Autograph manuscript signed, first performed on the ship "Rhein," 4 pages. Song for two tenors and bass. Separate leaf for each part, one combining all three. Presentation inscription to a Captain Meyer, first performer of the first tenor part. With a second set of parts (three pages) transcribed by B Böttgen. This work is a ninth song added to the original eight of opus 398 and published by Andre in 1878 as Neun patriotische Lieder für vierstimmige Männerchor.
This series is comprised of the correspondence relating to Charles Quest's career.
Playbills and performing arts programs collected by Valerie and Kenneth S. Lynn. Primarily from New York and Washington, D.C., especially Kennedy Center.
This series contains material originating from and relating to organizations with which Fr. LaFarge was associated.
This series contains ephemera and other items pertaining to the First World War.
This series contains material grouped according to subject heading.
Includes correspondence from Jesuit Superior Generals Frs. Anton Anderledy (1888) and Luis Martin (1894-1895), as well as Martin's representative Fr. Rudolph J. Meyer, predominantly concerning Fr. Fulton's relocation to California for health reasons. Also contains a letter from Fr. Charles Croonenbergh (1891).