One printed certificate signed by "G" Club Secretary Ben Zola and "G" Club President James McNamara.
The Greek Society was founded in 1856 as a literary association. Its membership was, according to Francis Barnum, S.J.'s "stray notes", confined to "Such students from the higher classes as were willing to devote special attention to the study of Greek Literature, beyond what was required in their regular class work." Present are: proceedings; correspondence; and [membership?] certificates.
Includes flyers, emailed University notices, print-outs from, Interim H1N1 Workplace Guidelines, and Lauinger Library's Business Continuity Plan.
Apparently made by Hamilton Manufacturing Company to publicize their work in equipping dental schools across the country. Pictured are clinics/equipment at the University of Washington, University of Michigan, University of Tennessee, and Ohio State University.
Brass plaques from the cannons in front of Healy Hall. Inscription reads: "Brought to Maryland by Lord Baltimore's colony, ca. 1634. Raised from St. Mary's River, 1824. Removed from St. Inigoes to Georgetown College, 1885. Mounted by Col. Georgeown C. Reid, U.S.M.C., 1900."
The postal card was issued for Georgetown's Bicentennial, January 23, 1989. This collection includes multiple postcards (including two examples in presentation cover given to President Timothy S. Healy, S.J.), material re the work of the Ad Hoc Committee on the Stamp; and material re arrangements for the First Day of Issue ceremonies.
Contains woolen nursing cape, with GU (for Georgetown Hospital) embroidered on the lapels), nursing cap with blue and gray ribbon, invitation to the 1930 commencement, diploma in Georgetown University case, dried carnation worn at the commencement ceremony, and calling card reading "Helen Ann Smeak".
Contains album with views of buildings, grounds, and students at Heythrop College, London. Included, programs from two student plays.
Contains printed material relating to the Hmong Youth Conference held at Georgetown, April 4-6, 1996. Includes workshop descriptions. Also includes cassette tape of speech given by fomer CIA Director William E. Colby at the Hmong Youth Conference held at Georgetown, April 5, 1996.
Book: History of Holy Trinity Parish, Washington, D.C., 1795-1945 by Rev. Laurence J. Kelly, S.J., on the Occasion of the Sesquicentennial Celebration, November 4 to 11, 1945. John D. Lucas Printing Company, Baltimore, Md. With inscription: "Presented to the Archives by Rev. Laurence J. Kelly, S.J.
Video tape [VHS]: Holy Trinity Catholic Church: A Visual History. TRT: 48:38. Copyright 1999 Frank Productions, Inc.