First class, 1919 (with Edmund A. Walsh, S.J.); second annual Banquet - Kappa Alpha Phi, New Willard Hotel, May 2, 1920? (two copies - one damaged); class, 1924; Class of 1929 in December, 1925 (includes mounted reproduction); prom, Mayflower Hotel, April 8, 1926; eighth annual Banquet - Kappa Alpha Phi, May 8, 1927; and class, 1930s? (in Healy Hall?) - two shots.
The collection consists of a book outline by Robert Nolan on post-World War II geopolitics, written around 1949 by Robert Nolan. Nolan was a student at the Walsh School of Foreign Service.
In the outline, Nolan mentions that Fr. Walsh's Nuremberg Trials diaries will be utilized as a source for the book.
6 black and white photographs of Cardinal Pacelli (later Pope Pius XII) during his visit to Washington, D.C. in October 1936. Three of the images show Pacelli at Georgetown University with Georgetown President Arthur O'Leary, S.J. and Edmund Walsh, S.J.
Produced for the School by Nancy Low and Associates. With shots of campus (including the Quadrangle, mural of John Carroll in Healy Hall, Healy Hall tower, Henle Village, Washington, D.C., Healy Hall at night, commencement, and the interior of Yates Field House), classroom scenes, student group and James Walsh, S.J. with the Chimes.
Two scrapbook leaves containing captioned snapshots. Among those photographed: Chat Lancaster; Thomas Gasson, S.J.; Bill Curtin; John Morris; Jack McNulty; Tom Burke; Joe Dilkes; Ted Delaney; Warrick Montgomery; Bob Zuger; Gaius Gannon; Charlie Cox; Bob Gorman; David I. Walsh; President John B. Creeden, S.J., at 1918 commencement; and Helen Kemp.
Contains clippings re track, football, basketball, baseball, golf, tennis, and polo. Includes articles on Hugh Beins, Joe Carroll, Joe Bolger, Jack Walsh, Bill Cowley, Warren Buehler, Carl Joyce, Charles Capozzoli, John Kelley, Paul Baroncelli, Paul Gould, Tony Plansky, Paul Oldam, Tom La Manna, and Jim Mooney.
Contains clippings on Georgetown University sports, including basketball, baseball, hockey, boxing, golf, track, and football. Among athletes mentioned: football players Paul Walsh, Jimmy O'Keefe, Jack O'Connor, and Richard Werder; basketball coach Elmer Ripley; basketball player Andy Kostecka; hockey defenseman Steve Smith; and runner Eddie Sause.
Contains printed material and photographs (some color) relating to inaugural events. Included are: programs; invitations; the text of the Presidential Oath of Office; the text of Fr. Guthrie's inauguration speech; and clippings. Among those photographed: Gerard F. Yates, S.J.; Edmund A. Walsh, S.J.; and speakers William A. Orton, W. Edmund Fitzgerald, S.J., Francis X. Talbot, S.J., Cecil H. Driver, Ben W. Palmer, Hufgh S. Taylor, and James H. Doolittle.