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Showing Results: 8981 - 8996 of 8996

Notebook Poems 1972., 09/01/1972-10/01/1972

 File — Box: 1, Folder: 1
Identifier: 43092
Series-level Scope and Content Note From the Series:

This series contains notebook manuscripts of poems by EJ.

Dates: 09/01/1972-10/01/1972

Notebook Poems 1972., 09/01/1972-10/31/1972

 File — Box: 1, Folder: 2
Identifier: 43093
Series-level Scope and Content Note From the Series:

This series contains notebook manuscripts of poems by EJ.

Dates: 09/01/1972-10/31/1972

Ashby, James, 1741 - 1767

 File — Box: 1, Folder: 1
Scope and Contents Sermons by James Ashby, SJ (1714-1767). Entered 1739; served in Maryland 1741-1767. Woodstock College Archives.(1) No date. No title. Text: Ezekiel 33:11. 8 pages. Note at head "funeral sermon." (2) No date. No title. Text: Ecclesiasticus 7:40. 8 pages. (3) No date. No title. Text: Psalm 115:6. 8 pages. (4) No date. No title. Text: Luke 10:42. 8 pages. Based on the "Sermon sur l'assomption de la vierge" by the Rev....
Dates: 1741 - 1767

Diderich, Bernard (1 of 4), 1775 - 1780

 File — Box: 2, Folder: 4
Scope and Contents Sermons by Bernard Diderich or Diderick, SJ (1726-1793). Also known as John Baptist Diderich. Entered 1745; in Maryland 1771-1793. Maryland Province Archives, except when noted.(1) 1775. Title: "De inferno." Text: Luke 8:32. 12 pages. Notes at head: "balt. oct: 1775 hills. Nov: 1775 Piscatw: July 1778" and "Quinquages." (2) 1775. No title. Text: Psalm 110:9. 12 pages. Imperfect: incomplete at end. Note at end:...
Dates: 1775 - 1780

Mosley, Joseph (2 of 2), 1760 - 1773

 File — Box: 3, Folder: 15
Scope and Contents Sermons by Joseph Mosley, SJ (1731-1787). Entered 1748; served in Maryland 1756-1787. Woodstock College Archives, except when noted.(6) 1761. Title: "On St Ignatius." Text: Isaiah 43:7. 12 pages. Note at head: "Sakia 1761 Portobacco 1763." (7) 1763. Title: "On ye Ascension." Text: Acts 1:9. 11 pages. Note at head: "Sakia 1763 Sullivans. 1766. Wye. 1766. Brownings 1766. Brownings 1772. Wye 1772. Home 1782. Home...
Dates: 1760 - 1773

Wills, Surnames L-N, 1850 - 1909

 File — Box: 98, Folder: 4
Identifier: 119_80_1
Scope and Contents Daniel Lynch (1855); Francis Lachat (1858); (Missing: James A. Leddy 1899, Denis Lynch 1900, Francis J. Lamb 1902, Francis J. Lenahan 1902); Augustus Langcake (1905); (Missing: Clement S. Lancaster 1905, Charles V. Lamb 1905, John T. Lunny 1905); John F. Leehy (1906); (Missing: Fred G. Lang 1907, Vincent Liberante 1908, Charles W. Lyons 1908, James F. Leary 1909); Henry J. Lyons (1909); James Moore (1850); Bernard A. Maguire (1855); Peter L. Miller (1867); Charles M. Maldonado (1871);...
Dates: 1850 - 1909

Ignatius Brocard, S.J. (46 of 83), 1850-09-01-1850-11-22

 File — Box: 13, Folder: 5
Identifier: 119_71_10
Scope and Contents Contains ALS to Brocard from: 2 from Pallhuber on discord at Richmond, attempts to get Christian Brothers school in Richmond, relations with Bp of Wheeling 9/3 & 12/1850, 3 on obtaining faculties, need of repairs at Richmond, number of German Catholics 9/17, 21, & 27/1850; 3 from Early on clergy needs at Holy Cross, recommendation of Patrick Healy for Society 9/3, 9, & 15/1850, 2 on S. Mulledy's difficulties with Bp Reynolds 9/24 & 10/11/1850; Anthony Maraschi, SJ on trip to...
Dates: 1850-09-01-1850-11-22

