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Showing Collections: 181 - 200 of 611

Gonzaga College High School Histories

Identifier: GTA-000555
Scope and Contents Sketch of Gonzaga College from its Foundation in 1821 till the Celebration of the Diamond Jubilee in 1896. Washington: Published by the College, 1897. Handwritten note at front reads: From the Estate of Tom Cantwell, AB 1908. The coat of arms of the Gonzaga Family is on the front cover.Gonzaga College: An Historical Sketch, From its Foundation in 1821 to the Solemn Celebration of its First Centenary in 1921. Washington: Published by the College, 1922. Illustrations include:...
Dates: 1897-2008

Gonzaga College High School/Washington Seminary Collection

Identifier: GTA-000768
Scope and Contents This collection consists of papers and records of Washington Seminary (1821-1828, 1848-1858) and its successor Gonzaga College High School (1858-1959). The Washington Seminary records include financial records (1821-1827, 1848-1858), legal documents (1810-1815), a public program notebook (1850-1851), and a school diary (1850-1854). Other materials include loose papers such as correspondence, ephemera, newsclippings, and programs for anniversary celebrations, commencements, and student...
Dates: 1821 - 1959

Graduate School: Academy in the Public Service

Identifier: GTA-000126-DS
Dates: 1977-1978

Graduate School Publications

Identifier: GTA-000524
Dates: 1978, 1982-1989

Graduate Student Organization Publications

Identifier: GTA-000604-Serials
Dates: 1967-1984

Grantland Rice "G" Club Certificate

 Item — Box: 1
Identifier: GTA-000917
Content Description

One printed certificate signed by "G" Club Secretary Ben Zola and "G" Club President James McNamara.

Dates: 1949

Greek Academy

Identifier: GTA-000481-DS
Scope and Contents

The Greek Society was founded in 1856 as a literary association. Its membership was, according to Francis Barnum, S.J.'s "stray notes", confined to "Such students from the higher classes as were willing to devote special attention to the study of Greek Literature, beyond what was required in their regular class work." Present are: proceedings; correspondence; and [membership?] certificates.

Dates: 1856-1864

Green Gate: Georgetown Visitation Convent Junior College and College Preparatory Department Yearbook, June 1942

Identifier: GTA-000553
Scope and Contents Junior College with entries for Ruth Eleanor Archamault, Margarita M. Bolivar, Mary Josephine Cassidy, Marilee de Bonrepos Chadeayne, Margaret Mary Clark, Marie Angelique de Golian, Mary Patricia Griffin, Mary Kathryn Hagerman, Marie Rose Howard, Margaret Hester Jenkins, Mary Catherine Johansen, Joan Catherine Kelly, Moira Kennedy, Cornelia Malone, Ellen Elizabth McDonnell, Patricia Rose McGue, Maria Jane McHugh, Raquel Mercade, Marilynn Elizabeth Mercer, Norma R. Mujica, Kathleen Joan...
Dates: 1942


Identifier: GTA-060817
Dates: 1999-2004

H1 N1 Collection

Identifier: GTA-130205
Scope and Contents

Includes flyers, emailed University notices, print-outs from, Interim H1N1 Workplace Guidelines, and Lauinger Library's Business Continuity Plan.

Dates: 2009

Hamilton Manufacturing Company: Dental Equipment Photograph Album

Identifier: GTA-000036-DS
Scope and Contents

Apparently made by Hamilton Manufacturing Company to publicize their work in equipping dental schools across the country. Pictured are clinics/equipment at the University of Washington, University of Michigan, University of Tennessee, and Ohio State University.

Dates: 1949 - 1950

Healy Hall Cannon Plaques

Identifier: GTA-000561
Scope and Contents

Brass plaques from the cannons in front of Healy Hall. Inscription reads: "Brought to Maryland by Lord Baltimore's colony, ca. 1634. Raised from St. Mary's River, 1824. Removed from St. Inigoes to Georgetown College, 1885. Mounted by Col. Georgeown C. Reid, U.S.M.C., 1900."

Dates: ca. 1900

Healy Hall U.S. Postal Card Collection

Identifier: GTA-000418-DS
Scope and Contents

The postal card was issued for Georgetown's Bicentennial, January 23, 1989. This collection includes multiple postcards (including two examples in presentation cover given to President Timothy S. Healy, S.J.), material re the work of the Ad Hoc Committee on the Stamp; and material re arrangements for the First Day of Issue ceremonies.

Dates: 1988-1989

Helen Ann Smeak (Diploma in Nursing 1930) Collection

 Collection — Box: 1
Identifier: GTA-210128
Content Description

Contains woolen nursing cape, with GU (for Georgetown Hospital) embroidered on the lapels), nursing cap with blue and gray ribbon, invitation to the 1930 commencement, diploma in Georgetown University case, dried carnation worn at the commencement ceremony, and calling card reading "Helen Ann Smeak".

Dates: 1930

Heythrop College Photograph Album

Identifier: GTA-000009-DS
Scope and Contents

Contains album with views of buildings, grounds, and students at Heythrop College, London. Included, programs from two student plays.

