Box 3
Contains 17 Results:
GU pilgrimage slides, 1950
This series consists of approximately 500 slides of the summer 1950 Georgetown University pilgrimage to Europe (including Rome), in celebration of the Holy Year declared by Pope Pius XII, alongside a diary kept by Fr. McHugh throughout the journey. This series also contains a diary maintained by him during his summer 1967 sabbatical in Europe as well as newsletters from the 1956-1957 academic year spent with the Georgetown-at-Fribourg study abroad program.
Sabbatical diary, 1967
This series consists of approximately 500 slides of the summer 1950 Georgetown University pilgrimage to Europe (including Rome), in celebration of the Holy Year declared by Pope Pius XII, alongside a diary kept by Fr. McHugh throughout the journey. This series also contains a diary maintained by him during his summer 1967 sabbatical in Europe as well as newsletters from the 1956-1957 academic year spent with the Georgetown-at-Fribourg study abroad program.
"Christian Marriage", 1955
A series of talks entitled "Christian Marriage" given during the National Council of Catholic Men's radio show "The Christian in Action" in July 1955: (1) "Made in Heaven"; (2) "Marry in Haste"; (3) "Marry Your Own"; (4) "Spare the Rod"; and (5) "The Unbreakable Bond," Includes drafts and final transcripts.
"Education for Time and Eternity", 1954
A series of radio talks entitled "Education for Time and Eternity" given during the National Council of Catholic Men's radio show "The Catholic Hour" in October 1954: (1) "The What and Why of Education"; (2) "The Family, a Primary Educator"; (3) "The State and Education for the Common Good"; (4) "The Church, a Supernatural Educator"; and (5) "The Nobility of the Teaching Career." Includes drafts and final transcripts.
"Education in Leisure Time", 1951
Transcripts and notes for a panel discussion entitled "Education in Leisure Time" which took place during the National Council of Catholic Men's radio show "The Christian in Action" in June 1951. Participants were Frs. John P. O'Connor, William H. Osterle, Martin F. McCarthy, and Lawrence C. McHugh.
On Purgatory, 1951
A series of novena sermons on Purgatory given during an unknown radio show in November 1951: (1) "The Doctine on Purgatory"; (2) "Joy and Suffering in Purgatory"; (3) "Helping the Souls That Are in Purgatory"; and (4) "Why We Should Help the Holy Souls." Includes notes and scripts.
"Man in the World of Nature", 1961
Notes and a transcript for an episode entitled "Man in the World of Nature" for an ABC-TV series called "Directions '61: A Catholic Perspective" that was produced in association with the National Council of Catholic Men.
On virtues, 1956
A series of radio talks on virtues given during the National Council of Catholic Men's radio show "The Catholic Hour" in June 1956: (1) "A Searchlight for the Jungle"; (2) "This Even-Handed Justice"; (3) "Reins for the Bronco, Spurs for the Nag"; and "How We Form Good Habits." Includes drafts and final transcripts.
Drawings, 1920, 1956
Amateur artwork consisting of geometric and anatomical studies (1956) as well as an early sketch from Fr. McHugh's childhood (1920).
GU pilgrimage diary, 1950
This series consists of approximately 500 slides of the summer 1950 Georgetown University pilgrimage to Europe (including Rome), in celebration of the Holy Year declared by Pope Pius XII, alongside a diary kept by Fr. McHugh throughout the journey. This series also contains a diary maintained by him during his summer 1967 sabbatical in Europe as well as newsletters from the 1956-1957 academic year spent with the Georgetown-at-Fribourg study abroad program.
GU at Fribourg newsletters, 1956 - 1957
This series consists of approximately 500 slides of the summer 1950 Georgetown University pilgrimage to Europe (including Rome), in celebration of the Holy Year declared by Pope Pius XII, alongside a diary kept by Fr. McHugh throughout the journey. This series also contains a diary maintained by him during his summer 1967 sabbatical in Europe as well as newsletters from the 1956-1957 academic year spent with the Georgetown-at-Fribourg study abroad program.
"In His Name", 1956 - 1957
A series of twenty short talks on the Old Testament given during the "Switzerland Calling" radio show between November 1956 and July 1957. Includes rough drafts of text.
Diary, 1926 - 1927
A diary beginning with FR. McHugh's later studies at Gonzaga College High School until immediately before his entrance into the Society.
"Christ or Chaos", 1955
Transcript of a talk entitled "Christ or Chaos" given during CBS' radio show "Church of the Air" in April 1955.
"The American Commonwealth", 1955
Transcript of a discussion on James Bryce's "The American Commonwealth" for Georgetown University Radio Forum in April 1955.
"The Public Philosophy", 1955
Transcript of a discussion on "The Public Philosophy" for Georgetown University Radio Forum in April 1956.
Biographical information, 1959 - 1979
Contains a curriculum vitae, a biographical information sheet, and several photographs of Fr. McHugh as well as a carbon copy of his death certificate. Further, there are various instances of his mothers last will and testament (1971-1975).