John Anthony Grassi, S.J. (34 of 39), 1816-01-02-1816-04-07

 File — Box: 2, Folder: 23
Identifier: 119_59_16
Scope and Contents Contains ALS: from Daniel Brent to E. Fenwick on Abp Carroll's bequest of Charles St. property to Fenwick, recommending inventory of Bohemia, engagement of biographer of Abp Carroll 1/2/1816, on disposition of Abp Carroll's collection of Italian engravings 1/21 and 4/6/1816; from Andrei (?) to Grassi on flourishing state of Georgetown, restoration of Society in Spain, founding of new colleges in Italy, anticipation of Jesuit residence in Naples, praise of Georgetown Observatory 1/2/1816;...
Dates: 1816-01-02-1816-04-07

Francis Dzierozynski, S.J. (4 of 16), 1840-05-04-1840-09-15

 File — Box: 9, Folder: 10
Identifier: 119_67_10
Scope and Contents Contains ALS: from Grivel to Lancaster on misc. including intention to give up Goshenhoppen and Alexandria 5/4/1840, on misc. including Gov. Johnson's intention to build chapel for former White Marsh and St. Inigoes enslaved individuals 5/30/1840, on misc., including repair of mill at White Marsh 7/18/1840; from Cary to ? on former's epilepsy 5/8/1840; from B. Fenwick to G. Fenwick on founding of St. Vincent de Paul Church in Boston, funeral of Bp Brute 5/22/1840; from Ward to S. Barber on...
Dates: 1840-05-04-1840-09-15

Notebook Poems - 1973., 07/15/1973-07/31/1973

 File — Box: 1, Folder: 7
Identifier: 43098
Series-level Scope and Content Note From the Series:

This series contains notebook manuscripts of poems by EJ.

Dates: 07/15/1973-07/31/1973

Georgetown College (2 of 4), 1791 - 1879

 File — Box: 48, Folder: 2
Identifier: 119_19_5
Scope and Contents Includes financial statements showing transfer of $25,000 by Thomas Mulledy, S.J., to Georgetown College and list of college residents, including 11 Black washerwomen and 2 enslaved people.Papers related to Georgetown College: History of James Ord [as related by himself with other facts collected by his descendants]. Included also are two letters: 1) Letter (Mar. 17, 1875) from James Curley, S.J., to W. Ord and 2) Letter [Mar. 18, 1875] of P. Ord to C.C. Lancaster. There is also...
Dates: 1791 - 1879

John Anthony Grassi, S.J. (6 of 39), 1812-09-08-1812-10-30

 File — Box: 1, Folder: 14
Identifier: 119_57.1_3
Scope and Contents Contains ALS from Egan to Grassi on declining health of Beschter 9/8/1812; from Kohlmann to Grassi on unfitness of Malou, use of Conewago house as Novitiate, unfitness of Beschter as Master of Novices 9/11/1812; from Leonard Neale to Grassi on former's resentment of latter's rebuke re management of Georgetown 9/12/1812; from Bro. Joseph Mobberly to Grassi recommending St. Inigoes for Novitiate undated (pres. Summer 1812); from Grassi to Beschter on latter's relocation to White Marsh,...
Dates: 1812-09-08-1812-10-30

Correspondence: Misc. individuals to Charles Quest 1960-1961., 02/04/1960-12/13/1961

 File — Box: 1, Folder: 1.8
Identifier: 66891
Series-level Scope and Content Note From the Series:

This series is comprised of the correspondence relating to Charles Quest's career.

Dates: 02/04/1960-12/13/1961

Davies, Richard Townsend (reminiscences of)., 01/01/1947-12/31/1978

 File — Box: 1, Folder: 84
Identifier: GAMMS2.2.696
Series-level Scope and Content Note From the Series:

Dates: 01/01/1947-12/31/1978

Correspondence: Misc. Individuals to Charles Quest, 1951-1952., 09/06/1951-09/27/1952

 File — Box: 1, Folder: 1.3
Identifier: 66886
Series-level Scope and Content Note From the Series:

This series is comprised of the correspondence relating to Charles Quest's career.

