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Scrapbook: George Neumann III (B ' 67)

 Collection — Box: 1
Identifier: GTA-000929
Content Description Contains documents, photographs, news articles and programs from Neumann's time as a Georgetown student from 1963-1967. Includes correspondence and other documents related to Neumann's academic performance as a student, programs for various campus events like the 175th Anniversary Convocation held on October 28, 1963 and the inauguration of Gerard J. Campbell, S.J. as Georgetown President on December 3, 1964, images of campus and various events including Haile Selassie and Lyndon Johnson,...
Dates: 1962 - 1967

Scrapbook: Georgetown College Preparatory School Games, 1910-1912

Identifier: GTA-000006-DS
Scope and Contents

Contains clippings about Georgetown Prep athletics (specifically its football, basketball, crew, and baseball teams.) References to Maurice Joyce, Patrick Dempsey, and the University boathouse are included.

Dates: 1910-1912

Scrapbook: Georgetown University, 1918

Identifier: GTA-000013-DS
Scope and Contents

Two scrapbook leaves containing captioned snapshots. Among those photographed: Chat Lancaster; Thomas Gasson, S.J.; Bill Curtin; John Morris; Jack McNulty; Tom Burke; Joe Dilkes; Ted Delaney; Warrick Montgomery; Bob Zuger; Gaius Gannon; Charlie Cox; Bob Gorman; David I. Walsh; President John B. Creeden, S.J., at 1918 commencement; and Helen Kemp.

Dates: 1918 - 1918; Majority of material found in 1918 - 1918

Scrapbook: Georgetown University, 1927

Identifier: GTA-000016-DS
Scope and Contents

Contains clippings and programs from the 1927 football season. Included at the back are snapshots of campus and Washington, D.C.

Dates: 1927.

Scrapbook: Georgetown University, 1930s-1950s

Identifier: GTA-000012-DS
Scope and Contents

Contains clippings relating mainly to the Graduate School. Among topics covered: appointment of Robert I. Gannon, S.J., as President of Fordham, 1936; reorganization of graduate study and opening of the Graduate School at Georgetown, 1936; admission of women into the Graduate School, 1943; death of Aloysius J. Hogan, S.J., in 1944; and launching of the U.S.S. Ingraham by Tibor Kerekes in 1944.

Dates: 1936-1955; Majority of material found within 1936 - 1944

Scrapbook: Georgetown University, 1964

Identifier: GTA-000837
Scope and Contents

Contains newspapers clippings. Topics covered include: interreligious Civil Rights Rally in McDonough Gymnasium and award of honorary degree to U.S. President Lyndon B. Johnson at convocation to mark the closing of the University's 175th Anniversary celebrations.

Dates: April-December 1964

Scrapbook: Georgetown University, April-December, 1960

Identifier: GTA-000011-DS
Scope and Contents

Contains clippings re Georgetown University/Washington, D.C., 1960. Among topics covered: residents’ protests against the conversion of three buildings on 36th and Prospect Streets for use as the 1789 restaurant; Archivist William C. Repetti, S.J., showing the Library's Tom Sawyer manuscript to local children; Rhodes Scholarship winner George P. Giard, Jr.; and blind Russian students learning foreign languages without visual aids. Also present, profile of Edward Bennett Williams.

Dates: April-December 1960.; Majority of material found in 1960 - 1960

Scrapbook: Georgetown University Athletic Publicity, 1951-1952

Identifier: GTA-000090-DS
Scope and Contents Includes clippings on sports, mainly basketball and track. Among topics covered: the dedication of McDonough Memorial Gymnasium, December 1951; the resignation of Basketball Coach Buddy O'Grady, 1952; and, following Georgetown's lead, the possible elimination of football programs at other Jesuit universities. Among athletes highlighted: basketball players Bill Bolger and Mike Vitale and track team members Carl Joyce, Joe LaPierre, and Charles Capozzoli. Also present, a newspaper...
Dates: 1951-1952

Scrapbook: Georgetown University Athletics, 1930-1931

Identifier: GTA-000015-DS
Scope and Contents

Contains clippings re Georgetown football, basketball, and baseball. Includes line drawing of Jim Mooney and copy of the freshmen rules.

Dates: 1930-1931

Scrapbook: Georgetown University Basketball, 1976-1978

Identifier: GTA-000024-DS
Scope and Contents

Contains clippings about Coach John R. Thompson, II, and the Georgetown basketball team. Includes articles on trip to Taiwan, 1976, and on players Mike Riley, Derrick Jackson, Craig Esherick, Craig Shelton, and Al Dutch.

Dates: 1976-1978; Majority of material found within 1977 - 1978

Scrapbook: Georgetown University Crew Team, 1961-1962

Identifier: GTA-000086-DS
Scope and Contents

Contains articles relating to training and competitions. Also included are the team budget for 1961 and the program from the 1962 Athletic Award Banquet, signed by Coach Don Cadle and all the crew team members who received "G" certificates (David Casey, Patrick D. Doyle, Carl Haeger, John G. Hoeschler, James Mietus, Michael J. Mullin, Martin J. O'Brien, Paul T. Ritter, Peter W. Reyburn, and Frederic Volbrecht.)

