(Box 2, Folders 17 - 28; Box 3, Folders 1 - 18) This series contains mimeograph copies and reprints of essays by Pierre Teilhard de Chardin. Arrangement is alphabetical by title.
Photocopy of typescript. "Rapport en vue d ' obtenir un laboratoire des HautesÉtudes pour des recherches de 'géologie continentale' (considérée dans ses rapports avec la paléontologie humaine" ). Dated 1 octobre 1937.
Printed Materials. Arranged chronologically.
1 ADS (1 p.), regarding taxation of a commercial trancsaction with Chile, sent out from the Casa Real de Moneda de Lima (the Royal Treasury of Lima). Signed by Ignacio Cabesa.
Consists of correspondence and miscellaneous material relating to individual acquaintances of Commodore Verhoog. Arranged alphabetically.
The printed materials series consists primarily of documents produced by the Association des Amis de Pierre Teilhard de Chardin S.J. and articles written and published by Teilhard scholars.