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  • keyword(s): van der Eerden

Showing Results: 141 - 160 of 2325

"Der Amerikaner bei der Arbeit", 1953

 File — Box: 1, Folder: 4
Scope and Contents From the File: The Rodney C. Loehr Collection on West Germany contains printed periodicals, mostly dating to the years just after World War II collected by Rodney C. Loehr, an American historian who worked for the U.S. Army in Germany during and immediately after World War II. The materials document life in West Germany. Particular detail is given to Berlin. Some of the items were produced by the U.S. High Commission for Germany. The collection includes a long run of “Information Bulletin: Magazine of...
Dates: 1953

"Feinde der Gewerkschaften : Feinde der Demokratie", 1950

 File — Box: 1, Folder: 21
Scope and Contents From the File: The Rodney C. Loehr Collection on West Germany contains printed periodicals, mostly dating to the years just after World War II collected by Rodney C. Loehr, an American historian who worked for the U.S. Army in Germany during and immediately after World War II. The materials document life in West Germany. Particular detail is given to Berlin. Some of the items were produced by the U.S. High Commission for Germany. The collection includes a long run of “Information Bulletin: Magazine of...
Dates: 1950

Germany: "Karte der Umgebung von Berlin", 1912

 Item — Box: 2, Folder: 18
Scope and Contents

"Bearbeitet in der Kartogr. Abteilung der Königl. Preuß Landesaufhahme"

Dates: 1912

"Amerika und der Europaische..." - Article., 01/01/1948-01/01/1949

 File — Box: 1, Folder: 20
Identifier: 43514
Series-level Scope and Content Note From the Series:

Correspondence, manuscripts and printed materials of Goetz Briefs.

Dates: 01/01/1948-01/01/1949

"'Frontier,' ein Problem der Beziehungen..." - Article., 01/01/1947-01/01/1950

 File — Box: 1, Folder: 29
Identifier: 43523
Series-level Scope and Content Note From the Series:

Correspondence, manuscripts and printed materials of Goetz Briefs.

Dates: 01/01/1947-01/01/1950

"Grenzen der Unternehmensplanung II" - Article., 01/01/1945-01/01/1970

 File — Box: 1, Folder: 34
Identifier: 43528
Series-level Scope and Content Note From the Series:

Correspondence, manuscripts and printed materials of Goetz Briefs.

Dates: 01/01/1945-01/01/1970

"Zur Frage der Grenzmoral" - Article., 01/01/1960-01/01/1970

 File — Box: 1, Folder: 49
Identifier: 43543
Series-level Scope and Content Note From the Series:

Correspondence, manuscripts and printed materials of Goetz Briefs.

Dates: 01/01/1960-01/01/1970

"Von der 'happiness' zum Wohlfahrtsstaat" - Article., 01/01/1962-01/01/1963

 File — Box: 1, Folder: 52
Identifier: 43546
Series-level Scope and Content Note From the Series:

Correspondence, manuscripts and printed materials of Goetz Briefs.

Dates: 01/01/1962-01/01/1963

"Aushalten! - so lautete der Befehl an eure Kameraden"., 01/01/1941-12/31/1945

 File — Box: 4, Folder: 5
Identifier: 42888
Series-level Scope and Content Note From the Sub-Series:

This series of leaflets was originally pasted and bound into a scrapbook, spine imprinted, 'M.F.H. Leaflets - West Front.' The scrapbook covers have been saved and stored at the end of the box. The leaflets were used by U.S. and Allies against German troops during World War II. Datespan is non-specific; the majority of the leaflets were probably created and used towards the end of the war.

Dates: 01/01/1941-12/31/1945

"An Die Deutschen Offiziere der Westfront"., 01/01/1941-12/31/1945

 File — Box: 4, Folder: 18
Identifier: 42901
Series-level Scope and Content Note From the Sub-Series:

This series of leaflets was originally pasted and bound into a scrapbook, spine imprinted, 'M.F.H. Leaflets - West Front.' The scrapbook covers have been saved and stored at the end of the box. The leaflets were used by U.S. and Allies against German troops during World War II. Datespan is non-specific; the majority of the leaflets were probably created and used towards the end of the war.

