, 1939-1945 -- Personal narratives, American 2
World War, 1939-1945 -- Prisoners and prisons, Japanese 2
African Americans -- Suffrage 1
African Americans -- Washington (D.C.) 1
Alaska 1
Art criticism 1
Bishops -- United States 1
Camp Blanding (Fla.) 1
Catholic Church 1
Catholic Church -- Periodicals 1
Catholic Church -- Sermons 1
Catholic Church -- United States -- History 1
Catholic philanthropists 1
Church and state -- United States 1
Church of St. Charles Borromeo (New York, N.Y.) 1
Church of St. Francis Xavier (Manhattan, New York, N.Y.) 1
College and school drama 1
Confederate States of America. Army. Virginia Infantry Regiment, 1st 1
Eskimo Languages 1
Georgetown (Washington, D.C.) -- History 1
Georgetown College 1
Gettysburg Campaign, 1863 1
Hot Springs (N.C.) 1
Jesuit scientists 1
Jesuits 1
Jesuits -- Liturgy 1
Jesuits -- Maryland -- History 1
Jesuits -- Maryland Province 1
Jesuits -- Philippines -- History 1
Johnson Island Prison 1
Latin language -- Study and teaching 1
Lincoln, Abraham, 1809-1865 -- Assassination 1
Los Baños Internment Camp 1
Manila Observatory 1
Maryland Campaign, 1862 1
Ocean travel 1
Periodicals -- Publishing 1
Photograph albums 1
Photography -- Negatives 1
Political poetry 1
Religious poetry 1
Saint Inigoes Mission (St. Inigoes, Md.) 1
Saint Mary's County (Md.) 1
Santo Tomas Internment Camp (Manila, Philippines) 1
Science -- Study and teaching 1
Seismological stations 1
Slavery -- Maryland 1
Speeches, addresses, etc. 1
Stamp collecting 1
Theology 1
Theology -- Study and teaching 1
Travel writing 1
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 -- Personal narratives, Confederate 1
United States -- Periodicals 1
Vivisection 1
World War, 1914-1918 1
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