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Showing Results: 1 - 20 of 132

H. L. Mencken - Ernest A. and Madeleine E. Boyd Collection

Identifier: GTM-GAMMS174
Collection-level Scope and Content Note

The Mencken-Boyd Collection consists of 19 letters from H.L. Mencken to Ernest A. and Madeleine E. Boyd. The letters are arranged in 19 folders and contained in 1 box.

Dates: 1923 - 1951

Harold Boyd Maris Papers

Identifier: GTM-780301
Scope and Contents The Harold Boyd Maris papers comprise the personal papers of physicist Harold Boyd Maris, who worked in various research fields at the Naval Historical Research Lab in Anacostia, Virginia from 1925-1942. His own research, however, concentrated on the study of photo-elastic stress analysis. The papers include correspondence, experimental and expeditionary data and material, daybooks, logbooks, publications, reprints, newspaper clippings, photographs, slides, and plates of a professional and...
Dates: 1927 - 1949

Scrapbook: Georgetown University Hospital, 1953-1960

Identifier: GTA-000074-DS
Scope and Contents Contains clippings and photographs relating to the Georgetown University Hospital. Among topics covered: opening of the muscular dystrophy clinic; cancer research; the deaths of John J. Toohey, S.J., James M. Duff, S.J., William Boyd-Carpenter, and Paul A. McNally, S.J.; the appointment of the first African American doctors to the Hospital staff, Drs. Edward C. Mazique and Frank Jones; ground breaking and construction of Mary’s Hall; artificial heart valves and kidneys; the naming of Edmund...
Dates: ca. 1950-1960

Edmund A. Walsh, S.J. - 50 Years A Jesuit (1902-1952) Scrapbook

Identifier: GTM-000094
Scope and Contents Contains letters of congratulation to Edmund A. Walsh, S.J., on the occasion of his Golden Jubilee in the Jesuit Order. Included are letters from: Apostolic Delegate Archbishop Amleto Giovanni Cicognani; former students Francisco C. Banda, Edwin W. Beitzell, H. V. Dreyhausen, M. J. "Jack" Heiler, George A. Horkan, Al. Phlip Kane, John McShain, Meyer Tsatskis (Taske), and Arthur A. Verner; Major General William E. Bergin; Dean of Columbia Graduate School of Journalism Edward W. Barrett;...
Dates: 1952

Dave Barbor Collection on Vladimir Nabokov

Identifier: GTM-0041
Scope and Contents The collection consists of materials related to Vladimir Nabokov that were collected by Dave Barbor. It includes letters written by Nabokov (1946-1964), his father (1906), and his cousin, Nicolas Nabokov (to Misia Sert, 1932). It also includes letters written by Véra Nabokov to Irving P. Lazar (1971), a letter from Véra Nabokov to Dave Barbor (1986), and a letter written from Dmitri Nabokov to Dave Barbor (1986). It also includes newsclippings (1929-1973), a typescript of a musical version...
Dates: 1907 - 1986

Charles Ewing - William T. Sherman Family papers

Identifier: GTM-000008
Scope and Contents This collection contains correspondence, manuscripts, diaries, documents, ledgers, scrapbooks, photographs, and printed material concerning the Ewing and Sherman families. Included are 10 ALS's (l859-91) from William T. Sherman to his daughter Minnie Sherman Fitch and grand-daughter, Eleanor Sherman Fitch; AMs, "Speech at West Point" (1887), written and delivered by Sherman; material from General Charles Ewing, including leaves from a letter book (1880s), diary (1862, 1864), and photostat...
Dates: 1850 - 1933

Henry Bartholomew Cox Papers

Identifier: GTM-GAMMS410
Collection-level Scope and Content Note Comprising five boxes, 3.25 linear feet of material, the Henry Bartholomew Cox Papers consist of correspondence, manuscripts, and printed material related to the career of Henry Bartholomew Cox (1937-2007). An expert document and manuscript collector, as well as a lawyer and historian, Cox was a key participant in efforts among historians and archivists to protect rare, historic papers and manuscripts while respecting the rights of, and markets for, private manuscript collectors. Much of his...
Dates: 1938 - 2007; Majority of material found within 1975 - 2000

Kenneth Atchity Papers

Identifier: GTM-GAMMS116
Scope and Contents The Kenneth Atchity Collection is a set of personal papers of Kenneth J. Atchity comprised of correspondence, manuscripts, lecture notes, scrapbooks, video tapes, printed ephemera and related material, comprising 42 linear feet of material arranged in 29 boxes. The collection is arranged in eight series: the Individuals Correspondence Series, the Scripts and Manuscripts Series, the Academic Series, the Business Files Series, the Printed Materials Series, the Video Series, the Scrapbook...
Dates: 1965 - 1990; Majority of material found within 1970 - 1990

Boyd, Julian., 01/25/1977-01/25/1977

 File — Box: 1, Folder: 59
Identifier: GAMMS410.2.59
Series-level Scope and Content Note From the Series:

Papers relating to a lawsuit by the state of North Carolina against B.C. West, Jr., seeking the return of papers to which the state claimed ownership.