Dates: 01/01/1941-12/31/1945

(Gray page): ""Gebirgsjager von der 5. Division!"., 01/01/1941-12/31/1945

 File — Box: 5, Folder: 5
Identifier: 42952
Series-level Scope and Content Note From the Sub-Series:

This series of leaflets was originally bound into a scrapbook album - covers at the end of the box. Spine imprinted, 'M.F.H. Leaflets - Selection.'

Dates: 01/01/1941-12/31/1945

"Gebirgsjager von der 5. Division!"., 01/01/1941-12/31/1945

 File — Box: 6, Folder: 6
Identifier: 43000
Series-level Scope and Content Note From the Sub-Series:

This series consists of psychological warfare leaflets originally housed in an album entitled, 'M.F.H. Leaflets - Italy Combat.' Album cover is at the end of this box.

Dates: 01/01/1941-12/31/1945

"The Price of Freedom: Human Rights in a Global Society"/Der Preis der Freiheit: Menschenrechte in einem globalen Zeitalter", 2002

 File — Box: 4, Folder: 1
Scope and Contents From the Series: This series contains published/unpublished articles as well as presentations/lectures and papers associated with their creation such as correspondence, research notes, and clippings. Arranged by topic (art, theology, politics, education, other) and then chronologically. See box 5 folder 11 for a near-comprehensive list of Fr. O'Donovan's publications and presentations through 2016.Note that writings speficially related to Karl Rahner are held in box 5 folders 13-22 and box 6...
Dates: 2002

"Die Theologie der Befreiung und das Problem der revolutionären Gewalt", 2011

 File — Box: 3, Folder: 35
Scope and Contents From the Series: This series contains published/unpublished articles as well as presentations/lectures and papers associated with their creation such as correspondence, research notes, and clippings. Arranged by topic (art, theology, politics, education, other) and then chronologically. See box 5 folder 11 for a near-comprehensive list of Fr. O'Donovan's publications and presentations through 2016.Note that writings speficially related to Karl Rahner are held in box 5 folders 13-22 and box 6...
Dates: 2011

Comparing Secularism in China and India, 2008-09-08

 Item — Box: 4
Scope and Contents

One DVD. Features speaker Peter van der Veer on Comparing Secularism in China and India. Sponsored by the Berkley Center for Religion, Peace and World Affairs.

Dates: Event: 2008-09-08

"Ignatz Seipel und der moderne...," TMs w/ autograph corrections: 16pp., undated

 File — Box: 2, Folder: 33
Scope and Contents From the Collection:

The Heinrich A. Rommen Papers contain correspondence, manuscripts, printed materials, photographs, and clippings pertaining to Rommen's career both in Germany and in the United States.

Dates: undated

America Magazine General Corresp.-"Stimmen der Zeit"., 01/01/1936-12/31/1938

 File — Box: 30, Folder: 43
Identifier: 22188
Series-level Scope and Content Note From the Series:

This series consists of America Magazine General Correspondence. Within this series will be found folders filed by topic and/or names of specific individuals to and from whom correspondence was either addressed or received. In addition, one will occasionally find correspondence which predates the founding of America Magazine. This particular type of correspondence, normally addressed to Father Wynne, the founding editor, was incorporated into the America Magazine general file.

Dates: 01/01/1936-12/31/1938

Von der Notwendigkeit der Kunst. Fischer, Ernest. Hamburg; Claassen Velag, 1967

 Item — Box: 1
Scope and Contents

Literary criticism. Publication of the Tiyatro Araştirmalari Enstitüsü; single article monograph.

