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Showing Results: 8861 - 8880 of 8997

Maryland-New York Division, 1920 - 1930

 File — Box: 202, Folder: 7
Scope and Contents

Materials compiled on the separation of New England from the Maryland-New York Province at the request of Visitor Norbert de Boynes. Includes correspondence as well as reports on lines of division, reasons "for" or "against" the partition, and financial considerations.

Dates: 1920 - 1930

Georgetown, Memorial of Visitations, 1920-1938

 File — Box: 208, Folder: 18
Scope and Contents

Includes typed memoranda of visitations from Fathers Norbert de Boynes (1920), Edward Phillips (1929-1930), Joseph Murphy (1936), and James Sweeney (1937-1938).

Dates: 1920-1938

Correspondence (14 of 18), 1834

 File — Box: 40, Folder: 11
Identifier: 119_128_7
Scope and Contents

Contains ALS from de Theux and Verhaegen.

**Former finding aid locations: 119_128_7; XXXG1-XXXG9**

Dates: 1834

Correspondence 1959 S., 01/01/1959-12/31/1959

 File — Box: 3, Folder: 23
Identifier: 46214
Series-level Scope and Content Note From the Series: [Folders 1:1 - 6:13] Correspondence received by CBL from 1933 through 1971. Includes carbon replies from CBL. Arranged alphabetically by correspondent for each year. To maintain the integrity of a series of correspondence by certain individuals, a given year may include letters from preceding years. In such cases, correspondence is filed by the most recent date in the series. Content is primarily social and personal. Some unclassified official correspondence is included. (Further official...
Dates: 01/01/1959-12/31/1959

116-2., 1966.

 File — Box: 2, Folder: 7
Scope and Contents From the Collection:

Contains correspondence, clippings, announcements, publications, and other material re all aspects of campus life, including student events, elections, organizations, protests, and activism. Reference is made to civil rights activity, as well as to protests against the Vietnam War. Material relating to the National Student Strike of 1970 and the May Day demonstrations of 1971 is included.

Arranged chronologically.

Dates: 1966.

Notebook Poems - 1982., 07/24/1982-07/29/1982

 File — Box: 22, Folder: 5
Identifier: 43331
Series-level Scope and Content Note From the Series:

This series contains notebook manuscripts of poems by EJ.

Dates: 07/24/1982-07/29/1982

Journal, 1893-01-01 - 1894-01-14

 File — Box: 1, Folder: 6
Scope and Contents

A journal written by Fr. Duncan that includes discussion of varied topics such as house visitors, the weather, his travels, and generally ministering to the parishioners of St. Mary's. He writes of the death of his brother Charles and continues to talk of contemporary political events, such as the conviction of Ferdinand de Lesseps and the trial of Lizzie Borden. The journal ends with his transfer to Georgetown University as procurator in July 1893 with a final entry in January 1894.

Dates: 1893-01-01 - 1894-01-14

African Student Center., 04/05/1958-10/31/1960

 File — Box: 35, Folder: 3
Identifier: 27560
Series-level Scope and Content Note From the Series:

This series contains two boxes of material relating to Africa and LaFarge's involvement with the education of African students in the US.

Dates: 04/05/1958-10/31/1960

Writings of 1959., 01/01/1959-12/31/1959

 File — Box: 58, Folder: 13
Identifier: 28128
Series-level Scope and Content Note From the Series:

This series contains manuscripts and published versions of articles and addresses by Fr. LaFarge, arranged chronologically.

Dates: 01/01/1959-12/31/1959

Peter Kenney, SJ, 1841

 File — Box: 1, Folder: 4
Scope and Contents

Letter to Mulledy. Kenney writes about his disappointment that he was unable to see Mulledy in Nice, but that he met Frs. James Van de Velde and Stephen Dubuisson in Paris on his way to Italy for the winter.

Dates: 1841

Rome Correspondence., 10/15/1953-07/02/1962

 File — Box: 11, Folder: 3
Identifier: 27211
Series-level Scope and Content Note From the Series:

This series contains material organized alphabetically according to subject.

Dates: 10/15/1953-07/02/1962

Spain & Jews (Clippings, Correspondence, etc.)., 08/16/1948-10/26/1948

 File — Box: 13, Folder: 3
Identifier: 27238
Series-level Scope and Content Note From the Series:

This series contains material organized alphabetically according to subject.

Dates: 08/16/1948-10/26/1948

Memoranda (3 of 5), 1825-10-17 - 1826-01-17

 File — Box: 1, Folder: 3
Scope and Contents

Memoir that includes notes on health and medicine, the visit of Marquis de Lafayette to the District of Columbia, the infestation of the boll weevil that was destroying wheat in Georgetown and surrounding area, and passing comments on slavery.

Dates: 1825-10-17 - 1826-01-17

Genealogical Notes and Correspondence., 01/01/1943-04/09/1963

 File — Box: 40, Folder: 1
Identifier: 27627
Series-level Scope and Content Note From the Series:

This series contains correspondence and other material relating to and originating from the LaFarge family.

