The Herbert Cardinal Vaughan Collection consists of original and transcribed material pertaining to St. Joseph's Society of the Sacred Heart.
Subject Files of John L. Brown. Arranged alphabetically.
Subject Files of John L. Brown. Arranged alphabetically.
Box 11. Alphabetical photographic files Ben-Ami — Beresin, Jack, 66 folders.
Box 11. Alphabetical photographic files Ben-Ami — Beresin, Jack, 66 folders.
Series 3 consists of chronological correspondence of John L. Brown from 1932 through 1974. The correspondence is arranged in chronological order. In each folder, both correspondents writing to Brown and correspondents receiving letters from Brown are listed.
Subject Files of John L. Brown. Arranged alphabetically.
Subject Files of John L. Brown. Arranged alphabetically.
Saxifrage is a journal of poetry by the students of Georgetown University.
Subject Files of John L. Brown. Arranged alphabetically.
Chronological Correspondence. Arranged chronologically.