Dates: 09/06/1951-09/27/1952

Scrapbook I., 11/28/1885-10/28/1888

 File — Box: 1, Folder: 1
Identifier: 41557
Collection-level Scope and Content Note From the Collection: The Madeleine Vinton Dahlgren papers consist of one scrapbook intact, containing material dating from 1885 through 1888; a fragment of a scrapbook, containing material dating 1877 through 1879; and one tintype, possibly of the Irish statesman, Charles Stewart Parnell. The following description of this collection begins with the complete scrapbook, designated Scrapbook I. The fragmented Scrapbook II follows, with the tintype as the last item in the collection. Itemization of material within...
Dates: 11/28/1885-10/28/1888

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Georgetown University Manuscripts 7381
Woodstock Theological Center Library Archives 1258
Georgetown University Rare Books 180
Georgetown University Archives 136
Bioethics Research Library Archives 8
Archival Object 8775
Collection 176
Person 27
Digital Record 11
Organization 3
∨ more  
Jesuits 14
British literature 11
American Literature 10
World War, 1939-1945 9
Catholicism 8
∨ more
Literature 7
Theosophy 7
Diplomacy 6
Authors 5
Catholic literature 5
Catholics -- Religious identity 5
Correspondence 5
Music (physical format/genre) 5
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 5
Women's and Gender Studies 5
American history and government 4
Panama Canal (Panama) 4
Poetry 4
Art 3
Catholic Church 3
Catholic History 3
Jesuits -- Maryland Province 3
Jesuits -- Missions -- Philippines 3
Journalism 3
Philosophers -- France 3
World War, 1914-1918 3
Abortion -- Moral and ethical aspects 2
African American composers 2
African American musicians 2
British History -- 19th century 2
China 2
Cold War 2
English Literature 2
Film 2
Germany 2
International Relations -- United States 2
Jesuits -- History 2
Jesuits -- Theology 2
Lincoln, Abraham, 1809-1865 -- Assassination 2
Music by African American composers 2
Panama 2
Photographs 2
Photography 2
Political Science 2
Scrapbooks 2
Slavery 2
Student Groups 2
Theater -- 20th century 2
World War, 1939-1945 -- Personal narratives, American 2
World War, 1939-1945 -- Prisoners and prisons, Japanese 2
African American singers 1
African American women composers 1
Alliance for Progress 1
American history 1
Anthropology 1
Anti-imperialist movements 1
Antisemitism 1
Archaeology 1
Art Collection 1
Art criticism 1
Baltimore, Maryland, History 1
Belgium 1
Benedictine monasteries 1
Bibliography 1
Brazil 1
British Broadcasting Company 1
British History 1
Catholic Church -- Czechoslovakia -- History-- 20th century 1
Catholic Church -- Doctrines -- History -- 20th Century 1
Catholic Church -- Great Britain 1
Catholic Church -- Relations 1
Catholic Church -- Yugoslavia -- History-- 20th century 1
Catholic Church--Missions 1
Catholic women 1
Children's literature -- Periodicals 1
Chinese rites 1
Christian -- Unity 1
Christian Union -- Congresses 1
Church History -- 19th century 1
Church music -- Catholic Church 1
Church records and registers 1
Classics Dept. 1
Colonies 1
Commonplace books 1
Communism 1
Composers 1
Composers -- 20th century 1
Devotional Societies 1
Diaries 1
District of Columbia, History 1
Economics 1
Espionage 1
Ethics 1