Dates: 01/01/1943-04/09/1963

Misc Family Correspondence 2., 03/13/1955-12/03/1963

 File — Box: 40, Folder: 3
Identifier: 27629
Series-level Scope and Content Note From the Series:

This series contains correspondence and other material relating to and originating from the LaFarge family.

Dates: 03/13/1955-12/03/1963

Undated Articles by JLF (3)., 01/01/1910-12/31/1950

 File — Box: 45, Folder: 7
Identifier: 27679
Series-level Scope and Content Note From the Series:

This series contains JLF's articles from 1911-1963, arranged chronologically.

Dates: 01/01/1910-12/31/1950

Miscellaneous Documents in Arabic Script, 1790 - 1850

 File — Multiple Containers
Scope and Contents

Miscellaneous documents in Arabic script, late 18th to mid 19th century. A few show notes or calculations, but many contain repetitive text and a significant portion contain illustrated charts of national flags and other maritime signaling intelligence. These manuscripts were originally described as part of the Nicholas Cleary Collection, now separated, sometime before 1970.

Dates: 1790 - 1850

Miscellaneous documents, 1810, 1814

 File — Box: 1, Folder: 12
Scope and Contents A resolution (1810) with five ordinances: (1) that unknown priests should not exercise priestly functions with church chalices or sacred vestments; (2) that priests should not baptize outside of the church; (3) that marriages should be performed in the church; (4) that priests should discourage an “attachment to entertainments”; and (5) that priests should not administer the sacraments to Freemasons. The stipulations were adopted by Frs. John Carroll (Archbishop of Baltimore), Michael Egan...
Dates: 1810, 1814

Correspondence, 1906 - 1907

 File — Box: 1, Folder: 2
Scope and Contents

Letters predominantly from Mo. Drexel referring to the “industry among the girls in Jamaica” and the possibility of the Sisters of Mercy of Jamaica accepting a Black woman into their community who was a student at the St. Francis de Sales (Rock Castle) boarding school. Further includes discussion of a possible mission in Philadelphia for “the non-Catholic negroes” and an impending visit by Fr. Emerick.

Dates: 1906 - 1907

Christitch to Parsons, 1932-05-14

 File — Box: 1, Folder: 66
Scope and Contents From the Collection: The Wilfrid Parsons, SJ Papers 2 consist primarily of letters sent to Parsons, an editor for America, from Annie Christitch. Christitch's letters to Fr. Parsons document in detail the role of Catholicism in Yugoslavia during the 1920s and 1930s. Her letters also touch on the subject of Catholicism in Czechoslovakia during that same period. In her correspondence, Christitch discusses many significant individuals, including King Alexander of Yugoslavia, Antun...
Dates: 1932-05-14

