The Final Years - and Days. Miscellaneous addresses: Address by De Gaulle (1966); General Tran Van Don (1976); Graham Martin before Committee on International Relations (1976); and Herz, "Be Proud You Fought in Vietnam."
Articles on Vietnam, by Hans J. Morganthau, Stephen J. Morris, Douglas Pike, Elizabeth Pond, John P. Roche, Raymond Rosenthal, Dean Rusk, Robert A. Scalapino, Arthur Schlesinger, Jr., David Schoenbrun, Stephen R. Seper, Doan Van Toai, Benjamin West, Tom Wicker.
Manuscript items, including letters,notes, photographs, and printed ephemera, found interleaved in books from the personal library of John S. Mayfield.
Materials collected by William F. Claire that relate to Mark Van Doren (portrait photograph, obituary, Life magazine issue), Katherine Garrison Chapin (photograph) (aka Katherine Biddle), and others. It also includes materials related to Claire's art and poetry.
The Correspondence Series contains correspondence written to Cornelius Van H. Engert. The Correspondence Series consists of two sub-series: Individual Correspondence and Chronological Correspondence.
The Individual Correspondence Sub-Series contains correspondence written to Cornelius Van H. Engert from various notable people. The letters are arranged in alphabetical order by person's name.
The Alphabetical Files Sub-Series contains materials relating to Cornelius Van H. Engert's involvement with various organizations. The materials are arranged in alphabetical order.
Box 5. Alphabetical photographic files Ashman — Baclanova, 90 folders.
Consists of 12 folders containing letters sent by Winifred S. Weislogel to her parents while stationed in Lome, Togo. Arranged chronologically.