Series 3 consists of chronological correspondence of John L. Brown from 1932 through 1974. The correspondence is arranged in chronological order. In each folder, both correspondents writing to Brown and correspondents receiving letters from Brown are listed.
This series consists of correspondence, pamphlets, newsclippings and miscellaneous items pertaining to the Spanish Conflict/Civil War during the 1930's.
This series contains materials used by O'Leary while he was preparing for his post in Chile. The Chile Notebooks were filled with articles related to Chile, organized by subject. The series also contains correspondence congratulating O'Leary on his nomination and commenting on his upcoming assignment. The series ends with materials from O'Leary's White House Swearing-in and Reception.
This series contains materials used by O'Leary while he was preparing for his post in Chile. The Chile Notebooks were filled with articles related to Chile, organized by subject. The series also contains correspondence congratulating O'Leary on his nomination and commenting on his upcoming assignment. The series ends with materials from O'Leary's White House Swearing-in and Reception.
Araldi, Vinicio, 1914-
Guerra segreta in tempo di pace : spionaggio e controspionaggio / Vinicio Araldi
Milano : Mursia, c1969
Araldi, Vinicio, 1914-
La guerra delle parole : il fallimento della propaganda inglese / Vinicio Araldi
Bologna : M. Cantelli, [1942]
Contains correspondence (1954-1993) sent from various individuals to William H. Natcher. Much of the correspondence in 1973-1974 documents some of the public's reaction to the Watergate scandal. Included is correspondence from some of Natcher's Kentucky constituents, various companies, many interest groups, and officials at Western Kentucky University. The correspondence is arranged chronologically by year.
The Manuscripts and Notes Series primarily consists of typed manuscripts of "Peace Without Hiroshima" by Martin S. Quigley, along with many handwritten notes and clippings pertaining to his research for the book.
Printed Materials. Arranged chronologically.