Thirty-three letters dated 1855 to 1865 from St. John Henry Cardinal Newman to Dr. Thomas Hayden, mostly regarding the affairs of the Catholic University of Ireland.
A folder-level inventory to the collection is available in the External Documents section of this finding aid.
Contains alphabetical correspondence to Robert J. Lamphere. Arranged alphabetically by correspondent.
Correspondence from editors of various literary journals primarily concerning publication of Biddle's poetry.
This collection only has one series.
Correspondence to John Mullan. Arranged alphabetically by correspondent.
Miscellaneous Manuscripts. Arranged alphabetically by individual.
This collection only has one series.
Anna M. Brady correspondence. Arranged chronologically.
Consists of 58 folders containing Gilman family correspondence. Most of the correspondence is among Julia S. Bristol, Caroline T. Gilman, and Elizabeth W. Gilman. Arranged alphabetically by last name of correspondent (in most cases the recipient).
Audio recordings of events or programs at or associated with Georgetown University including conferences and visits by politicians, diplomats, and clergy. Speakers include Konrad Adenauer, Eugene McCarthy, and Henry Kissinger, as well as University administrators and faculty such as Edward B. Bunn, S.J., Edmund A. Walsh, S.J., Carroll Quigley, Jan Karski, and Joseph T. Durkin, S.J.