Manuscript items, including letters,notes, photographs, and printed ephemera, found interleaved in books from the personal library of John S. Mayfield.
Manuscripts for essays, short stories and reviews by Theodore Maynard. Also includes correspondence regarding the manuscripts. The last three folders in this series contain notes that were found in Maynard's books.
The series consists of three folders of professional correspondence, including Hans-Martin Sass and Van Rensellaer Potter. Topically, it includes correspondence related to the bioethics and medical humanities education programs at Georgetown University and Hiram College.
One DVD. Features speaker Peter van der Veer on Comparing Secularism in China and India. Sponsored by the Berkley Center for Religion, Peace and World Affairs.
Miscellaneous Manuscripts Collection 4 consists of letters and documents by and about notable individuals in history, literature, religion, government, and other fields. The items in these collections are gifts and purchases.
(Box 1, Folders 1 - 66; Box 2, Folders 1 - 22; Box 3, Folders 1 - 28) This is part I of the Correspondence Series. Folders are arranged alphabetically by individual surnames. Correspondence is primarily by friends and associates of Dr. Joost's, many of whom are noteworthy writers and scholars. Individuals with lengthy correspondence have also been filed in this category.
Contains manuscripts related to the Supreme Court. Includes Knox's typed manuscript 'Experiences as Law Clerk to Mr. Justice James C. McReynolds' and printed proofs of Supreme Court decisions with handwritten comments by justices.
Contains correspondence of John Knox with Civil War veterans. Union veterans appear first, arranged alphabetically. Confederate veterans appear second, arranged alphabetically.