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Showing Results: 1 - 20 of 1676

Edmund A. Walsh, SJ Papers 2

Identifier: GTM-090723
Scope and contents note The Rev. Edmund A. Walsh, S.J. Papers: Part 2 comprise the personal papers of the extraordinary Jesuit educator, author, and geopolitician Rev. Edmund A. Walsh, S.J. The collection includes a fine run of letters to his brother Fred V. Walsh regarding Fr. Walsh's travels in Europe and his experiences connected to his service as a special adviser at the Nuremberg war crimes trials after World War II. Also of interest is a group of postcards sent by Fr. Walsh from various locations in Europe....
Dates: 1904 - 1956

Edmund A. Walsh, SJ Papers

Identifier: GTM-GAMMS239
Scope and Contents The papers of Fr. Walsh throw considerable light on most aspects of his career: as founder and guiding spirit of the Georgetown University School of Foreign Service; as head of the Papal Relief Mission to Russia in the early 1920s; as president of the Catholic Near East Welfare Association; as a representative of the Catholic Church in Mexico; and as an extremely involved consultant at the Nuremberg War Crimes Trials. Significant correspondents include Herbert Hoover, J. Edgar Hoover,...
Dates: 1885 - 1955; Majority of material found within 1920 - 1952

Edmund A. Walsh, S.J.: Speeches/Writings

Identifier: GTA-000528
Scope and Contents Character: The True End of University Education. Baccalaureate Sermon to the Class of 1924. Delivered in Dahlgren Chapel, June 8, 1924.Soviet Russia and the United States: A Study in Comparative Government by Edmund A. Walsh, S.J., Ph.D., Regent, School of Foreign Service, Georgetown University. Reprinted from the Georgetown College Journal, June 1925.Why Pope Pius XI Asked Prayers for Russia on March 19, 1930: A Review of the Facts in the Case Together with Proofs...
Dates: 1924-1952

Edmund A. Walsh, S.J. - 50 Years A Jesuit (1902-1952) Scrapbook

Identifier: GTM-000094
Scope and Contents Contains letters of congratulation to Edmund A. Walsh, S.J., on the occasion of his Golden Jubilee in the Jesuit Order. Included are letters from: Apostolic Delegate Archbishop Amleto Giovanni Cicognani; former students Francisco C. Banda, Edwin W. Beitzell, H. V. Dreyhausen, M. J. "Jack" Heiler, George A. Horkan, Al. Phlip Kane, John McShain, Meyer Tsatskis (Taske), and Arthur A. Verner; Major General William E. Bergin; Dean of Columbia Graduate School of Journalism Edward W. Barrett;...
Dates: 1952

Photographs: Foreign Service School Groups (Oversize)

Identifier: GTA-000761
Scope and Contents

First class, 1919 (with Edmund A. Walsh, S.J.); second annual Banquet - Kappa Alpha Phi, New Willard Hotel, May 2, 1920? (two copies - one damaged); class, 1924; Class of 1929 in December, 1925 (includes mounted reproduction); prom, Mayflower Hotel, April 8, 1926; eighth annual Banquet - Kappa Alpha Phi, May 8, 1927; and class, 1930s? (in Healy Hall?) - two shots.

Dates: 1919-1930s

John Briley Walsh Papers

Identifier: GTM-GAMMS454
Scope and Contents The John Briley Walsh Papers date almost entirely from his student days at Georgetown and Woodstock College. They primarily consist of class material in the form of loose notes and notebooks, very few of which are dated (folders 3-44). In addition to documenting his academic training, the papers also contain items relating to his spiritual formation at Woodstock (folders 45-52). Also present, a fragment of correspondence from Bernard M. Lochboehler, a Jesuit writing from the Philippines...
Dates: 1917 - 1949

Post-World War II Geopolitics Book Outline by Robert Nolan

 Collection — Box: GTM Shared Box 5 (Letter), Folder: 8
Identifier: GTM-20230120
Scope and Contents

The collection consists of a book outline by Robert Nolan on post-World War II geopolitics, written around 1949 by Robert Nolan. Nolan was a student at the Walsh School of Foreign Service.

In the outline, Nolan mentions that Fr. Walsh's Nuremberg Trials diaries will be utilized as a source for the book.