Dates: 1930-1931; Majority of material found within 1930 - 1931

Hilltop Remembered by William G. McEvitt, M.D.

Identifier: GTA-000765
Scope and Contents Memoirs published by the Georgetown University Library, 1982 (multiple copies). McEvitt was a College and Medical School student between 1927 and 1936 and this publication provides insight into campus life, social events, and faculty and administrators at this time. Included are references to: hazing (pg 5); Postmaster campaign (pg. 5); the Jug (pg. 7); the Walks (pgs 9-10; Lou Little (pgs 17-18); Nine Fridays (pg. 25); fraternities (pg. 30); College store (pg. 31); Sugar's, Hoya Inn, and...
Dates: 1982

Hmong Youth Conference

Identifier: GTA-GAMMS252
Scope and Contents

Contains printed material relating to the Hmong Youth Conference held at Georgetown, April 4-6, 1996. Includes workshop descriptions. Also includes cassette tape of speech given by fomer CIA Director William E. Colby at the Hmong Youth Conference held at Georgetown, April 5, 1996.

Dates: 1996

Holy Trinity Catholic Church, Washington, D.C.: Histories

Identifier: GTA-000554
Scope and Contents

Book: History of Holy Trinity Parish, Washington, D.C., 1795-1945 by Rev. Laurence J. Kelly, S.J., on the Occasion of the Sesquicentennial Celebration, November 4 to 11, 1945. John D. Lucas Printing Company, Baltimore, Md. With inscription: "Presented to the Archives by Rev. Laurence J. Kelly, S.J.

Video tape [VHS]: Holy Trinity Catholic Church: A Visual History. TRT: 48:38. Copyright 1999 Frank Productions, Inc.

Dates: 1945, 1999

Holy Year Pilgrimage

Identifier: GTA-000262-DS
Scope and Contents Contains material re Georgetown University Holy Year Pilgrimage to Rome, Oberammergau, Lourdes, and Fatima in the summer of 1950, under the sponsorship of President Hunter Guthrie, S.J. and Alumni Association President Thomas C. Mee. The pilgrimage was open to students, alumni, family and friends and included an audience with Pope Pius XII. Much of the material relates to arrangements, itineraries, and accounts. Also included is a photostat of Georgetown's Holy Year greetings presented at...
Dates: 1949-1951

Honor System Brochures

Identifier: GTA-130211
Dates: 1996-2009

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Scrapbooks 64
Athletics 49
Photographs 29
Student Groups 29
Students - Publications 22
∨ more
Nursing School 16
Anniversaries 14
Drama 13
Libraries 13
U.S. Presidents and Georgetown 12
Georgetown University, 1960s 11
Performing Arts 11
Presidential Inaugurations 11
Foreign Service School 10
Photograph albums 10
Dental School 9
Georgetown Objects 9
Georgetown University, 1950s 9
Georgetown University, 1970s 9
Mask and Bauble 9
Georgetown University, 1980s 8
Posters 8
Serial publications 8
Women at Georgetown 8
Campus Scenes 7
Football 7
Georgetown Preparatory School 7
Georgetown University, 1910-1919 7
Georgetown University, 1930s 7
Georgetown University, 1940s 7
Glass Plates 7
Riggs Library 7
Student Activism 7
Student Lists 7
Languages/Linguistics School 6
Lantern Slides 6
Medical School 6
Videotapes 6
Georgetown University Hospital 5
Georgetown University, 1920s 5
Healy Hall 5
Law School 5
Slides 5
Basketball 4
Calendars (Georgetown University) 4
College of Arts and Sciences 4
Commencements 4
Dahlgren Chapel 4
Georgetown (The Area) 4
Glee Club 4
History Department 4
Observatory 4
Planning and Physical Plant 4
Summer and Continuing Education School 4
Theaters (Washington, D.C.) 4
World War II-impact of 4
Athletics, 1940s 3
Chimes 3
Clothing and Accessories 3
DVDs 3
Depression- impact of 3
Georgetown University, 1990s 3
Gonzaga College High School 3
Ladies Board (Hospital) 3
Languages/Linguistics Institute 3
Lauinger Library 3
Lauinger Library- Planning 3
Menus 3
Protocol and Events 3
Television 3
Theses 3
Unions at Georgetown 3
Volleyball 3
Washington, D.C. 3
Art Collection 2
Astronomy 2
Athletic Association 2
Audio Tapes 2
Basketball (Women's) 2
Cardinal O'Connor Conference on Life 2
Center for International and Regional Studies 2
Charter (1815) 2
Charter (1844) 2
Clinton, Bill 2
Debate 2
Dental Hygiene 2
English Department 2
Fadner, Frank L., S.J. 2
Football, 1940s 2
Foreign Service School- Photographs 2
Foreign Service School- Qatar 2
Georgetown College 2
Georgetown Solidarity Committee (GSC) 2
Georgetown Things 2
Georgetown University Calendars 2
Georgetown University Finances 2
Georgetown University Forum 2
Georgetown University, 1890s 2
Graduate School 2
∧ less
English 601
Latin 1
Georgetown University 1
Krogh, Peter F. (Peter Frederic) 1