Fadner, Frank L., S.J. 1
France 1
French poetry -- 18th century 1
Georgetown College 1
History, 20th century 1
Holocaust, Jewish (1939-1945) 1
Intelligence -- United States 1
∧ less
Spanish; Castilian 2059
English 1366
Latin 337
French 222
French 32
∨ more  
Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre 12
Jesuits. Maryland Province 10
Gounod, Charles, 1818-1893 5
Sarasate, Pablo de, 1844-1908 5
Wernz, Franz Xavier, R.V.P., S.J., General 4
∨ more
de Augustinis, Emilio 4
Maas, Anthony, Fr., S.J., Provincial 3
Moscheles, Ignaz, 1794-1870 3
Verdi, Giuseppe, 1813-1901 3
Anderledy, Antonio Maria, V.R.P., S.J., General 2
Barbor, Dave 2
Campbell, Thos J., S.J. 2
Hanselman, Josephus, V.R., S.J., Provincial 2
Hughes, Thomas, Fr. 2
Ledóchowski, Włodzimierz, 1866-1942 2
Lʹvov, Alekseĭ Fedorovich, 1798-1870 2
Massenet, Jules, 1842-1912 2
Roothaan, Jan, V.R.P., S.J., General 2
Scheetz, Nicholas B., 1952-2016 2
Toner, F. 2
Van de Moortel, F. 2
Verde, Alexander 2
Weber, Carl Maria von, 1786-1826 2
de Boynes, Norbert, Very Reverend, S.J., Visitor 2
de la Motte, Georgio, P. 2
Alexius, Brother, C.F.X. 1
American Teilhard de Chardin Association 1
Arabian American Oil Company 1
Ashby, James, 1714-1767 1
Ateneo de Zamboanga 1
Azarias, Brother 1
Bacon, Robert Low, 1884-1938 1
Bacon, Virginia Murray, 1890-1980 1
Balakirev, Miliĭ Alekseevich, 1837-1910 1
Barry, Philip, 1896-1949 1
Baud, Dom François 1
Beadnall, James 1718-1772 1
Becker, James B., Rev. 1
Beckett, Samuel, 1906-1989 1
Beckx, Pieter, V.R.P., S.J., General 1
Bensky, Roger-Daniel 1
Boarman, Sylvester, 1746-1811 1
Boieldieu, A. (Adrien), 1775-1834 1
Bolton, John, 1742-1809 1
Borchgrave, Arnaud 1
Brady, Robert W., S.J., Fr. 1
Brown, Anthony Cave 1
Brown, John L. (John Lackey), 1914-2002 1
Bülow, Hans von, 1830-1894 1
Calvo, Esther Neira de, 1890-1978 1
Carroll, John, 1735-1815 1
Catholic Church. Congregatio de Propaganda Fide 1
Colour of Music Festival 1
Cooney, F. 1
Cormican, P. J. (Patrick J.) 1
Cosme, Marie-Therese 1
Crewe, Frances Anne, 1748-1818 1
Crocker, Ethel Mary, 1891–1964 1
Crown, John R., -1982 1
De Luca, Ferdinand, 1828-1889 1
De Sylva, B. G. (Buddy Gard), 1896-1950 1
Diderich, Bernard, 1726-1793 1
Duran, Leopoldo 1
Falla, Manuel de, 1876-1946 1
Fields, Herbert, 1897-1958 1
Fitzgerald, John, -1799 1
Fitzgerald, John, F. 1
Flotow, Friedrich von, 1812-1883 1
Gabriel, Henry A., S.J. 1
Gallery of Living Catholic Authors 1
Georgetown University 1
Gibbons, Jacob, S.J. 1
Greene, Graham, 1904-1991 1
Healy, Hugh S., S.J. 1
Healy, Patrick Francis, 1830-1910 1
Hitchcock, Alfred, 1899-1980 1
Hitchcock, Pat 1
Hristić, Annie, 1885-1977 1
Hughes, Thomas, 1849-1939 1
Hurley, John F. (John Fidelis) 1
Iturbide, Agustín de, 1783-1824 1
Jesuits 1
Kilmer, Joyce, 1886-1918 1
Kinsella, F. 1
Lagae, F. 1
Lamont, Rosette C. 1
Livers, Arnold, 1734-1767 1
Lopez, Jose Antonio, 1779-1841 1
Lunn, Arnold, 1888-1974 1
Lussier, F. 1
Mac Mahon, W., S.J., Subst.Secr 1
Mannion, Gerard, 1970-2019 1
Martin, Ludovicus (Luis), V.R.P., S.J., General 1
Maynard, Theodore, 1890-1956 1
McKenna, Horace Bernard, 1899-1982 1
Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, Felix, 1809-1847 1
Merino, S.J., P. 1
Merry del Val, R. Card. 1
Meyerbeer, Giacomo, 1791-1864 1
Mill, John Stuart, 1806-1873 1
∧ less