Contains correspondence, brochures and material re endowment/fund raising. Most relates to Georgetown Endowment Association.
Mainly correspondence. Includes letters from Joaquin Palomo Rincon and material re Fr. Himmel's golden jubilee.
Clippings and correspondence. Includes material re Gorman Diagnostic and Research Building. Present is a letter dated February 7, 1947 from Fr. Gorman to General of the Army Dwight D. Eisenhower asking him to write a dedication for the 1947 yearbook and a transcription of Einsehower's response.
Contains material (programs, tickets, invitations, correspondence, clippings) re activity/performances by student musical groups. Also programs, tickets, dance cards from student proms and dances. From the 1950s onwards, material is included re concerts by professional music groups. Issues surrounding these types of events (damages, disruptions, drug use, etc.), their cancellation in 1970 and reinstatement in 1971 are discussed.
Includes correspondence, circulars and publications; no self-studies or reports of visits are included.