This series contains notebook manuscripts of poems by EJ.
This series contains notebook manuscripts of poems by EJ.
Minuta: Long (ex notulis Exc.mi Secretarii, P.Long, P.Stransky, D.Salzmann). Presentes: Card. Bea, Heenan, Martin; Exc.mi Hermaniuk, Rabban, Ramanantoanina, Mansourati, Cantero, Raymond, Charriere, De Smedt, Nierman, Hart, Van Velsen, Lamont, Helmsing, Primeau, Gran, Stangl, Lorscheider, Prinetto, Minisci, Willebrands (secretarius). Feria IV, V, VI; 12, 13, 14 maii 1965 [ Document in Latin, French, German and English. ] 23 pp.
Minuta: Long (ex notulis Exc.mi Secretarii, P.Long, P.Stransky, D.Salzmann). Presentes: Card. Bea, Heenan, Martin; Exc.mi Hermaniuk, Rabban, Ramanantoanina, Mansourati, Cantero, Raymond, Charriere, De Smedt, Nierman, Hart, Van Velsen, Lamont, Helmsing, Primeau, Gran, Stangl, Lorscheider, Prinetto, Minisci, Willebrands (secretarius). Feria IV, V, VI; 12, 13, 14 maii 1965 [ Document in Latin, French, German and English. ] 23 pp.
This series contains notebook manuscripts of poems by EJ.
This series contains notebook manuscripts of poems by EJ.
Collection of letters and autographs from mostly 19th century American politicians.
This series contains manuscripts and published versions of articles and addresses by Fr. LaFarge, arranged chronologically.
Letter to Mulledy. Kenney writes about his disappointment that he was unable to see Mulledy in Nice, but that he met Frs. James Van de Velde and Stephen Dubuisson in Paris on his way to Italy for the winter.
This series consists of general correspondence belonging to the Wilfrid Parsons Papers which is arranged alphabetically by topic.
Contains ALS from: Van Quickenborne and Verhaegen to Dzierozynski, McElroy, Charles Neale, and Francis Neale. Also includes ALS from Edward D. Fenwick, Bishop of Cincinnati, to Enoch Fenwick 5/17/1823. Includes undated AMs excerpts from account of Bishop's tour of Missouri area.
**Former finding aid locations: 119_128_19; XXXW1-XXXW10**
Contains ALS from: Van Quickenborne and Verhaegen to Dzierozynski. Also includes catalogue of St. Ferdinand Mission.
**Former finding aid locations: 119_128_18; XXXT1-XXXT11**
Contains ALS from: Van Quickenborne, de Theux, Elet, to Dzierozynski.
**Former finding aid locations: 119_128_17; XXXS1-XXXS11**
Contains ALS from: deTheux, Verhaegen, Van Quickenborne, to Dzierozynski.
**Former finding aid locations: 119_128_16; XXXR1-XXXR9**