This series consists of material pertaining to Madison County, North Carolina.
This series consists of material pertaining to Madison County, North Carolina.
This series consists of material pertaining to Madison County, North Carolina.
This series consists of newsclippings extracted from local area papers, generally comprising Western North Carolina-Madison County in particular.
Contains photographs of Fr. Murray before his 1928 departure from Georgetown for the Philippines as well as while headmaster at Ateneo de Zamboanga. Also includes images of the Zamboanga Cathedral, where Fr. Murray was rector, and celebrations in the nearby Pershing Plaza. The church was later destroyed in World War II.
Handwritten and typed copies of proposed agreements between Mo. Drexel and the St. Ignatius Religious and Missionary Society of Pennsylvania for her financial support for the Church of Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament.
A series of radio talks entitled "Education for Time and Eternity" given during the National Council of Catholic Men's radio show "The Catholic Hour" in October 1954: (1) "The What and Why of Education"; (2) "The Family, a Primary Educator"; (3) "The State and Education for the Common Good"; (4) "The Church, a Supernatural Educator"; and (5) "The Nobility of the Teaching Career." Includes drafts and final transcripts.
Transcript of a talk entitled "Christ or Chaos" given during CBS' radio show "Church of the Air" in April 1955.
This series is comprised of miscellany belonging to the papers of Wilfrid Parsons, S.J.
This series consists of material pertaining to published works of Wilfrid Parsons, S.J.
This series consists of general correspondence belonging to the Wilfrid Parsons Papers which is arranged alphabetically by topic.
Annual Reports, 1924-1939 for Georgetown Prep, Gonzaga, Holy Trinity Church, Woodstock College, Manresa on Severn, Loyola College, Loyola High School, Chaptico & Missions, churches, Georgetown University. These reports all have statement forms. It appears that someone transcribed the copies of the reports onto these forms.
**Former finding aid location: 119.1_18**
Letter from John Londey (or Londy) to Superior of the Maryland Mission Fr. Michael Foster regarding missed connections. Londey would later leave property to the Church at the mouth of the Wye River. This folder also contains later notes from archivists on the origin of the letter, which had been discovered in the walls of the chapel of Georgetown Convent in 1915.
Correspondence and other papers:
Letter (Mar. 14, 1913) from E. Devitt, S.J., to Joseph Zwinge, S.J., tells of Civil War claims; Card (Nov. 16, 1914) from C.F. Bridges, S.J., to Fr. Zwinge; Pamphlet entitled "St. Ignatius' Church and St. Thomas Manor" provides a historical sketch; Newsclippings (1910) concern southern Maryland.
**Former finding aid locations: 119_28_5; 101bA**
Andrew V. Graves SJ describing Church of the Little Flower and Revere, NC Mission 4/27/1938; PRN brochure re Holy Cross Mission, Durham NC
**Former finding aid locations: 119_108_1; 562-563**
News stories on anniversary celebration of St. Joseph's Church
**Former finding aid locations: 119_103_6; 550E-550F**
Church of the Gesu Golden Jubilee, 1888-1938
**Former finding aid locations: 119_102_3; 549B-547D**
ALS corresp re building of Catholic church in La Plata 1900; ALS rescript to Fr. John B. Kelleher to enter SJ 1900; ALS corresp re death bed vows of Jeremiah O'Mahoney 1910
**Former finding aid locations: 119_94_4; 501:16-501:32**
Georgetown, Holy Trinity Catholic Church: Newsclips, pamphlets, and manuscript historical notes by Laurence Kelly, SJ
**Former finding aid locations: 119_104_3; 555A**