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  • keyword(s): Juan Suasi

Showing Results: 181 - 200 of 246

Philippines., 1951?

 File — Box: 4, Folder: 4
Collection-level Scope and Content Note From the Collection: This collection of papers from Earl J. Wilson consists of his files, maintained during his years with the U.S. Information Service, dealing with the development of democracy in U.S. foreign policy. Material includes the manuscript of an unpublished book by Mr. Wilson on the subject, entitled,'Fumbling with Democracy: Our Failure to Promote It Abroad.' There is also a quantity of information in the form of published and unpublished reports and correspondence concerning USIA's Citizenship...
Dates: 1951?

Americas Symposium, 2022-11-30

 File — Box: 1, Folder: 13
Scope and Contents Contains two programs two tickets. Sponsored by the Georgetown Americas Institute. Program features a schedule of events and brief bios of the event participants including President Bill Clinton, President of Uruguay Luis Alberto Lacalle Herrera, President of Colombia Juan Manuel Santos, President of Mexico Ernesto Zedillo, Director of the Americas Institute Alejandro Werner, Associate Professor of Government Diana Kapiszewski, Georgetown President John J. DeGioia, and Executive Director of...
Dates: Event: 2022-11-30

Armendariz, Pedro., Undated.

Scope and Contents From the Sub-Series:

Box 4. Alphabetical photographic files Archer, L — Ashley, 90 folders.

Dates: Undated.

Peticion presentada al Cabildo...por el Protector..., 06/27/1709-07/08/1709

 File — Box: 1, Folder: 10
Identifier: 35329
Collection-level Scope and Content Note From the Collection: The Paraguayan Jesuits Collection consists of 20 manuscript and 4 printed documents ranging in date from 1639 to about 1744. A number of the manuscripts deal with the employment of Indian laborers from the Jesuit 'reductions' on the fortification of the ports of Buenos Aires; others touch on the incursions of hostile Indians against the reductions. A major emphasis of the collection, however, is on the continuing struggle between the Jesuits and the antagonistic representatives of the Church...
Dates: 06/27/1709-07/08/1709

Legare, Hugh Swinton., 07/22/1843-07/22/1843

 File — Box: 1, Folder: 55
Identifier: 71653
Series-level Scope and Content Note From the Series:

One series only.

Dates: 07/22/1843-07/22/1843

Walsh, William Thomas - Correspondence Regarding., 10/01/1944-11/30/1944

 File — Box: 63, Folder: 68
Identifier: GAMMS472.1.4592
Series-level Scope and Content Note From the Series:

The Individual Authors Series contains correspondence, manuscripts, questionnaires from the Gallery of Living Catholic Authors, photos, publications, and clippings relating to individual authors who were accepted or considered as members of the Gallery of Living Catholic Authors established by Sister Mary Joseph, S.L., in 1932. The series is arranged alphabetically by author. Boxes 1-66.

Dates: 10/01/1944-11/30/1944

Issue 32, June 2019

Scope and Contents Topics include the story of Juan Pugol Garcia, known as Garbo, who was a Catalan double agen who fooled the Germans into thinking that the European invasion would happen at Pas de Calais instead of Normandy, the launch of the Veterans Community Care Program, the awarding of the Medal of Honor to Staff Sergeant David Bellavia, the celebrity status that comes along with the Medal of Honor, and the banning of smoking, vaping and other tobacco products in all Veterans Administration facilities....
Dates: Publication: June 2019

Georgetown University - related, 1960 - 1971

 File — Box: 1, Folder: 21
Scope and Contents From the File:

Comprises material relative to Goetz Brieffs. Correspondence is arranged chronologically while all other materials are arranged alphabetically.

Dates: Other: 1960 - 1971

Performance Programs, 2006

 File — Box: 6, Folder: 15
Content Description From the Collection:

Playbills and performing arts programs collected by Valerie and Kenneth S. Lynn. Primarily from New York and Washington, D.C., especially Kennedy Center.

Dates: Other: 2006

Special Advisor File - 31:, 1915

 File — Box: 14, Folder: 12
Scope and Contents From the Sub-Series:

Correspondence from Scott's term as Solicitor for the State Department. He was appointed on January 7, 1906 by the Attorney General, William H. Moody, and left the position in 1910. Also included are files from Scott's years as Special Advisor for the State Department. Appointed by Secretary of State Bryan in August, 1914, he was attached to Robert Lansing's Office of the Councilor.

Dates: 1915

Chaplain on S..S. America cruise to the Caribbean, 1940

 File — Box: 5, Folder: 1
Identifier: 19084
Scope and Contents

Correspondence, brochures, issues of "Ocean Press" and other materials relating to a cruise from New York to the Caribbean (including to San Juan - Puerto Rico, St. Thomas - Virgin Islands, Port Au Prince - Haiti and Havana - Cuba) on which Father Nevils served as Chaplain. The cruise was on the S.S. America of the United States Lines.

Dates: 1940

Correspondence-Andrew Graves (SJ), 1979 - 1984

 File — Box: 2, Folder: 33
Identifier: 20822
Series-level Scope and Content Note From the Series:

This series consists of correspondence of Andrew Graves, S.J.

Dates: 1979 - 1984

Reclamacion de Fr. Joseph de Cabildo., 02/20/1732-04/02/1732

 File — Box: 1, Folder: 13
Identifier: 35332
Collection-level Scope and Content Note From the Collection: The Paraguayan Jesuits Collection consists of 20 manuscript and 4 printed documents ranging in date from 1639 to about 1744. A number of the manuscripts deal with the employment of Indian laborers from the Jesuit 'reductions' on the fortification of the ports of Buenos Aires; others touch on the incursions of hostile Indians against the reductions. A major emphasis of the collection, however, is on the continuing struggle between the Jesuits and the antagonistic representatives of the Church...
Dates: 02/20/1732-04/02/1732

Secretary of State., 06/22/1843-06/22/1843

 File — Box: 1, Folder: 51
Identifier: 71649
Series-level Scope and Content Note From the Series:

One series only.

Dates: 06/22/1843-06/22/1843

Corresp. 4/1974., 04/16/1974-04/30/1974

 File — Box: 13, Folder: 44
Identifier: 98594
Series-level Scope and Content Note From the Series:

Series 3 consists of chronological correspondence of John L. Brown from 1932 through 1974. The correspondence is arranged in chronological order. In each folder, both correspondents writing to Brown and correspondents receiving letters from Brown are listed.

Dates: 04/16/1974-04/30/1974

Mallet, Edmond (1882)., 01/01/1882-12/31/1882

 File — Box: 1, Folder: 6
Identifier: 79340
Series-level Scope and Content Note From the Series:

Contains outgoing correspondence from John Gilmary Shea. Mostly letters to Edmond Mallet. Arranged alphabetically by correspondent.

Dates: 01/01/1882-12/31/1882

Ochagavia -El Padre Gustave Weigel., 03/01/1964-04/30/1964

 File — Box: 13, Folder: 822
Identifier: 63791
Scope and Contents From the Collection: The collection consists of correspondence, manuscripts, and a wide variety of supplemental items that document Murray's career as author, editor, lecturer, professor, and theologian. Murray is perhaps best known for his books We Hold These Truths (1960) and The Problem of God (1964) as well as for his longstanding editorship of Theological Studies. Among Murray's correspondents are Rev. John...
Dates: 03/01/1964-04/30/1964