Dates: 1949

Constantine E. McGuire Papers

Identifier: GTM-0016
Scope and Contents The collection primarily contains correspondence and speeches from 1918-1929 during Constantine McGuire's time at the Foreign Service College at Georgetown that document the opening and promotion of the school. The collection includes numerous invitations and responses for lecturerers to teach classes at the Foregin Service College between 1919 and 1922. It also highlights McGuire's continued investment in the college's expansion from 1923 to the end of his life in 1965, including his...
Dates: 1918 - 1965; Majority of material found within 1918 - 1965

Georgetown University Film Society

 Collection — Box: 1
Identifier: GTA-161111-a

Cardinal Pacelli Photographs

 Collection — Box: 1
Identifier: GTA-171219
Content Description

6 black and white photographs of Cardinal Pacelli (later Pope Pius XII) during his visit to Washington, D.C. in October 1936. Three of the images show Pacelli at Georgetown University with Georgetown President Arthur O'Leary, S.J. and Edmund Walsh, S.J.

Dates: Event: 1936-10-22

Nursing School: Development Slide Show

Identifier: GTA-140310
Scope and Contents

Produced for the School by Nancy Low and Associates. With shots of campus (including the Quadrangle, mural of John Carroll in Healy Hall, Healy Hall tower, Henle Village, Washington, D.C., Healy Hall at night, commencement, and the interior of Yates Field House), classroom scenes, student group and James Walsh, S.J. with the Chimes.

Dates: pre-1989

John F. Parr - D. Harrison Smith collection

Identifier: GTM-GAMMS103
Collection-level Scope and Content Note The Parr-Smith Collection consists primarily of correspondence, clippings, medals and photographs collected by D. Harrison Smith and John F. Parr, most relating to their friendship with Edmund S. Walsh, S.J. and their connections with Georgetown University. The collection consists of 1 linear foot of material arranged in 24 folders in 2 boxes. The Smith-Parr Archives contain correspondence relating to John F. Parr's tenure at Georgetown University. Manuscripts by Parr and Smith are also in...
Dates: 1940-1981

Scrapbook: Georgetown University, 1918

Identifier: GTA-000013-DS
Scope and Contents

Two scrapbook leaves containing captioned snapshots. Among those photographed: Chat Lancaster; Thomas Gasson, S.J.; Bill Curtin; John Morris; Jack McNulty; Tom Burke; Joe Dilkes; Ted Delaney; Warrick Montgomery; Bob Zuger; Gaius Gannon; Charlie Cox; Bob Gorman; David I. Walsh; President John B. Creeden, S.J., at 1918 commencement; and Helen Kemp.

Dates: 1918 - 1918; Majority of material found in 1918 - 1918

Scrapbook: Georgetown University Sports, 1953-1954

Identifier: GTA-000041-DS
Scope and Contents

Contains clippings re track, football, basketball, baseball, golf, tennis, and polo. Includes articles on Hugh Beins, Joe Carroll, Joe Bolger, Jack Walsh, Bill Cowley, Warren Buehler, Carl Joyce, Charles Capozzoli, John Kelley, Paul Baroncelli, Paul Gould, Tony Plansky, Paul Oldam, Tom La Manna, and Jim Mooney.

Dates: 1953-1954; Majority of material found within 1953 - 1954

Scrapbook: Georgetown University Sports, 1946-1947

Identifier: GTA-000069-DS
Scope and Contents

Contains clippings on Georgetown University sports, including basketball, baseball, hockey, boxing, golf, track, and football. Among athletes mentioned: football players Paul Walsh, Jimmy O'Keefe, Jack O'Connor, and Richard Werder; basketball coach Elmer Ripley; basketball player Andy Kostecka; hockey defenseman Steve Smith; and runner Eddie Sause.

Dates: 1946-1947; Majority of material found within 1946 - 1947

Georgetown Anthology As Compiled and Edited by Al. Philip Kane and James S. Ruby, Jr.

Identifier: GTA-000372
Scope and Contents Dorrance and Company Publishers, Philadelphia. Author’s Index at back. From the preface: "For all those to whom the name of Georgetown suggests a wealth of youthful memories and brings back to view the tower-crowned hill and cloistered quadrangles, this volume will serve as a trusted storehouse of time-dimmed dreams . . ." Includes poetry contributions from: W. Kurtz Wimsatt; Robert J. Collier; Paul D. Page, Jr.; Charles Wells Russell; George LeGuere; Leo J. Casey; Thomas Walsh...
Dates: 1927

Campus Buildings: Photographs and Fact Sheets

Identifier: GTA-000592
Scope and Contents Buildings covered include: Basic Science; Marcus J. Bles Building; Copley Hall; Dahlgren Chapel of the Sacred Heart; Dahlgren Memorial Medical Library; Darnall Hall; Dental Clinic; Georgetown University Hospital; Gorman Diagnostic Clinic; Harbin Hall; Healy Hall; Heating and Cooling Plant; Kober-Gogan Hall; Joseph Mark Lauinger Memorial Library; Loyola; McDonough Gym; Medical-Dental Building; W. Coleman Nevils Building; New North; New South; Observatory; Old North; Poulton Hall; Raymond...
Dates: ca. 1971

