This series contains the correspondence between Thomas Merton and Edward Rice for the years 1959-1967.
The Rogers Family Papers consist of fifteen series, the first being on the Rogers & Clarke families in general, and the remainder focusing on the papers of individuals such as James Webb Rogers I, J. Harris Rogers, James Charles Rogers, Cora Rogers Clarke, Phillips H. Clarke Jr., Mae Harris Clarke and George E. Sullivan. The final series contains objects and oversize materials of varying types.
Extent: 30 linear feet
Number of Boxes: 19, with 11 oversize containers
Material relating to Michael Richey, mutual friend of Shirley Hazzard and Graham Greene. See also: the Michael Richey Papers and the Harman Grisewood Papers (Georgetown University Special Collections).
(Box 1, Folders 59 - 72) This is Part II of the Correspondence Series. Included is correspondence by Joyce Kilmer's mother, Annie Kilburn Kilmer, as well as by his father Frederick Kilmer.
(Box 2, Folders 1 - 50) This is Part III of the Correspondence Series and is comprised of alphabetically arranged correspondence from notable individuals who were friends or associates of the Kilmer family. Many of the correspondents are writers and poets of some renown.
Contains printed books with inserted materials including autograph notes by Shane Leslie, correspondence, and newspaper clippings. Arranged alphabetically by author or subject.
5 volumes of Bonds music scores published by Hildegard Publishing Company. These materials were derived from manuscripts found in our holdings. They include:
- Credo
- Especially Do I Believe in the Negro Race
- Montgomery Variations
- Two Solo Works for Piano
- Six Songs on Poems by Edna St. Vincent Millay
Contains incoming correspondence to John Gilmary Shea. Arranged alphabetically by last name of correspondent.
Contains incoming correspondence to John Gilmary Shea. Arranged alphabetically by last name of correspondent.
Nathaniel B. Boileau Correspondence. Chronological correspondence from Boileau is placed first, then chronological correspondence to Boileau.
Printed Matter. Arranged alphabetically.
Tonita Ridgway Martin Materials.
Tonita Ridgway Martin Materials.
The John L. Brown Papers 1, consist of 99 folders of correspondence from literary and artistic luminaries, including writers Sylvia Beach, John Dos Passos, Anne Fremantle, Katherine Anne Porter, Alice B. Toklas; philosopher Jacques Maritain; photographer Brassai; poets Marianne Moore, Wallace Stevens, and Giuseppe Ungaretti, and many more. Correspondence is arranged alphabetically.
Manuscripts, mainly consisting of the typescripts of speeches and articles by JDM, arranged chronologically from 1924 to 1956.
Consists of 58 folders containing incoming correspondence received by Lawrence Gilman between 1901 and 1937. The bulk of the letters date between 1933 and 1936. Correspondents include Gilman's fans across the United States and some of his contacts in the music profession. Topics of discussion include Gilman's radio broadcasts and orchestral program notes. Arranged chronologically.