The Individual Authors Series contains correspondence, manuscripts, questionnaires from the Gallery of Living Catholic Authors, photos, publications, and clippings relating to individual authors who were accepted or considered as members of the Gallery of Living Catholic Authors established by Sister Mary Joseph, S.L., in 1932. The series is arranged alphabetically by author. Boxes 1-66.
Felix Morlion Correspondence. Arranged chronologically.
Correspondence. Arranged alphabetically by correspondent.
Felix Morlion Correspondence. Arranged chronologically.
Series 3 consists of chronological correspondence of John L. Brown from 1932 through 1974. The correspondence is arranged in chronological order. In each folder, both correspondents writing to Brown and correspondents receiving letters from Brown are listed.
Correspondence and memoranda relating to Radio Liberty and Radio Free Europe. Arranged chronologically.
Correspondence, reports and printed materials relating to CVHE's diplomatic service in Turkey and the Hague from 1915 to 1920. A second series with similar materials can be found at the end of the collection (donated at a later date than this set).
Correspondence and memoranda relating to Radio Liberty and Radio Free Europe. Arranged chronologically.
Materials include correspondence and telephone messages about interviews granted and declined. The majority relate to television, radio and the print press.
Correspondence and memoranda relating to Radio Liberty and Radio Free Europe. Arranged chronologically.
Correspondence and memoranda relating to Radio Liberty and Radio Free Europe. Arranged chronologically.
Miscellaneous printed materials, including maps, collected by CVHE.
Correspondence and memoranda relating to Radio Liberty and Radio Free Europe. Arranged chronologically.
Correspondence and memoranda relating to Radio Liberty and Radio Free Europe. Arranged chronologically.
Correspondence and memoranda relating to Radio Liberty and Radio Free Europe. Arranged chronologically.
Correspondence mainly from Jan Philip Roothaan to his family.