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Tradition and Prospect: The Inauguration of the Very Reverend Hunter Guthrie, S.J. as Thirty-Fifth President of Georgetown University, April 30 and May 1, 1949. The Georgetown University Press, Washington, D.C, 1949

Identifier: GTA-000369
Scope and Contents Section I. Symposium: Georgetown, The Great Tradition, and the Future. 1. The Western Cultural Tradition, William Aylott Orton. 2. Jesuit Education and the Culture of the West, W. Edmund FitzGerald, S.J. 3. Georgetown and the American Tradition, Francis X. Talbot, S.J. 4. Man and Science, High Scott Taylor. 5. Man and Law, Ben W. Palmer. 5. Man and Government, Cecil Herbert Driver.Section II. A Program for World Peace, James H. Doolittle (The two questions whose correct...
Dates: 1949

Scrapbook: Inauguration of the Very Reverend Hunter Guthrie, S.J., as President of Georgetown University, April 30 and May 1, 1949

Identifier: GTA-000093-DS
Scope and Contents

Contains printed material and photographs (some color) relating to inaugural events. Included are: programs; invitations; the text of the Presidential Oath of Office; the text of Fr. Guthrie's inauguration speech; and clippings. Among those photographed: Gerard F. Yates, S.J.; Edmund A. Walsh, S.J.; and speakers William A. Orton, W. Edmund Fitzgerald, S.J., Francis X. Talbot, S.J., Cecil H. Driver, Ben W. Palmer, Hufgh S. Taylor, and James H. Doolittle.

Dates: 1949

Holy Year Pilgrimage

Identifier: GTA-000262-DS
Scope and Contents Contains material re Georgetown University Holy Year Pilgrimage to Rome, Oberammergau, Lourdes, and Fatima in the summer of 1950, under the sponsorship of President Hunter Guthrie, S.J. and Alumni Association President Thomas C. Mee. The pilgrimage was open to students, alumni, family and friends and included an audience with Pope Pius XII. Much of the material relates to arrangements, itineraries, and accounts. Also included is a photostat of Georgetown's Holy Year greetings presented at...
Dates: 1949-1951

Georgetown Presidential Inauguration Collection

 Collection — Box: 1
Identifier: GTA-000385
Scope and Contents

Programs, invitations, and other material re inaugurations of Georgetown University Presidents W. Coleman Nevils, S.J. (1928), Arthur A. O'Leary, S.J. (1935), Hunter Guthrie, S.J. (1949), Gerard J. Campbell, S.J. (1964), Robert J. Henle, S.J. (1969), Timothy S. Healy, S.J., (1976), Leo J. O'Donovan, S.J., (1989), and John J. DeGioia (2001).

Dates: Majority of material found within 1912 - 2001

Scrapbook: Judith Marcia Bream (F 1960)

Identifier: GTA-850101-DS
Scope and Contents This scrapbook provides a sense of what life was like for women students at Georgetown in the late 1950s, especially in the Foreign Service School. It includes: a photograph of James M. Hunter, captioned “My favorite prof."; napkins/menus/matchbooks from local restaurants; tickets/programs from University events (such as a program from the honorary degree ceremony for German Foreign Minister Heinrich Von Bretano, March 7, 1957, which is captioned “Couldn’t understand his English");...
Dates: 1956-1959; Majority of material found within 1956 - 1959

Georgetown University Forum Photographs

Identifier: GTA-000252
Scope and Contents Two boxes:Box 1. Contains prints and negatives. Includes photographs of discussion panels. Among those pictured: (Folder 1) Matthew Warren; Leo Dostert; Francis O. Wilcox; John H. McDonough; Pyo Wook Han; James M. Hunter; Charles Schertenleib; John B. Fisher; Eric McDermott, S.J.; Verbon E. Kemp; Mathias Kieman, O.F.M.; Joseph Beirne; Joseph H. Freehill; Julius Brenner; Peter S.H. Tang; Robert H. Estabrook; O. Glenn Stahl; Edmund D. Campbell; William N. Lightsey; Joel T....
Dates: 1952-1972

Scrapbook: Reverend Frank L. Fadner, S.J.

