Includes clippings on: deaths of John O’Brien, Roy J. Glezen, Phillip Stein, Jesse C. Atkins, Dennis R. Bilbrey, Francis B. Hargadon, S.J., John J. Toohey, S.J., James A.V. Buckley, S.J., Judge Harold Stephens, Helen Rock, W. Coleman Nevils, S.J., John J. Kehoe, S.J., and Paul A. McNally, S.J.; dedication of statues of St. Luke and St. Apollonia in the Medical-Dental Building Chapel; award of honorary degrees to Thomas J. Tudor, Clare Booth Luce, and Michael X. Sullivan; speech by Secretary of State John Foster Dulles; John Carroll Awards, 1955; opening of Wheeling College; award of the 1955 Kober Medal to William C. Stadie; visits of Abbe Pierre, Chancellor of Germany Konrad Adenauer, President of Guatemala Carlos Castillo-Armas, Prime Minister of Ireland John A. Costello, Foreign Minister of Spain Alberto Martin Artajo, and President of Itlay Giovanni Gronchi; establishment of the degree of Bachelor of Science in Banking; commencement, 1955; John Gombojab Hangin; Riley Hughes and his book "The Hills were Liars"; construction of St. Mary’s Hall; retirement and death of Edmund A. Walsh, S.J.; grants from Ford Foundation; checkup for provisional president of Argentina Eduardo Lonardi at Georgetown University Hospital; artificial heart research; Patrick F. Healy, S.J.; commencement, 1956; ordination of Avery Dulles; and Gaston Lecture by General Curtis E. LeMay.
2 Linear Feet
Processed by Stephen McDonald.
Part of the Georgetown University Archives Repository