The collection primarily consists of interviews conducted by James H. Jones with medical professionals who were responsible for the care of David Vetter. Vetter suffered from severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID) and was popularly known as the "Bubble Boy." The interviews were conducted in 2001 for a book that was ultimately not completed. Additionally, the collection contains audiovisual materials and photographs related to Vetter.
The collection pertains to the catalogue "Words and Image IV" published for an exhibition of "Paintings, Engravings and Writings of David Jones" at the National Book League, U.K., 1972. The final edition of the catalogue is included (Folder 3).
Correspondence, notes, documents, photographs and news clippings concering the family of Sarah Louise Jones Waller, Washington, D.C. area socialite and wife of Absalom Waller, an attorney. The collection reflects Mrs. Waller's involvement in local clubs and social organizations, as well as her interest in Waller family genealogy.
Click on External Documents below to link to collection finding aid.
The Walter Shewring Papers is a small collection of letters, essays and manuscripts by Shewring. The most notable item is the full autograph manuscript of Shewring's translation of Homer's "Odyssey," published by the Oxford University Press (1980). The collection includes some correspondence and printed articles by such distinguished acquaintances as Walter de la Mare, Eric Gill, David Jones, and Arthur Waley.
The Horace Porter - Mrs. Osborn Collection consists of correspondence written by Horace Porter to a Mrs. Osborn between the years 1906 and 1917. In addition to the ten letters, the collection contains the New York Times obituary of Horace Porter.