Materials on the Vietnam War during the latter days of the Johnson Administration.
Consists of printed works by Pieter Verhoog including article reprints and newspaper clippings.
Includes unidentified correspondence. Also note: only names marked with an asterisk (*) are included in the index. Correspondence primarily concerns Katherine Biddle's poetry and poetry readings.
Includes correspondence from listeners in response to Hume's radio broadcasts on music.
Includes correspondence from listeners in response to Hume's radio broadcasts on music.
This series contains material grouped according to subject heading.
Correspondence. Arranged alphabetically.
One series only. Arranged alphabetically.
One series only. Arranged alphabetically.
This series contains the correspondence between Thomas Merton and Edward Rice for the years 1959-1967.
Includes correspondence from listeners in response to Hume's radio broadcasts on music.
Miscellaneous Manuscripts. Arranged alphabetically by individual.
This series is comprised of the correspondence relating to Charles Quest's career.
Correspondence mainly from Jan Philip Roothaan to his family.