1926 - 1936. Official correspondence, documents and sundry accounts, principally pertaining to McCeney Werlich's posts in San Jose, Costa Rica; Monrovia, Liberia; and Paris, France from 1932 until his death in 1936. Also included are two date books for the years 1926 and 1931.
This series contains various items added to the LaFarge Papers.
(Box 3, Folders 1 - 29) In two parts, the first contains files on various members of the Kernan family. Part two consists of genealogical data and miscellaneous printed information relating to the Kernan family's ancestry.
Contains miscellaneous photos. Arranged alphabetically by subject.
(Box 1, Folders 1 - 66; Box 2, Folders 1 - 22; Box 3, Folders 1 - 28) This is part I of the Correspondence Series. Folders are arranged alphabetically by individual surnames. Correspondence is primarily by friends and associates of Dr. Joost's, many of whom are noteworthy writers and scholars. Individuals with lengthy correspondence have also been filed in this category.
This series contains the correspondence sent by Clarence J. McIntosh to his family for the years he was stationed in Jidda and Dhahran, Saudi Arabia.
This series contains correspondence with individuals or institutions, and is arranged chronologically.
This series contains correspondence with individuals or institutions, and is arranged chronologically.