Scrapbook: Inauguration of the Very Reverend Hunter Guthrie, S.J., as President of Georgetown University, April 30 and May 1, 1949

Identifier: GTA-000093-DS
Scope and Contents

Contains printed material and photographs (some color) relating to inaugural events. Included are: programs; invitations; the text of the Presidential Oath of Office; the text of Fr. Guthrie's inauguration speech; and clippings. Among those photographed: Gerard F. Yates, S.J.; Edmund A. Walsh, S.J.; and speakers William A. Orton, W. Edmund Fitzgerald, S.J., Francis X. Talbot, S.J., Cecil H. Driver, Ben W. Palmer, Hufgh S. Taylor, and James H. Doolittle.

Dates: 1949

Georgetown University Commemorative Wine Bottle Collection

Identifier: GTA-000803
Scope and Contents White Zinfandel - Central 1986 Coast - Bicentennial Commemorative Bottling (with label showing crew team on river)Cabernet Sauvignon - 1984 Sonoma County - Bicentennial Commemorative Bottling (with label showing crew team on river)Chardonnay - Nappa Valley 1986 - Bicentennial Commemorative Bottling (with label showing crew team on river)Chardonnay - Monterey County 1992 - School of Foreign Service 75th Anniversary Commemorative Bottling - Made possible...
Dates: 1989-2008

175th Anniversary: School of Nursing Program (March 20, 1964)

Identifier: GTA-000465-DS
Scope and Contents Includes: invitation; overview and sketch of historical development of School; program; "Excellence in Nursing: Papers Presented at the School of Nursing Program for the 175th Anniversary Observance (by Lawrence C. McHugh, S,J., Carl A. Hangartner, S.J., Lulu Wolf Hassenplug, and Margaret Dolan); and related correspondence. Also material relating to the broader 175th Anniversary celebration, including: program from Faculty Dinner, September 28, 1963; program from Convocation to Commemorate...
Dates: 1964

