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Showing Results: 41 - 60 of 3282

George M. Kober Papers

Identifier: GTM-GAMMS75
Collection-level Scope and Content Note The George M. Kober Papers consist of correspondence sent and received by. Kober dating primarily from 1897 through 1900. Correspondents include several of the presidents of Georgetown University, such as David H. Buel,S.J.; Charles W. Lyons, S.J.; W . Coleman Nevils, S.J.; and J. Havens Richards, S.J. Others include various city (D.C.) and federal government officials, as well as notable names in the medical, public health, and science fields - David Du Bose Gaillard, George M. Sternberg,...
Dates: 1892 - 1963; Majority of material found within 1897 - 1900

Paul C. Warnke Papers 2

Identifier: GTM-GAMMS337
Scope and Contents The Paul C. Warnke Papers: Part 2 consist of material regarding the career of Paul C. Warnke. Included in the collection are document lists, files concerning Warnke's government service, documents related to the organizations to which Warnke belonged, texts of some of Warnke's oral presentations, publications, and a limited amount of correspondence to and from Warnke. The Paul C. Warnke Papers: Part 2 supplement the more extensive Paul C. Warnke Papers [Part 1] also preserved in the...
Dates: 1959 - 1999

University of Vienna Broadside

 Collection — Box: GTM Shared Box 1 (Oversized), Folder: 4
Identifier: GTM-20221104
Scope and Contents

One broadside proclaiming the award at St. Stephen's Cathedral of baccalaureates to thirty-six graduates of the University of Vienna, 1644.

Dates: 1644

Fitzhugh Green, Sr. papers

Identifier: GTM-GAMMS132
Collection-level Scope and Content Note The Fitzhugh Green, Sr., Papers consist of Green's correspondence; diaries and notebooks; manuscripts (autograph and typed) to articles and prospective books; reprints of articles/papers; clippings from newspapers and magazines; and photographs including many negatives of family and a notable set of glass slides showing scenes from his Arctic travels. Most prominent are the series consisting of correspondence, scrapbooks, articles, notebooks and journals belonging to Green about the Crocker...
Dates: 1900-1947; Majority of material found within 1913-1935

Joseph G. E. Hopkins papers

Identifier: GTM-GAMMS171
Collection-level Scope and Content Note The Joseph G. E. Hopkins Papers consist primarily of correspondence, manuscripts, and pamphlets. The papers comprise 3.25 linear feet of material arranged in 154 folders in 3 boxes (two 1.5 foot boxes and one .25 foot box). The correspondence in the collection is between Hopkins and various colleagues in the fields of publishing and American history and includes signed pamphlets by colleagues and manuscripts by Hopkins. Among the correspondents and pamphlet authors are Wayne Andrews, Cynthia...
Dates: 1939-1987; Majority of material found within 1957-1980

Paul C. Warnke Papers 1

Identifier: GTM-GAMMS440
Collection-level Scope and Content Note Although Ambassador Paul C. Warnke's official papers are at the Johnson Presidential Library, this collection documents the controversy that preceded his confirmation as Director of the Arms Control and Disarmament Agency and as a principal U.S. negotiator of the SALT II treaty. Most importantly the collection portrays his continuing role in the non-government arms control movement. There is much on Democratic presidential campaigns, the Vietnam War, and the legal culture of Washington, D.C....
Dates: 1963 - 2000

Jewish Peace Fellowship Newsletters

 Collection — Box: GTM Shared Box 30, Folder: 16
Identifier: GTM-0044
Scope and Contents Five issues of the JPF Tidings, the newsletter of the Jewish Peace Fellowship, dating from 1942 to 1947. It includes volume 1, issues 2-4 and volume 4. issues 1-2.[Description provided by dealer below]1st edition. Original stapled mimeographed sheets, 4to (standard paper size), 4 pages to 8 leaves each issue. Holocaust- and DP-era Jewish Pacifist newsletter. The final issue here (Nov 1947) includes a pen-signed fundraising letter signed in ink by Chair of the National...
Dates: 1942 - 1947

Acadia Institute Bioethics Interview Collection

Identifier: BRL-011
Abstract The collection consists of oral history interviews with prominent bioethicists and other individuals associated with the field conducted by Renée C. Fox and Judith P. Swazey for the Acadia Institute's Project on Bioethics in American Society. In 1997, the Acadia Institute began a multi-year study of bioethics in American society. As part of this project, Renée C. Fox, a sociologist, and Judith P. Swazey, a historian, conducted interviews with a number of promiment bioethicists and other...
Dates: 1997 - 2000