Dates: 01/25/1977-01/25/1977

Interview: Boyd, Archibald - Canada #64 (transcript)., 01/01/1976-12/31/1981

 File — Box: 4, Folder: 51
Identifier: 66769
Series-level Scope and Content Note From the Series:

Contains the transcripts for the interviews conducted by Colin Campbell with officials from the Canadian government.

Dates: 01/01/1976-12/31/1981

Boyd, Malcolm., 02/25/1981-02/10/1986

 File — Box: 2, Folder: 16
Identifier: 35985
Scope and Contents From the Collection: The Kenneth Atchity Collection is a set of personal papers of Kenneth J. Atchity comprised of correspondence, manuscripts, lecture notes, scrapbooks, video tapes, printed ephemera and related material, comprising 42 linear feet of material arranged in 29 boxes. The collection is arranged in eight series: the Individuals Correspondence Series, the Scripts and Manuscripts Series, the Academic Series, the Business Files Series, the Printed Materials Series, the Video Series, the Scrapbook...
Dates: 02/25/1981-02/10/1986

20 August, 1935., 08/20/1935-08/20/1935

 File — Box: 1, Folder: 3
Identifier: 55524
Series-level Scope and Content Note From the Series:

Correspondence from H. L. Mencken to Ernest and Madeleine Boyd. This is the only series in this collection.

Dates: 08/20/1935-08/20/1935

14 July, 1942., 07/14/1942-07/14/1942

 File — Box: 1, Folder: 11
Identifier: 55532
Series-level Scope and Content Note From the Series:

Correspondence from H. L. Mencken to Ernest and Madeleine Boyd. This is the only series in this collection.

Dates: 07/14/1942-07/14/1942

23 July, 1942., 07/23/1942-07/23/1942

 File — Box: 1, Folder: 12
Identifier: 55533
Series-level Scope and Content Note From the Series:

Correspondence from H. L. Mencken to Ernest and Madeleine Boyd. This is the only series in this collection.

Dates: 07/23/1942-07/23/1942

29 September, 1942., 09/29/1942-09/29/1942

 File — Box: 1, Folder: 14
Identifier: 55535
Series-level Scope and Content Note From the Series:

Correspondence from H. L. Mencken to Ernest and Madeleine Boyd. This is the only series in this collection.

Dates: 09/29/1942-09/29/1942

30 January, 1946., 01/30/1946-01/30/1946

 File — Box: 1, Folder: 16
Identifier: 55537
Series-level Scope and Content Note From the Series:

Correspondence from H. L. Mencken to Ernest and Madeleine Boyd. This is the only series in this collection.

Dates: 01/30/1946-01/30/1946

Boyd, John W. and James W., 01/01/1970-12/31/1989

 File — Box: 32, Folder: 76
Identifier: 85158
Series-level Scope and Content Note From the Series:

Contains subject files regarding various aspects of the life and death of John Wilkes Booth. Mostly correspondence, published articles, and newspaper clippings. Consists of materials generated by, received by, and collected by Richard D. Mudd. Arranged alphabetically by subject.

Dates: 01/01/1970-12/31/1989

9a:106. Personal Correspondence. Carmen Rosa E. de MacLean. Emilio Ortiz de Zevallos. Laura Boyd. Jorge Boyd. , 1953., bulk: 1953 - 1953

 File — Box: 9a, Folder: 106
Scope and Contents Note From the Collection: The Esther Neira de Calvo Papers thoroughly document the life and career of Esther Neira de Calvo, a prominent Panamanian educator, politician, diplomat, and women's rights advocate. The extensive collection includes correspondence, photographs, manuscripts, speeches, and awards, and it provides a fascinating perspective on 20th century Panama and Inter-American cooperation. There is material from Carrie Chapman Catt, Maria Ossa de Amador Guerrero, Matilde Obarrio de Mallet, Gabriela...
Dates: 1953.; Majority of material found in 1953 - 1953