Dates: Publication: 1967

"The Dialogue With Darwinism: On Karl Rahner’s Theological Appropriation of the Evolutionary World View” / "Der Dialog mit dem Darwinismus: Über Karl Rahners Einschätzung der evolutiven Weitsicht", 1978 - 1979

 File — Box: 5, Folder: 16
Scope and Contents From the Series: This series contains papers related to Jesuit theologian Karl Rahner (1904-1984) such as articles, presentations, and notes on the scholar as well as course content from O'Donovan's doctoral work under Rahner at the University of Münster (1967-1970). An interview with O'Donovan, found in box 7 folder 12, gives further detail on his experiences studying there under Rahner. The series also includes material for Rahner courses taught by O'Donovan at Woodstock College (1973), Weston...
Dates: 1978 - 1979

"Wisdom's Dance: Toward a Neoclassic Liberal Education in the New Millennium"/"Der Tanz der Weisheit: Einem neoklassischen liberalen Bildungswesen im neuen Jahrtausend entgegen", 2002 - 2003

 File — Box: 4, Folder: 17
Scope and Contents From the Series: This series contains published/unpublished articles as well as presentations/lectures and papers associated with their creation such as correspondence, research notes, and clippings. Arranged by topic (art, theology, politics, education, other) and then chronologically. See box 5 folder 11 for a near-comprehensive list of Fr. O'Donovan's publications and presentations through 2016.Note that writings speficially related to Karl Rahner are held in box 5 folders 13-22 and box 6...
Dates: 2002 - 2003

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Georgetown University Manuscripts 2152
Georgetown University Rare Books 94
Georgetown University Archives 35
Woodstock Theological Center Library Archives 30
Bioethics Research Library Archives 9
Archival Object 2269
Collection 47
Person 5
Digital Record 4
World War, 1939-1945 9
American Literature 6
Women's and Gender Studies 5
Diplomacy 4
Literature 4
∨ more
Music (physical format/genre) 4
Cold War 3
Journalism 3
Middle East 3
American history 2
Bioethics 2
British literature 2
Composers 2
Diplomacy -- 20th century 2
History 2
Italy -- History -- 20th century 2
Latin America 2
Medical ethics 2
Poetry 2
Sailing 2
Aeronautics, Commercial 1
American history and government 1
Art Collection 1
Arts and diplomacy 1
Baltimore, Maryland, History 1
Bioethics -- Study and teaching 1
Biotechnology 1
Bush, George W. 1
Catholic History 1
Catholic literature 1
Catholicism 1
Church music 1
Composers -- 20th century 1
Dahlgren Chapel 1
Deeds 1
District of Columbia, History 1
Espionage 1
Fertilization in vitro, Human -- Moral and ethical aspects 1
Film 1
Genetics -- Moral and ethical aspects 1
Germany 1
History, 20th century 1
Human embryo -- Transplantation 1
India 1
International Relations -- United States 1
Japanese Americans -- Forced removal and internment, 1942-1945 1
Japanese Literature 1
Jesuits 1
Let Freedom Ring 1
Libraries -- Special collections -- Databases 1
Lincoln, Abraham, 1809-1865 -- Assassination 1
Medical policy 1
Music (topic) 1
Music -- 19th century 1
Music -- 20th century 1
Music -- Manuscripts 1
Musicians 1
Netherlands 1
Nuremberg War Crime Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, 1946-1949 1
Pamphlets 1
Panama 1
Paris Peace Conference (1919-1920) 1
Petroleum industry and trade -- Saudi Arabia 1
Political Science 1
Powell, Colin 1
Psychiatry 1
Radio scripts 1
Research -- Moral and ethical aspects 1
Saudi Arabia 1
Scores 1
Screenplays 1
Translation and translators 1
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 1
Vatican City 1
Virginia 1
World Politics 1
∧ less
English 398
German 34
German 12
Latin 5
Latin 4
∨ more  
Beethoven, Ludwig van, 1770-1827 5
Engert, Cornelius Van Hemert, 1887-1985 2
Hughes, Thomas, Fr. 2
Toner, F. 2
Van de Moortel, F. 2