Richard H. Clarke papers

Identifier: GTM-GAMMS92
Collection-level Scope and Content Note The Richard H. Clarke Papers consist of letters, essays and printed materials of Richard H. Clarke (1827 - 1911). The papers comprise .20 linear feet of material, arranged in 15 folders in one box. The corresponence and manuscripts of this collection mainly involve Clarke's interest in Catholic history in America. He founded the United States Catholic Historical Society in the mid-1880's and conversed with many Catholic historians such as Martin I. J. Griffin, George Pax, Colonel Lamson,...
Dates: 1863-1911

Walter J. Ciszek, SJ Interviews

Identifier: GTM-GAMMS191
Collection-level Scope and Content Note Consisting of audio taped interviews with Walter J. Ciszek, SJ, this collection documents the American-born Jesuit's life, ca. 1938-1963. Discussed are: his mission work in Poland and Russia, 1938-1941; arrest by Soviet secret police in 1941; imprisonment in Moscow and Siberia; and eventual release and return to the United States in 1963. The interviews are contained on 9 tapes (duplicates of tapes 1-8 included). The tapes give no indication, either on their face or by their content, of...
Dates: 1964

Elder Family Papers

Identifier: GTM-800826
Scope and Contents The papers of the Maryland Elder family, descendents of William Elder (1707-1775) who migrated to Frederick County from St. Mary's County in 1734.The materials are organized alphabetically by correspondent and document various aspects of nineteenth century American Catholicism. The earliest material concerns the education of Francis Elder and Matilda Winchester at Mt. St. Mary's and St. Joseph's Academy in Emmittsburg, Maryland, respectively. Included are student accounts for...
Dates: 1794-1906, 1947

Leon Keyserling Papers

Identifier: GTM-GAMMS219
Collection-level Scope and Content Note

The collection includes that part of Keyserling's papers which relate to his long tenure as legislative aide to Senator Robert F. Wagner. Besides correspondence from Wagner, it contains numerous drafts of bills written by Keyserling, such as the Housing Act of 1937 and the Wagner National Labor Relations Act (present in eight separate drafts), files of campaign speeches, and related material.

Extent: 4.5 linear feet Date Span: 1928 - 1982, bulk 1934 - 1956

Dates: 1928 - 1982; Majority of material found within 1934 - 1956

Records of the Committee to Investigate Assassinations

 Collection — Multiple Containers
Identifier: GTM-711101
Scope and Contents Records of the Committee to Investigate Assassinations (CTIA), an unofficial, private organization founded in 1968 to investigate facts surrounding American political assassinations, most specifically those of John F. Kennedy, Martin Luther King, and Robert Kennedy. The papers, consisting of clippings, manuscripts, and sundry publications, relate to the Committee’s work in producing "American Political Assassinations: Bibliography of Works Published, 1963-1970".According to...
Dates: 1963-1973

John Early, S.J. Papers

Identifier: GTA-GAMMS22
Scope and Contents The John Early, S.J. Papers include correspondence to and from Fr. Early, a diary of events at Georgetown College from 1870 to 1872, academic and theological notes and notebooks, and printed material. In addition to material relating to Georgetown College, materials relating to Loyola College in Baltimore are present. A great deal of the information in the Georgetown University Archives relating to the impact of the Civil War on Georgetown College is to be found in the correspondence folders...
Dates: 1839-1878; Majority of material found within 1849-1873

John C. Fitzpatrick papers

Identifier: GTM-810909
Collection level scope and contents note The John C. Fitzpatrick Papers consist mainly of the correspondence, manuscripts, notes, and sketches of John Clement Fitzpatrick (1876 - 1940) together with genealogical material about the Fitzpatrick and Combs families, including clippings, family journals, and a large number of photographs. The genealogical portion of the collection was put together in part by Elizabeth Fitzpatrick Gerrety, the only child of John C. Fitzpatrick. Included in the collection are also sets of her...
Dates: 1804-1980

Patrick J. Cormican, SJ Papers

Identifier: GTM-GAMMS13
Scope and Contents

The Patrick J. Cormican, SJ Papers consist of poetry as well as materials related to Jeannie Gourley Struthers, an actor performing in Ford's Theater when President Lincoln was assassinated.

Dates: 1924 - 1925

John J. Toohey, SJ Papers

Identifier: GTM-200109
Scope and Contents

This collection contains papers related to Fr. John J. Toohey's personal and spiritual life; his work at Georgetown University; and written works both published and unpublished.