Dates: 1961-1962

Scrapbook: Georgetown University, December 1960-July 1961

Identifier: GTA-000014-DS
Scope and Contents

Contains clippings about Georgetown University. Among topics covered: women students in the Nursing School taking courses in the College of Arts and Sciences; resumption of crew as a varsity sport; and deaths of Vladimir V. Gsovski, Paul R. Sullivan and Kelvin T. MacKavanagh, S.J. Also present, pictorial spread on the baptism of John F. Kennedy, Jr., by Martin J. Casey, S.J., in the Georgetown University Hospital chapel.

Dates: 1960 - 1961; Majority of material found within 1960 - 1961

Scrapbook: Georgetown University Hospital, 1953-1960

Identifier: GTA-000074-DS
Scope and Contents Contains clippings and photographs relating to the Georgetown University Hospital. Among topics covered: opening of the muscular dystrophy clinic; cancer research; the deaths of John J. Toohey, S.J., James M. Duff, S.J., William Boyd-Carpenter, and Paul A. McNally, S.J.; the appointment of the first African American doctors to the Hospital staff, Drs. Edward C. Mazique and Frank Jones; ground breaking and construction of Mary’s Hall; artificial heart valves and kidneys; the naming of Edmund...
Dates: ca. 1950-1960

Scrapbook: Georgetown University Hospital - Birth of John F. Kennedy, Jr.

Identifier: GTA-000039-DS
Scope and Contents

Contains clippings relating to the birth of John F. Kennedy, Jr., at Georgetown University Hospital. Also clippings on President-Elect John F. Kennedy's Cabinet picks.

Dates: November-December, 1960; Majority of material found in 1960 - 1960

Scrapbook: Georgetown University Hospital, June 1947-March 1953

Identifier: GTA-000040-DS
Scope and Contents Contains material on Georgetown University, with a focus on the Hospital. Includes clippings on: move to new Hospital; opening of Cancer Center; Hypertension Clinic; plastic heart valve operation; appointment of Paul A. McNally, S.J., as Medical School Regent; deaths of David V. McCauley, S.J., John L. Gipprich, S.J., and Joseph J. Kelly; use of artificial kidney; Hospital finances; laying of cornerstone of McDonough Gym; dedication of Children’s Wing by U.S. President Harry S. Truman...
Dates: 1947-1953; Majority of material found within 1947 - 1953

Scrapbook: Georgetown University Hospital Ladies Board, 1940-1948

Identifier: GTA-000038-DS
Scope and Contents

Contains clippings and correspondence. Also, annual report, May 1942.

Dates: 1940-1948

Scrapbook: Georgetown University, July-October 1961

Identifier: GTA-000018-DS
Scope and Contents

Contains clippings about the purchase of Halcyon House on Prospect Street, construction of the new [Reiss] Science Center, South Korean actress and student Gihee Chio, and installation of new seismographs. Also present, a copy of letter from Jacqueline Kennedy to Donn Murphy, head of the Mask and Bauble Society, dated October 13, 1961, thanking Mask and Bauble for a Shakespeare performance at the White House.

Dates: 1961.

Scrapbook: Georgetown University Public Relations, 1955-1956

Identifier: GTA-000044-DS
Scope and Contents Includes clippings on: deaths of John O’Brien, Roy J. Glezen, Phillip Stein, Jesse C. Atkins, Dennis R. Bilbrey, Francis B. Hargadon, S.J., John J. Toohey, S.J., James A.V. Buckley, S.J., Judge Harold Stephens, Helen Rock, W. Coleman Nevils, S.J., John J. Kehoe, S.J., and Paul A. McNally, S.J.; dedication of statues of St. Luke and St. Apollonia in the Medical-Dental Building Chapel; award of honorary degrees to Thomas J. Tudor, Clare Booth Luce, and Michael X. Sullivan; speech by Secretary...
Dates: 1955-1956; Majority of material found within 1955 - 1956

Scrapbook: Georgetown University Sesquicentennial Publicity

Identifier: GTA-000076-DS
Scope and Contents

Contains articles on 150th Anniversary planning and events. Included is a clipping on alumnus John Barrymore.

Dates: 1939

Scrapbook: Georgetown University Sports, 1935-1938

Identifier: GTA-000046-DS
Scope and Contents Contains clippings re Georgetown University sports. Most relate to football. Includes articles on: football coach Jack Hagerty and football players Bob Nolan, Andrew Cummings, Bill Guckeyson, Joe Meglen, John Fleming, Red Hardy, Don Gibeau, Tony Barabas, Wilfred Valiquette, Elmer Moulin, and Lew Shuker; basketball coach Freddy Mesmer and basketball players Harry Bassin, Tommy Keating, Carroll Shore and Mike Petroskey; golfers Charley Pettijohn and Johnny Burke; baseball coach Joe Judge,...
Dates: 1935-1938

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Georgetown University Archives 64
Georgetown University Manuscripts 6
Athletics 22
Student Groups 7
Drama 6
Football 6
Georgetown University, 1910-1919 5