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Georgetown University Manuscripts 7382
Woodstock Theological Center Library Archives 1258
Georgetown University Rare Books 180
Georgetown University Archives 136
Bioethics Research Library Archives 8
Archival Object 8776
Collection 176
Person 27
Digital Record 11
Organization 3
∨ more  
Jesuits 14
British literature 11
American Literature 10
World War, 1939-1945 9
Catholicism 8
∨ more
Literature 7
Theosophy 7
Diplomacy 6
Authors 5
Catholic literature 5
Catholics -- Religious identity 5
Correspondence 5
Music (physical format/genre) 5
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 5
Women's and Gender Studies 5
American history and government 4
Panama Canal (Panama) 4
Poetry 4
Art 3
Catholic Church 3
Catholic History 3
Jesuits -- Maryland Province 3
Jesuits -- Missions -- Philippines 3
Journalism 3
Philosophers -- France 3
World War, 1914-1918 3
Abortion -- Moral and ethical aspects 2
African American composers 2
African American musicians 2
British History -- 19th century 2
China 2
Cold War 2
English Literature 2
Film 2
Germany 2
International Relations -- United States 2
Jesuits -- History 2
Jesuits -- Theology 2
Lincoln, Abraham, 1809-1865 -- Assassination 2
Music by African American composers 2
Panama 2
Photographs 2
Photography 2
Political Science 2
Scrapbooks 2
Slavery 2
Student Groups 2
Theater -- 20th century 2
World War, 1939-1945 -- Personal narratives, American 2
World War, 1939-1945 -- Prisoners and prisons, Japanese 2
African American singers 1
African American women composers 1
Alliance for Progress 1
American history 1
Anthropology 1
Anti-imperialist movements 1
Antisemitism 1
Archaeology 1
Art Collection 1
Art criticism 1
Baltimore, Maryland, History 1
Belgium 1
Bibliography 1
Brazil 1
British Broadcasting Company 1
British History 1
Catholic Church -- Czechoslovakia -- History-- 20th century 1
Catholic Church -- Doctrines -- History -- 20th Century 1
Catholic Church -- Great Britain 1
Catholic Church -- Relations 1
Catholic Church -- Yugoslavia -- History-- 20th century 1
Catholic Church--Missions 1
Catholic women 1
Children's literature -- Periodicals 1
Chinese rites 1
Christian -- Unity 1
Christian Union -- Congresses 1
Church History -- 19th century 1
Church music -- Catholic Church 1
Church records and registers 1
Classics Dept. 1
Colonies 1
Commonplace books 1
Communism 1
Composers 1
Composers -- 20th century 1
Devotional Societies 1
Diaries 1
District of Columbia, History 1
Economics 1
Espionage 1
Ethics 1
Fadner, Frank L., S.J. 1
France 1
Georgetown College 1
History, 20th century 1
Holocaust, Jewish (1939-1945) 1
Intelligence -- United States 1
International relations 1
Italy 1
∧ less
Spanish; Castilian 2059
English 1366
Latin 337
French 222
French 32
∨ more  
Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre 12
Jesuits. Maryland Province 10
Gounod, Charles, 1818-1893 5
Sarasate, Pablo de, 1844-1908 5
Wernz, Franz Xavier, R.V.P., S.J., General 4
∨ more
de Augustinis, Emilio 4
Maas, Anthony, Fr., S.J., Provincial 3
Moscheles, Ignaz, 1794-1870 3
Verdi, Giuseppe, 1813-1901 3
Anderledy, Antonio Maria, V.R.P., S.J., General 2
Barbor, Dave 2
Campbell, Thos J., S.J. 2
Hanselman, Josephus, V.R., S.J., Provincial 2
Hughes, Thomas, Fr. 2
Ledóchowski, Włodzimierz, 1866-1942 2
Lʹvov, Alekseĭ Fedorovich, 1798-1870 2
Massenet, Jules, 1842-1912 2
Roothaan, Jan, V.R.P., S.J., General 2
Scheetz, Nicholas B., 1952-2016 2
Toner, F. 2
Van de Moortel, F. 2
Verde, Alexander 2
Weber, Carl Maria von, 1786-1826 2
de Boynes, Norbert, Very Reverend, S.J., Visitor 2
de la Motte, Georgio, P. 2
Alexius, Brother, C.F.X. 1
American Teilhard de Chardin Association 1
Arabian American Oil Company 1
Ashby, James, 1714-1767 1
Ateneo de Zamboanga 1
Azarias, Brother 1
Bacon, Robert Low, 1884-1938 1
Bacon, Virginia Murray, 1890-1980 1
Balakirev, Miliĭ Alekseevich, 1837-1910 1
Barry, Philip, 1896-1949 1
Beadnall, James 1718-1772 1
Becker, James B., Rev. 1
Beckett, Samuel, 1906-1989 1
Beckx, Pieter, V.R.P., S.J., General 1
Bensky, Roger-Daniel 1
Boarman, Sylvester, 1746-1811 1
Boieldieu, A. (Adrien), 1775-1834 1
Bolton, John, 1742-1809 1
Borchgrave, Arnaud 1
Brady, Robert W., S.J., Fr. 1
Brown, Anthony Cave 1
Brown, John L. (John Lackey), 1914-2002 1
Bülow, Hans von, 1830-1894 1
Calvo, Esther Neira de, 1890-1978 1
Carroll, John, 1735-1815 1
Catholic Church. Congregatio de Propaganda Fide 1
Colour of Music Festival 1
Cooney, F. 1
Cormican, P. J. (Patrick J.) 1
Cosme, Marie-Therese 1
Crewe, Frances Anne, 1748-1818 1
Crocker, Ethel Mary, 1891–1964 1
Crown, John R., -1982 1
De Luca, Ferdinand, 1828-1889 1
De Sylva, B. G. (Buddy Gard), 1896-1950 1
Diderich, Bernard, 1726-1793 1
Duran, Leopoldo 1
Falla, Manuel de, 1876-1946 1
Fields, Herbert, 1897-1958 1
Fitzgerald, John, -1799 1
Fitzgerald, John, F. 1
Flotow, Friedrich von, 1812-1883 1
Gabriel, Henry A., S.J. 1
Gallery of Living Catholic Authors 1
Georgetown University 1
Gibbons, Jacob, S.J. 1
Greene, Graham, 1904-1991 1
Healy, Hugh S., S.J. 1
Healy, Patrick Francis, 1830-1910 1
Hitchcock, Alfred, 1899-1980 1
Hitchcock, Pat 1
Hristić, Annie, 1885-1977 1
Hughes, Thomas, 1849-1939 1
Hurley, John F. (John Fidelis) 1
Iturbide, Agustín de, 1783-1824 1
Jesuits 1
Kilmer, Joyce, 1886-1918 1
Kinsella, F. 1
Lagae, F. 1
Lamont, Rosette C. 1
Livers, Arnold, 1734-1767 1
Lopez, Jose Antonio, 1779-1841 1
Lunn, Arnold, 1888-1974 1
Lussier, F. 1
Mac Mahon, W., S.J., Subst.Secr 1
Mannion, Gerard, 1970-2019 1
Martin, Ludovicus (Luis), V.R.P., S.J., General 1
Maynard, Theodore, 1890-1956 1
McKenna, Horace Bernard, 1899-1982 1
Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, Felix, 1809-1847 1
Merino, S.J., P. 1
Merry del Val, R. Card. 1
Meyerbeer, Giacomo, 1791-1864 1
Mill, John Stuart, 1806-1873 1
Morris, Leland B., 1886-1950 1
∧ less