Correspondence from De Smet (note: letterhead contains plate of St. Louis University) 2/12/1853; Paresce on 2/16/1853; 2 from F. McAtee on his studies 8/19 & 10/8/1853; Jamison on St. Joseph's, Philadelphia parish school 12/19/1853. Includes photocopy of ALS from Francis Saurelle to Stonestreet on US schooling for sender's children 5/29/1853.
**Former finding aid locations: 119_74_3; 221C1-221D**
Spiritual exercises; lecture notes; Extract of pastoral letter (1829) from Pius VIII concerning the year of the jubilee; Notebook fragment containing precepts; Notes-"De ordine in Sancta nostra Ecclesia catholica"; Mechanica-Definitiones.
**Former finding aid locations: 119_15_8; 50Z11**
Scapulary and Holy Childhood [contains Catalogue of names of members of the Sodality of the Blessed Virgin Mary de Monte Carmeli (1849-1858)]
Infirmary De Febribus, bound book on illnesses
**Former finding aid locations: 119_109_7; 573:5**
The Life of St. Francis de Hieronymo SJ, by a father of the Society of Jesus
**Former finding aid locations: 119_109_6; 573:4**
Letters to Ryder from Giuseppe De Albertis, SJ 1/6/1829; to McElroy from Rev. Michael D. Egan 1/28/1829; to Fenwick from Ryder 3/13/1829; to Ryder from Dubuisson 6/22/1829, 8/20/1829; to Fenwick from Dubuisson 7/8/1829; to Ryder from Fenwick 7/12/1829; to Ryder from McSherry 9/29/1829.
**Former finding aid locations: 119_127_8; XX**
Liber Continens Nomina eorum, quibus informationis ad gradum & de Gubernandum Romam missa sunt, a die 4th Januarii 1845. Lists promotions of members conferred in chronological order.
**Former finding aid locations: 119_95_2; 502:12**
The "Foreign Service Newsletter" is a weekly student publication documenting the activities, news and interests of the Foreign Service School students.
This series contains JLF's articles from 1911-1963, arranged chronologically.
This series contains JLF's articles from 1911-1963, arranged chronologically.
This series contains correspondence with individuals or institutions, and is arranged chronologically.