Bound autograph manuscript written by Joseph-Marie Amiot. Undated. French title: "Abrege Chronologique de l'Histoire universelle de l"Empire Chinois."
American 19th century commercial cartes de visites photograph album in tooled leather covers with ornate brass clasp. Contains 15 albumen print images, mostly cartes de visites of unidentified individual men and women. A few images show young children.
The Panama Hattie Collection contains a screenplay for the film "Panama Hattie" and a typescript of the play by that same name. The music and lyrics to Panama Hattie were authored by Cole Porter; the book was authored by Herbert Fields and B.G. De Sylva.
Dated July 10, 1941, the screenplay was actor Dan Dailey's personal copy. The screenplay is 117 pages long. Deriving from State Fair Musicals in 1954, the typescript includes several pencil sketches among the pages.
Manuscript account of the life of Saint Colette (b.1381-1447), as related by the Abbot of Saint-Laurent (c.1750-1770). Full title in French: "La Vie de la bienheureuse Collette Reformatrice des Religieuses de Sainte Claire." Bound volume, 285 pages.
Letters written to the Countess Rachele Maria Carolina Toussaint de St. Seigne (b.1875 - d.1954). Correspondents include Amleto Giovanni, Cicognani Elia Cardinal Dalla Costa, Giovanni Battista Montini (Pope Paul VI), Francis Cardinal Spellman, and Domenico Tardini.
See External Documents below for folder list. Added folder #11 contains biographical information re Mary A. Benjamin and Walter R. Benjamin.
Printed plan for completing the Panama Canal by J. Revin, dated April 1891 with two sheets of "improvements" dated November 1891. Revin proposes using inclined planes, instead of locks, to complete the canal. Written in French and includes some technical drawings.
The collection contains personal letters, postcards, photographs, signed poetry, and other ephemera sent to Joseph Hassett by the Irish poet Paul Muldoon.
Correspondence of Elizabeth, Countess of Iddesleigh and sister Susan Lowndes, the daughters of writer Marie Belloc Lowndes. Includes letters from English Catholic writers Isabel Clarke; Martin d'Arcy, SJ; Arnold Lunn; Archbishop David Mathew; as well as more than 130 letters by C.C. Martindale, SJ, many written during internment in Denmark during World War II.
Click on External Documents below to link to collection finding aid.
One undated letter written by John Stuart Mill to an unknown individual.
Certificates of U.S. Department of State consular appointments signed by various U.S. secretaries of state, as well as presidents of U.S. and other countries. Post and date of appointment noted. Arranged by document signatory.