Clippings/Photographs found among the John L. Brown Papers: Part 4. Brown kept the clippings and photographs together, and that organization has been maintained in this finding aid. The Clippings/Photographs are arranged chronologically.
Correspondence with individuals. Arranged alphabetically.
Colleville, Ludovic, comte de
Les missions secrètes du général-major baron de Kalb, et son rôle dans la guerre de l'indépendance américaine / par le vicomte de Colleville ..
Paris, É. Perrin, 1885
The Spanish Jesuits Series contains items by and about Spanish Jesuits, acquired by Georgetown University from Sotheby's (28 June 1976, lot 3947).
Photocopy of dedication in French from B. de Solages to Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, undated
Photocopy of manuscript. Archives de la province des R.P. Jésuites de Lyon octobre-décembre 1896.
Photocopies of published articles regarding P. Teilhard's life and his work. Dating 1945-1955.
Photocopy of transcript. Dated 1950.
Coin, Henry
Quatre espions parlent : revelations sur l'espionnage contemporain par quatre espions au service de l'Allemage, de l'Angleterre, de la France et de l'U.R.S.S. / Henry Coin traduit de l'allemand par G. Strem et Pierre Bicquard
Paris : Éditions de France, c1931