Contains a mounted photograph of First Lady Lady Bird Johnson. Inscription reads: "To the Mask and Bauble Club of Georgetown University, with appreciation for lending your time and talents to the White House Festival of the Arts and with best wishes, Lady Bird Johnson."
8 albums of travel postcards related to Turkey and Asia.
Contains newspapers clippings. Topics covered include: interreligious Civil Rights Rally in McDonough Gymnasium and award of honorary degree to U.S. President Lyndon B. Johnson at convocation to mark the closing of the University's 175th Anniversary celebrations.
According to a letter from the periodical's founders, Jon Bacal and Mark Johnson, the aim of "Georgetown's Blue and Gray" was "to promote academic, athletic, extracurricular, and administrative excellence on the Hilltop. The magazine will accomplish this by featuring interview and profiles of people who exemplify excellence. Other articles will offer constructive criticism of policies and programs that can be improved."
Correspondence, photographs, memorabilia, and other materials comprise the papers of this famous syndicated Washington columnist for (at various times) Christian Science Monitor, New York Herald Tribune, and the Los Angeles Times. The collection includes, in the form of clippings, a substantial number of Drummond's columns, together with correspondence from W. Averell Harriman, J. Edgar Hoover, Lyndon Johnson, Alf Landon, Dean Rusk, and Wendell Willkie, among others.