6 black and white photographs of Cardinal Pacelli (later Pope Pius XII) during his visit to Washington, D.C. in October 1936. Three of the images show Pacelli at Georgetown University with Georgetown President Arthur O'Leary, S.J. and Edmund Walsh, S.J.
The collection consists of the papers of Michael H. Cardozo.
Publications and other printed material. Includes handbooks and , program from dedication of MBNA Career Education Center and the Joseph A. Sellinger, S.J., Lounge featuring General Colin L. Powell, February 21, 1996.
Personal papers of George W. Carey. Carey was a Professor of Government at Georgetown University and expert on American political thought, especially The Federalist Papers and the Constitution.
The collection consists of materials related to the Carroll family that were assembled or created by Charles V.P. von Luttichau, a direct descendent of Charles Carroll of Carrollton.
The John Carroll Collection contains original and transcribed correspondence; two religious manuscripts; biographical notes and news clippings; and miscellaneous documents related to the first Roman Catholic bishop in the United States and the first archbishop of Baltimore. Of note are transcriptions of letters exchanged with Fr. Charles Plowden in folders 1, 2, and 6.
Papers of Syd Cassyd, who was the founder of the Academy of Television Arts & Sciences.
This collection contains the letters written by members of the Causten family over the period 1805-1820.
Contains fabric plaque with hand-painted seal and message: "In memory of the Hundredth Anniversary of usefulness and honor of Georgetown University, S.S.N.D."
Correspondence, papers, and publications of the Language Information Network and Clearinghouse System (LINCS) pilot project conducted by the Center for Applied Linguistics. The collection includes extensive information on groups, organizations and schools that have major interests in language and language teaching. Also included is information on the Project's computer programming system.
See the External Documents section below to view an inventory to the collection.
Records of the Center For Applied Linguistics Negro American Dialect Project, including: teaching materials; interviews with Black children from Washington, DC (open reel recordings and transcripts); and demographic information on the participants in the study.