Series 3 consists of chronological correspondence of John L. Brown from 1932 through 1974. The correspondence is arranged in chronological order. In each folder, both correspondents writing to Brown and correspondents receiving letters from Brown are listed.
Chronological Correspondence. Arranged chronologically.
Series 3 consists of chronological correspondence of John L. Brown from 1932 through 1974. The correspondence is arranged in chronological order. In each folder, both correspondents writing to Brown and correspondents receiving letters from Brown are listed.
Dominick Lynch III Materials. Arranged chronologically.
Contains correspondence, manuscripts, transcripts, and other documents pertaining to U.S. Catholic Church History. Boxes 12 and 13, which deal with notable individuals in U.S. Catholic History, are arranged alphabetically by last name of individual. Boxes 14 through 20 contain documents which focus on the history of Catholicism in particular geographic places in America, and they are arranged alphabetically by geographic area.
Contains correspondence, manuscripts, transcripts, and other documents pertaining to U.S. Catholic Church History. Boxes 12 and 13, which deal with notable individuals in U.S. Catholic History, are arranged alphabetically by last name of individual. Boxes 14 through 20 contain documents which focus on the history of Catholicism in particular geographic places in America, and they are arranged alphabetically by geographic area.
Contains correspondence, manuscripts, transcripts, and other documents pertaining to U.S. Catholic Church History. Boxes 12 and 13, which deal with notable individuals in U.S. Catholic History, are arranged alphabetically by last name of individual. Boxes 14 through 20 contain documents which focus on the history of Catholicism in particular geographic places in America, and they are arranged alphabetically by geographic area.
The majority of these manuscripts were stored together in a folder which Greene labeled 'Nicaragua and Central America.' The manuscripts include letters written to newspapers and magazines for publication, statements and notes, a Preface and a Postscript. They all refer to countries in Latin America and are arranged in their original order. The last two manuscripts and newspaper clipping in this series were not originally stored with the others.
Erasures and corrections in blue and red pencil throughout.
Correspondence, reports and printed materials collected by CVHE during his tour of duty in El Salvador.