Dates: 1892 - 1955

Terry Ramsaye Papers

Identifier: GTM-880315
Scope and contents note Terry Ramsaye (1885 - 1954), former editor of the Motion Picture Herald and author of A Million and One Nights, an early history of the motion picture industry, was a prolific writer and respected film historian. His papers, comprising 5 boxes (6.75 linear feet), are arranged in six series: a Dope File Series, Individual Series, Subject Series, Manuscripts Series, Photographic Series, and Personal Series.Items of interest indexed in Terry Ramsaye's papers are a TLS by Wm. Kennedy...
Dates: 1895 - 1986

Thomas A. Hughes, SJ Papers

Identifier: GTM-200103
Scope and Contents

The Thomas A. Hughes, SJ Papers consist of unpublished drafts for a proposed third volume of A History of the Society of Jesus in North America, Colonial and Federal covering 1773 to 1829. Also included is a report by Fr. Hughes entitled "de abusibus" ("on abuses"), in which he discusses Jesuit issues with modernism and worldly affairs discovered throughout his research, as well as correspondence related to his research.

Dates: 1897 - 1933

Peter J. Sullivan Papers

Identifier: GTM-GAMMS437
Collection-level Scope and Content Note The Peter J. Sullivan Papers document the life and times of Peter J. Sullivan (1821-1883), who was a Union officer in the American Civil War and the U.S. Minister to Colombia from 1867 to 1869. While there are a limited number of documents concerning his Civil War career, the majority of the papers describe his work as U.S. Minister to Colombia. The papers include a large run of letters to and from U.S. Secretary of State William H. Seward; U.S. Consul in Cartagena, Colombia Augustus S....
Dates: 1843 - 1950; Majority of material found within 1861 - 1869

