This collection contains papers related to Fr. John J. Toohey's personal and spiritual life; his work at Georgetown University; and written works both published and unpublished.
The collection primarily consists of personal correspondence. Letters from male admirers provide some insight into life in the British Armed Forces during World War II. Business exchanges relate to the commissioning and sale of women's travel clothing. Included are photographs of Tracey with acquaintances.
English translations of correspondence between Rev. F. Surin and Mother Jean des Angels regarding the apparition of Mother Gabriel of the Incarnation after her death at a convent of Ursuline nuns in Loudon, France. The letters were written in 1660-1661 and this translation appears to have been written sometime in the early to mid 19th century.
Summaries or copies of outgoing correspondence. Most relates to student accounts. Letters are signed by Francis Vespre, S.J., Thomas M. Jenkins, S.J., and Patrick Duddy, S.J.
Research materials relating to the book "Mary Suratt: An American Tragedy" by Elizabeth Trindal (1996).
Scrapbook assembled by Charles H. Trunnel (of Georgetown, Washington, DC) that contains an assortment of calling cards and advertisements for businesses, products, and individuals. The bulk of the cards relate to Washington, DC businesses.
The Neil J. Twombly, SJ Papers contain notes and pedagogical materials for the study of Classics; spiritual writings; correspondence and photographs; a travel diary; and recognitions.
A bound autograph manuscript of Irish author Katharine Tynan's complete and unpublished novel "Fraulein" (267 pages).
Collection of over 200 letters written by and to Washington, D.C. resident Charles W. Umbaugh, dating from 1941 to 1944. Umbaugh served stateside during World War II, first in an Army hospital and then later in the Army Air Corp. The letters document Umbaugh's experiences in the armed services as well as his family's experience as civilians on the homefront during the second World War.
Flyers, pamphlets, clippings, and other material re attempts by Local 1199 to unionize on campus, especially at the Hospital and Lauinger Library. Includes National Labor Relations Board hearing material and agreement between the University and Local 1199, June 1, 1973.
One broadside proclaiming the award at St. Stephen's Cathedral of baccalaureates to thirty-six graduates of the University of Vienna, 1644.
Predominantly photographic negatives of University events (including John Carroll Awards Weekend, reunion, and presidential inauguration of John J. DeGioia). Also includes various images of campus and headshots of faculty and staff.