The Raphael - Teilhard de Chardin Collection consists of thirty-seven letters, a manuscript drawing, two typed manuscripts, and a number of offprints on evolution and anthropology, all from the collection of Mrs. Francoise Raphael, an old friend of Teilhard from his early days in China. There is also a folder of black-and-white photographs.
This series is comprised of the correspondence relating to Charles Quest's career.
Note: To facilitate locating material and use of the printed index, folder numbers are assigned to each page group described in the finding aid.
Chronological Correspondence.
Approximately 130 pieces of correspondence sent to British politician Aneurin Williams between 1874 and 1934 from various personalities in the arts and politics, including historian, novelist, and editor J.A. Froude, German philologist Kuno Meyer, and Sir Edward Augustus Bond, principal Librarian of the British Museum. A curatorial file compiled by Scheetz is also included.