The Constantin Kluge - Pierre Leroy collection consists of 34 personal, autograph signed letters from Father Leroy to his friend Constantin Kluge, in addition to first-hand background information provided by Kluge on his acquaintance with Pierre Teilhard de Chardin and his circle (especially Pierre Leroy and Claude Riviere). A complete typed transcription of the 34 letters has been graciously provided by Mme. Solange Soulie, a close friend of Pierre Leroy.
Photocopy of typescript "Titres et travaux". P. Teilhard de Chardin. Undated. Probably 1950.
Correspondence arranged alphabetically by correspondent.
Chilly, Numa de
L'espionnage / Numa de Chilly
Paris : Librairie Militaire de L. Baudoin, 1888
Marmande, R. de
L'intrigue florentine / R. de Marmande
Paris : Éditions de La Sirène, 1922