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Georgetown University Manuscripts 3029
Georgetown University Archives 175
Woodstock Theological Center Library Archives 36
Georgetown University Rare Books 19
Bioethics Research Library Archives 6
Archival Object 3195
Collection 69
Person 14
Subject 3
Digital Record 1
Scrapbooks 5
Balaban, Barney 4
British literature 4
Bormann, Martin 3
Jesuits 3
∨ more
Music (physical format/genre) 3
World War, 1939-1945 3
American history 2
Assassination -- Investigation 2
Bioethics 2
Bioethics -- Study and teaching 2
Catholic Church 2
Catholic History 2
Catholic literature 2
Catholicism 2
Genetics -- Moral and ethical aspects 2
Jesuits -- Maryland Province 2
Medical ethics 2
Motion Picture Industry -- History 2
Photographs 2
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 2
Abortion -- Moral and ethical aspects 1
Advance directives (Medical care) 1
Antisemitism 1
Arab-Israeli conflict 1
Arctic 1
Art 1
Art History 1
Bioethics -- History 1
Buffalo Mission 1
Burns, Jimmy 1
Burns, Tom 1
Catholic Church -- Great Britain 1
Catholic philanthropists 1
Catholics -- Religious identity 1
Church music 1
Cold War 1
Composers 1
Constitutional law -- United States 1
Crew, 1960s 1
D'Arcy, Martin 1
Dahlgren Chapel 1
Death -- Moral and ethical aspects 1
Deeds 1
Diaries 1
Diplomacy 1
Diplomacy -- 20th century 1
Drama 1
Euthanasia -- Moral and ethical aspects 1
Exploration & Discovery 1
Film 1
Foreign service--United States 1
Geography 1
Georgetown (Washington, D.C.) 1
Georgetown University Forum 1
Georgetown University Hospital 1
Georgetown University, 1800s 1
Georgetown University, 1890s 1
Georgetown University, 1910-1919 1
Georgetown University, 1950s 1
Georgetown University, 1960s 1
Georgetown University, 1970s 1
Healy Hall 1
History 1
Housing and urban policy studies 1
Human experimentation in medicine -- Moral and ethical aspects 1
Jesuits -- History 1
Jesuits -- Maryland Province -- Correspondence 1
Jesuits -- Maryland Province -- Houses 1
Jesuits -- Maryland Province -- Provincials 1
Jesuits -- Missions 1
Jews 1
John, Henry 1
Jones, David 1
Journalism 1
Law School 1
Libraries -- Special collections -- Databases 1
Lincoln, Abraham, 1809-1865 -- Assassination 1
Martin, John J. 1
Mask and Bauble 1
Medical care 1
Medical ethics committees 1
Medical policy 1
Motion picture industry 1
Music (topic) 1
Music -- 19th century 1
Music -- 20th century 1
Music -- Germany 1
Music -- Manuscripts 1
Music- Georgetown Sheet Music 1
Musicians 1
Pacifism 1
Panama Canal (Panama) 1
Peace movements 1
Philadelphia (Pa.) -- History 1
Photograph albums 1
Pianists 1
Poetry 1
Political poetry 1
Province of Califonria 1
∧ less
English 366
Spanish; Castilian 16
Latin 7
French 4
Latin 4
∨ more  
Jesuits. Maryland Province 5
Sarasate, Pablo de, 1844-1908 5
Anderledy, Antonio Maria, V.R.P., S.J., General 3
Beckx, Pieter, V.R.P., S.J., General 3
Martin, Ludovicus (Luis), V.R.P., S.J., General 3
∨ more
Wernz, Franz Xavier, R.V.P., S.J., General 3
Committee to Investigate Assassinations (U.S.) 2
Hanselman, Josephus, V.R., S.J., Provincial 2
Kennedy Institute of Ethics 2
O'Connor, Martin J., D.D., V.G., 2
O'Neill, Thomas L., C.S.P. 2
Albalsh, Lawrence, S.J. 1
Alexander, Calvert, S.J., Rev. 1
Alliot, E., S.S.E. 1
Alonway, Peter, S.J. 1
Anderson, Henry J., S.J. 1
Baker, John C., S.J. 1
Barnett, James R., S.J. 1
Bartolini, Dominico 1
Bechtel, F.S., S.J. 1
Beehest, Thomas A., S.J. 1
Bing, Ilse 1
Binz, Leo 1
Bioethics Research Library 1
Bowdren, Thomas S., S.J. 1
Buddy, Charles F. 1
Bunch, Joseph, S.V.D. 1
Burges, Charles A. 1
Butler, Thomas P., S.J. 1
Byrne, Francis X., S.J. 1
Calz, Bartholomau, S.J. 1
Campbell, Thos J., S.J. 1
Caughler, T.J., S.J. 1
Cecil, John L. 1
Chiappa, Vincent, S.J. 1
Ciszek, Walter J., 1904-1984 1
Clark, Joseph T., S.J. 1
Collins, J.J., S.J 1
Comey, Denis J., S.J. 1
Considine, John J., M.M., Rev. 1
Conway, Jacob, S.J. 1
Cormican, P. J. (Patrick J.) 1
Creeden, Daniel H., S.J. 1
Crimont, Joseph R., S.J. 1
Cullen, Victor F., M.D. 1
DeMaria, Anthony, S.J. 1
Devaney, Louis A., S.J. 1
Dewey, Raphael, S.J. 1
Donovan, Joseph P., C.M., J.C.D. 1
Drexel, Katharine Mary, Saint, 1858-1955 1
Druhan, John J., S.J. 1
Duffy, James P., S.J. 1
Dukin, Agatho, C.P. 1
Dullea, Maurice V., S.J. 1
Dunne, Frederic M., O.C.S.O. 1
Egan, Joseph M., S.J. 1
Eichen, M., S.J. 1
Emerick, Abraham J., 1856-1931 1
Enright, Frank 1
Faden, Ruth R. 1
Fargis, G.A. 1
Fearns, James 1
Fiedler, Joseph H., C.S.C. 1
Fink, Edward, S.J. 1
Flanagan, Peter, S.J. 1
Fox, Renée C. (Renée Claire), 1928- 1
Fulton, Robert, 1826-1895 1
Gallagher, John P., S.J. 1
Gargan, Neil, S.J. 1
Gifford, J.J., S.J. 1
Gillespie, C.C., S.J. 1
Graham, Kenneth L., S.J. 1
Guercher, Joseph P., S.J. 1
Gutherie, Hunter, S.J. 1
Haitz, Jos. F., S.J., Rev. 1
Handren, Walter J., S.J. 1
Harvey, John Collins 1
Hastings Center 1
Hearn, Joseph R., S.J. 1
Hellegers, André E., 1926-1979 1
Herz, Martin F. (Martin Florian), 1917-1983 1
Hill, Teresa, M. 1
Hughes, Thomas, 1849-1939 1
Hughes, Thomas, Fr. 1
J.R., Heann, S.J. 1
Jewish Peace Fellowship (U.S.) 1
John J., Scanlor, S.J. 1
Joseph P. Kennedy, Jr. Foundation 1
Kearney, James E. 1
Keenan, Francis E., S.J. 1
Kenna, Edward J., S.J. 1
Killeen, John J., S.J. 1
Kirby, Francis J. 1
Knight, Sheridan, S.J. 1
Ladochowski, Wladimir, Very Reverend, S.J., General, 1915-1942 1
Langan, J.J., S.J. 1
Long, John J., S.J. 1
Loretto, M., R.S.M. 1
Lunn, Arnold, 1888-1974 1
Madden, David, S.J. 1
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