Printed Articles. The first set of articles appears chronologically. The second set of articles is arranged alphabetically.
The forty-seven letters from Janetta Warre to Pierre Leroy S.J. are arranged by location. The series begins with correspondence written at the Windmillhouse, Barrowden, continues with the that written at Morvich in Rogart and letters written while travelling. Within each category, the correspondence is arranged in chronological order. At the end of the series are undated letters written from unknown locations.
The bulk of this series consists of correspondence written to Janetta Warre while preparing the Teilhard de Chardin Centenary Exhibition in London and Edinburgh in 1982 and 1983.
The bulk of this series consists of correspondence written to Janetta Warre while preparing the Teilhard de Chardin Centenary Exhibition in London and Edinburgh in 1982 and 1983.
(Box 1, Folders 1-30; Box 2, Folders 1-28) This series consists of files on individuals associated with Philip Barry and his work (including family members). Material includes correspondence, newsclippings, photographs, and any other items concerning the individual. Arrangement is alphabetical by name.
The journal of James Percy Brown documents the life of a wealthy young American living in Paris from 1834-1835 during the reign of Louis Philippe.
This series consists of background information provided by Constantin Kluge on his acquaintance with Teilhard de Chardin and his circle, in particular, Pierre Leroy and Claude Riviere.
(Box 1, Folders 1 - 36) Contains correspondence to DE arranged alphabetically by individual surname.
Includes correspondence from listeners in response to Hume's radio broadcasts on music.
The Individual Authors Series contains correspondence, manuscripts, questionnaires from the Gallery of Living Catholic Authors, photos, publications, and clippings relating to individual authors who were accepted or considered as members of the Gallery of Living Catholic Authors established by Sister Mary Joseph, S.L., in 1932. The series is arranged alphabetically by author. Boxes 1-66.
The Individual Authors Series contains correspondence, manuscripts, questionnaires from the Gallery of Living Catholic Authors, photos, publications, and clippings relating to individual authors who were accepted or considered as members of the Gallery of Living Catholic Authors established by Sister Mary Joseph, S.L., in 1932. The series is arranged alphabetically by author. Boxes 1-66.
Z. T. Miller Civil War letters. Arranged chronologically.