Contains the transcripts for the interviews conducted by Colin Campbell with officials from the Carter Administration.
Artaria & Compagnie, Vienna
Railway map from Dresden to the "Bohemian border."
Maps of the continent of Europe.
G. Barth, Kreuznach, publisher
Maps of the continent of Europe.
Correspondence written by Michael and Paul Richey to their parents, George and Adelaide Richey. Correspondence written by George Richey to his wife, Adelaide. Also includes photographs, manuscripts, and other correspondence.
Correspondence written mostly to Ned O'Gorman, the majority being personal in nature. A few letters relate to the publishing of his poetry.
This series contains the correspondence sent by Clarence J. McIntosh to his family for the years he was stationed in Jidda and Dhahran, Saudi Arabia.
Correspondence to Cynthia Helms. Arranged alphabetically by correspondent.
Correspondence written mostly to Ned O'Gorman, the majority being personal in nature. A few letters relate to the publishing of his poetry.
Contains correspondence (1954-1993) sent from various individuals to William H. Natcher. Much of the correspondence in 1973-1974 documents some of the public's reaction to the Watergate scandal. Included is correspondence from some of Natcher's Kentucky constituents, various companies, many interest groups, and officials at Western Kentucky University. The correspondence is arranged chronologically by year.
Academic offprints collected by William K. Wimsatt, Jr., arranged alphabetically by author.