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Georgetown University Manuscripts 1340
Georgetown University Archives 304
Woodstock Theological Center Library Archives 23
Georgetown University Rare Books 2
Bioethics Research Library Archives 2
Archival Object 1622
Collection 48
Person 3
Subject 2
Digital Record 1
World War, 1939-1945 17
Scrapbooks 11
Diplomacy 4
Photographs 4
Bormann, Martin 3
∨ more
International Relations -- United States 3
Nuremberg War Crime Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, 1946-1949 3
Presidential Inaugurations 3
Anniversaries 2
Athletics 2
Depression- impact of 2
Diplomacy -- 20th century 2
Georgetown University, 1930s 2
Georgetown University, 1940s 2
Middle East 2
Nursing School 2
Afghanistan 1
Alatis, James E.- Photographs 1
American history and government 1
American literature -- Catholic authors 1
Army Specialized Training Program 1
Athletics, 1940s 1
Audio Tapes 1
Belloc, Hilaire 1
Biotechnology 1
Campus Scenes 1
Civil Rights -- United States 1
Clothing and Accessories 1
Cohonguroton Address 1
Cold War 1
Commencements 1
Dahlgren Chapel 1
Drama 1
Espionage 1
Fadner, Frank L., S.J. 1
Football 1
Foreign Service School- Photographs 1
Foreign service--United States 1
Georgetown Film Festival 1
Georgetown Objects 1
Georgetown Things 1
Georgetown University Film Society 1
Georgetown University Forum 1
Georgetown University Hospital 1
Georgetown University, 1910-1919 1
Georgetown University, 1920s 1
Georgetown University, 1950s 1
Healy Hall 1
History 1
Human gene mapping 1
Iraq 1
Israel 1
Journalism 1
Language Laboratories- Photographs 1
Languages/Linguistics Institute 1
Languages/Linguistics School 1
Liberia -- History -- Civil War, 1999-2003 1
Mask and Bauble 1
McEvitt, William G. 1
Memoirs 1
Memorabilia (Georgetown) 1
Mozambique 1
Nicaragua 1
Nuclear Arms Control, 1985-86 1
Palestine 1
Panama 1
Petroleum industry and trade -- Saudi Arabia 1
Protocol and Events 1
Slides 1
South Africa 1
Soviet Union 1
Space Exploration 1
Strategic Defense Initiative 1
Student Groups 1
Sudan 1
Television 1
Tropaia 1
United Nations 1
United States -- Foreign relations -- Africa 1
Vietnam 1
Walsh, Edmund A., S.J. 1
Walsh, Edmund A., S.J.- Photographs 1
Women's and Gender Studies 1
World War II-impact of 1
∧ less
English 369
Latin 3
English 1
Latin 1
Walsh, Edmund A. (Edmund Aloysius), 1885-1956 5
Abshire, David M. 1
Albalsh, Lawrence, S.J. 1
Alexander, Calvert, S.J., Rev. 1
Alliot, E., S.S.E. 1
∨ more
Anderson, Henry J., S.J. 1
Arabian American Oil Company 1
Baker, John C., S.J. 1
Barnett, James R., S.J. 1
Beehest, Thomas A., S.J. 1
Binz, Leo 1
Blaney, John W. 1
Bowdren, Thomas S., S.J. 1
Brown, Anthony Cave 1
Brunini, John Gilland, 1899- 1
Buddy, Charles F. 1
Bunch, Joseph, S.V.D. 1
Burges, Charles A. 1
Butler, Thomas P., S.J. 1
Byrne, Francis X., S.J. 1
Caughler, T.J., S.J. 1
Clark, Joseph T., S.J. 1
Collins, J.J., S.J 1
Comey, Denis J., S.J. 1
Considine, John J., M.M., Rev. 1
Cook-Deegan, Robert M. 1
Creeden, Daniel H., S.J. 1
Crimont, Joseph R., S.J. 1
Cullen, Victor F., M.D. 1
DeMaria, Anthony, S.J. 1
Devaney, Louis A., S.J. 1
Donovan, Joseph P., C.M., J.C.D. 1
Druhan, John J., S.J. 1
Duffy, James P., S.J. 1
Dukin, Agatho, C.P. 1
Dullea, Maurice V., S.J. 1
Dunne, Frederic M., O.C.S.O. 1
Egan, Joseph M., S.J. 1
Enright, Frank 1
Fearns, James 1
Fiedler, Joseph H., C.S.C. 1
Gallagher, John P., S.J. 1
Gargan, Neil, S.J. 1
Georgetown University 1
Georgetown University. School of Foreign Service 1
Gifford, J.J., S.J. 1
Graham, Kenneth L., S.J. 1
Guercher, Joseph P., S.J. 1
Gutherie, Hunter, S.J. 1
Haitz, Jos. F., S.J., Rev. 1
Haltais, Pierre 1
Handren, Walter J., S.J. 1
Hearn, Joseph R., S.J. 1
Hill, Teresa, M. 1
Human Genome Project 1
J.R., Heann, S.J. 1
Jesuits 1
John J., Scanlor, S.J. 1
Kearney, James E. 1
Keenan, Francis E., S.J. 1
Kenna, Edward J., S.J. 1
Killeen, John J., S.J. 1
Kirby, Francis J. 1
Knight, Sheridan, S.J. 1
Krogh, Peter F. (Peter Frederic) 1
Langan, J.J., S.J. 1
Long, John J., S.J. 1
Loretto, M., R.S.M. 1
Madden, David, S.J. 1
Maguire, James J, S.J. 1
Mahony, S.J., Br. 1
Martin, M.J., Rev. 1
Masnell, Joseph R. N., S.J. 1
Masterson, William F., S.J. 1
Mayett 1
McCarly, James A., S.J. 1
McCormick, John P., S.S. 1
McDermott, Fidelis 1
McEleney, J.J., S.J. 1
McGhee, George Crews, 1912- 1
McGouran, George P., S.J. 1
McGuire, Constantine E. (Constantine Edward), 1890-1965 1
McHugh, Mchael, S.J., Br. 1
McIntyre, Francis A., J. 1
McKennath, Horace, S.J. 1
McQuade, F.A., S.J. 1
Mullaby, Thomas, S.J. 1
Nevils, W. Coleman, S.J. 1
Nolan, Robert 1
Nugent, David, S.J., Rev. 1
O'Brian, Joseph J., S.J. 1
O'Connor, Martin J., D.D., V.G., 1
O'Leary, Andrew, S.J. 1
O'Neill, Thomas L., C.S.P. 1
Peach, Mary E., O.S.U. 1
Ruppel, F.J., S.J. 1
Scott, Martin J., S.J. 1
Shanahan, James J., S.J. 1
Shelley, O.B., S.J. 1
Smith, John, S.J. 1
∧ less