The collection consists of letters written by Graham Greene that were collected by the Booth Family Center for Special Collections. It also includes an unrevised proof of In Search of a Character: Two African Journals by Graham Greene and two versions of the Travels with my Aunt film scripts by Jay Presson Allen and Hugh Wheeler.
The collection primarily consists of materials that Graham Greene sent to Fr. Thomas M. McCoog, S.J., including 19 letters dating from 1977 to 1989. It also includes two postcards featuring images of Graham Greene, one with an inscription from Greene to McCoog; two publicity photographs for the film “The End of the Affair” that feature Greene, both inscribed to McCoog; and one portrait photograph of Greene, also inscribed to McCoog.
The Vivien Greene papers consist of six letters written to Vivien Greene, the wife of noted English Catholic author Graham Greene. A letter from Graham to Vivien sent from Berlin, Germany, refers to the Berlin Wall restrictions. Other correspondents include Tom Cordishley, Marie Belloc Lowndes, and Columba Ryan. The letters date mostly from the 1940s.
The Ann G. McDonald collection of Graham Greene consists of printed periodical articles by and about noted English Catholic author Graham Greene. McDonald collected these materials in support of her doctoral dissertation. Her dissertation, entitled "A Bibliography of the Periodical Contributions of Graham Greene" (1969), is also preserved among these papers. One of the folders in the collection contains periodical clippings of Greene's fellow English Catholic writer Evelyn Waugh.
Inserted material transferred from purchased books --
1. Voyages avec ma tante by Graham Greene (translated by Georges Belmont) (Paris: Laffont: 1970). Call # Greene 0635.
2. Le capitaine et l'ennemi by Graham Greene (translated by Robert Louit (Paris: Editions Robert Laffont, 1989). Call # Greene 1225
This collection is currently unprocessed and access to it may therefore be limited. Researchers are advised to contact the Booth Family Center for Special Collections for more information on access to this collection.
The collection contains the bibliographic research files of Graham Greene scholar Neil F. Brennan.
The Graham Greene Papers include Greene's diaries and journals from his trips to Vietnam, Cuba, Panama, South Africa, Poland, Kuala Lampur, Kenya, and Haiti. Also present are manuscripts by Greene for "Monsignor Quixote" and "Getting to Know the General." There is some correspondence with Evelyn Waugh. Ephemera and clippings round out the collection.
A collection of 26 letters (1971-1990) from British novelist Graham Greene to Swedish actress Anita Bjork (1923-2012). Includes two letters from Vivien Greene to Bjork.
Miscellaneous items from Smullyan's personal collection of Graham Greene including original and photocopied typescripts, marked copy and mock up of various articles and other works. Includes correspondence to Greene from Gloria Emerson, Richard Hughes, and Robert Graves; and printed items.