Ledger containing the names and accounts of various customers of Thomas Cramphin for blacksmithing services. Among them are Elizabeth Carroll, Eleanor Carroll, Thomas Darnall, and a variety of Belts and Bowies. Cramphin's shop was probably located in Prince George's County, Maryland.
The collection consists of printed materials related to Libya (primarily from the 1960s). It includes Libyan government documents and newsletters, a published interview with Muammar Gaddafi, tourism materials, and other publications.
Collection compiled by Michael Crocker, whose parents worked for ARAMCO. There are over 400 black-and-white photographs of people, places, and activities in Saudi Arabia from 1948 to 1955. The collection also includes 12 VHS tapes containing still images and video footage of people, places, and activities in Saudi Arabia. Some of these audiovisual recordings document the lives of American expats and their families in Saudi Arabia.
The collection consists of materials related to the Cropley and Libbey families of Georgetown in Washington D.C. It includes photographs (family portraits, street scenes in Georgetown, and other images), genealogical notes on the Cropley and Libbey families, correspondence, and other materials (an advertisement for George Pimper Cigars, 3245 M ST. NW and a program for the reinternment of John Howard Payne at Oak Hill Cemetery).
These three volumes present photographs of students in the Dental Hygiene program in the form of individual head-and-shoulder shots, as well as candid snapshots. Each volume includes a class history, prophesy, will, list of academic honors, and faculty roster. The 1935 and 1936 volumes include the words and music for class songs.
The James Curley, SJ Papers contain notebooks, journals, biographical notes, correspondence, photographs, and miscellaneous documents. Of note is a personal journal (1868-1889) and a journal for the Georgetown campus greenhouse and garden (1870-1889).
Papers of R.B. Cutler, author of "Two Flight Paths: Evidence
of Conspiracy" and "The Flight of CE 399", including diagrams,
photographs and clippings concerning the assassination of
John F. Kennedy. Also included is a sixth generation copy
of the Zapruder assassination film.
Gift of R.B. Cutler, 1971.
Note: Click on "External Documents" below for a link to the finding aid for the collection.