Identifier: GTA-000084-DS
Scope and Contents Contains photographs, letters, and articles relating to Frank L. Fadner, S.J. Many of the photographs are of Fr. Fadner meeting with foreign dignitaries. Among those photographed: Foreign Service School Regent Edmund A. Walsh, S.J.; University President Edward B. Bunn, S.J.; Joseph F. Cohalan, S.J.; Hunter Gutherie, S.J.; John Parr; Joaquim Coutinho; Domingo Caino; Leon Dostert; J. Raymond Trainor; Georgetown students John Batato and Carl A. Sonnen; Abba Eban of Israel; Indonesian Minister...
Dates: 1932, 1951-1964

Photographs: Commencements

Identifier: GTA-000599
Scope and Contents Includes photographs of: 1916 commencement showing platform and part of the audience; 1924 commencement (with William Smith Flynn receiving honorary degree from U.S. President Calvin Coolidge)(moved to Archives map case 5 drawer 1);1926 commencement; June 4, 1944 commencement (in Gaston Hall, with nurses and graduates in military uniform)(moved to Archives map case 5 drawer 1);President Lawrence C. Gorman, S.J., Charles J. Milton,...
Dates: 1916-1979 and undated

John J. Meng Papers

Identifier: GTM-810318
Scope and Contents The collection contains correspondence, documents, manuscripts, publications, photographs, and newspaper clippings concerning the career of John J. Meng in higher education.Material is included from Dr. Meng's teaching careers at Catholic University of America, Queens College, and Hunter College, as well as his administrative duties at Hunter College, Fordham University and Marymount College.In addition to material from numerous educational associations and...
Dates: 1922 - 1987

Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS): Publications

Identifier: GTA-000511
Scope and Contents Includes non-serial and serial publications. Box 1-Non-Serials Publications. Includes lists, newsletters, and brochures re Center. Also script for "Understanding the National Energy Dilemma", 1973. Box 2-Serial Publications: CSIS... (1984) CSIS Africa Notes (1982-1983) Asia Report (1980-1982) CSIS News Releases (1978-1979) CSIS Significant Issues Series: "Europe and the United States: The Balance after Ten Years"-Leo C. Tindemans, from the Second David M. Abshire...
Dates: 1970-1984

Martyn Goff Papers

 Collection — Box: GTM Shared Box 5 (Letter), Folder: 1-2
Identifier: GTM-20221006
Abstract Collection primarily consists of correspondence between Martyn Goff (administrator of the Booker Prize from 1973-2006) and Ian Norrie (a longtime friend and member of the Booker Prize management committee). It includes approximately 125 letters between the two dating from the 1970s to the early 1990s.Martyn Goff (7 June 1923 – 25 March 2015) was a British literary administrator, author, and bookseller. He made a significant contribution to the organization and popularity of the...
Dates: 1973 - 1991

Kimball Flaccus - Edgar Lee Masters Collection

Identifier: GTM-770311
Scope and Contents

Research files of Kimball Flaccus, comprised of correspondence, published and photocopied source materials relating to his biography on the poet Edgar Lee Masters. File arrangement is alphabetical by person or place name.

Dates: 1908 - 1969

Fitzhugh Green, Sr. papers

Identifier: GTM-GAMMS132
Collection-level Scope and Content Note The Fitzhugh Green, Sr., Papers consist of Green's correspondence; diaries and notebooks; manuscripts (autograph and typed) to articles and prospective books; reprints of articles/papers; clippings from newspapers and magazines; and photographs including many negatives of family and a notable set of glass slides showing scenes from his Arctic travels. Most prominent are the series consisting of correspondence, scrapbooks, articles, notebooks and journals belonging to Green about the Crocker...
Dates: 1900-1947; Majority of material found within 1913-1935

John Gilland Brunini Papers

Identifier: GTM-821027
Scope and Contents The Brunini Papers offer an interesting, inclusive day-by-day account of the life activities of a Catholic writer during a sixty-year period (1915 to 1977). His literary aspirations, his manuscript rejections, and his everyday activities (i.e., '"when writing you work yourself up emotionally") are covered in-depth in the Correspondence section of the papers (Boxes 1, 2, 3, 4, 11, and 12). Brunini's letters also present an interesting sidelight into local New York sights and scenes during...
Dates: 1915 - 1977

Noel Da Costa Papers

Identifier: GTM-181130
Scope and Contents The papers of Noel Da Costa, a violinist, composer, and professor who taught music at Rutgers University for over 30 years. The collection primarily consists of music manuscripts by Da Costa, audio recordings (by Da Costa, his students/contemporaries, and commercial recordings), and music manuscripts by others. The collection also contains concert, recital, and event programs, posters, correspondence, photographs, course and research notes, articles and press clippings, and other items. ...
Dates: 1950 - 2002

Hunter, Charles Newton

Scope and Contents

Hunter, Charles Newton

Galahad : intelligence aspects / Charles N. Hunter




Dates: Majority of material found within 1800 - 2000

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Georgetown University Manuscripts 207
Georgetown University Archives 109
Georgetown University Rare Books 9
Woodstock Theological Center Library Archives 1
Bioethics Research Library Archives 1
Archival Object 309
Collection 16
Person 3
Digital Record 2
Presidential Inaugurations 6
Scrapbooks 3
African American composers 1
African American musicians 1
American Literature 1
∨ more  
English 129
Latin 1
Albalsh, Lawrence, S.J. 1
Alexander, Calvert, S.J., Rev. 1
Alliot, E., S.S.E. 1
Anderson, Henry J., S.J. 1
Baker, John C., S.J. 1
∨ more
Barnett, James R., S.J. 1
Beehest, Thomas A., S.J. 1
Binz, Leo 1
Booker Prize Foundation 1
Bowdren, Thomas S., S.J. 1
Brunini, John Gilland, 1899- 1
Buddy, Charles F. 1
Bunch, Joseph, S.V.D. 1
Burges, Charles A. 1
Butler, Thomas P., S.J. 1
Byrne, Francis X., S.J. 1
Caughler, T.J., S.J. 1
Clark, Joseph T., S.J. 1
Collins, J.J., S.J 1
Comey, Denis J., S.J. 1
Considine, John J., M.M., Rev. 1
Creeden, Daniel H., S.J. 1
Crimont, Joseph R., S.J. 1
Cullen, Victor F., M.D. 1
Da Costa, Noel, 1929-2002 1
DeMaria, Anthony, S.J. 1
Devaney, Louis A., S.J. 1
Donovan, Joseph P., C.M., J.C.D. 1
Druhan, John J., S.J. 1
Duffy, James P., S.J. 1
Dukin, Agatho, C.P. 1
Dullea, Maurice V., S.J. 1
Dunne, Frederic M., O.C.S.O. 1
Egan, Joseph M., S.J. 1
Enright, Frank 1
Fearns, James 1
Fiedler, Joseph H., C.S.C. 1
Flaccus, Kimball, 1911-1972 1
Gallagher, John P., S.J. 1
Gargan, Neil, S.J. 1
Gifford, J.J., S.J. 1
Goff, Martyn 1
Graham, Kenneth L., S.J. 1
Guercher, Joseph P., S.J. 1
Gutherie, Hunter, S.J. 1
Haitz, Jos. F., S.J., Rev. 1
Handren, Walter J., S.J. 1
Hearn, Joseph R., S.J. 1
Hill, Teresa, M. 1
Hunter, George, 1713-1779 1
Hunter, William, 1659-1723 1
J.R., Heann, S.J. 1
John J., Scanlor, S.J. 1
Kearney, James E. 1
Keenan, Francis E., S.J. 1
Kenna, Edward J., S.J. 1
Killeen, John J., S.J. 1
Kirby, Francis J. 1
Knight, Sheridan, S.J. 1
Langan, J.J., S.J. 1
Long, John J., S.J. 1
Loretto, M., R.S.M. 1
Madden, David, S.J. 1
Maguire, James J, S.J. 1
Mahony, S.J., Br. 1
Martin, M.J., Rev. 1
Masnell, Joseph R. N., S.J. 1
Masters, Edgar Lee, 1868-1950 1
Masterson, William F., S.J. 1
McCarly, James A., S.J. 1
McCormick, John P., S.S. 1
McDermott, Fidelis 1
McEleney, J.J., S.J. 1
McGouran, George P., S.J. 1
McHugh, Mchael, S.J., Br. 1
McIntyre, Francis A., J. 1
McKennath, Horace, S.J. 1
McQuade, F.A., S.J. 1
Mullaby, Thomas, S.J. 1
Nevils, W. Coleman, S.J. 1
Nugent, David, S.J., Rev. 1
O'Brian, Joseph J., S.J. 1
O'Connor, Martin J., D.D., V.G., 1
O'Leary, Andrew, S.J. 1
O'Neill, Thomas L., C.S.P. 1
Peach, Mary E., O.S.U. 1
Ruppel, F.J., S.J. 1
Scott, Martin J., S.J. 1
Shanahan, James J., S.J. 1
Shelley, O.B., S.J. 1
Smith, John, S.J. 1
Spellman, F.H., Archbishop 1
Stearns, William R., S.J. 1
Sullivan, Daniel H., S.J. 1
Sullivan, Leo D., S.J. 1
Swickerath, Robert 1
Tooey, John J., S.J. 1
Walsh, Gerard J. 1
Weiser, Francis X., S.J. 1
Wheeler, F.C., S.J. 1
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