Contains ALS from: John Smedts, SJ, de Theux, and Van Quickenborne.
**Former finding aid locations: 119_128_15; XXXQ1-XXXQ11**
Contains ALS from: Verhaegen, de Theux, Van Quickenborne, Elet, to Dzierozynski. Includes financial report of St. Ferdinand Residence. (Note: original cataloger omitted P9 from the sequence. Thus there is no document bearing that number.)
**Former finding aid locations:119_128_14; XXXP1-XXXP13**
Contains ALS from Verhaegen, DeSmet, de Theux, Van Quickenborne. Includes AMs Regulations of the College (presumably St. Louis College) plus photocopy of letter of 11/13/1829. Includes report attributed to Charles van Quickenborne, SJ, on missions among Native Americans, 1829
**Former finding aid locations: 119_128_13; XXXN1-XXXN17**
Contains ALS correspondence from John Elet, SJ, Peter Walsh, SJ, John Smedts, SJ, De Smet, Henry Reiselman, SJ, and Van Quickenborne.
**Former finding aid location: 119_128_11; XXXM1-XXXM12**
Contains ALS from Verhaegen, de Theux, VandeVelde, Van Lommel.
**Former finding aid locations: 119_128_10; XXXL1-XXXL6**
Contains ALS correspondence from VandeVelde, Van Quickenborne, de Theux, and Verhaegen.
**Former finding aid locations: 119_128_9; XXXK1-XXXK9**
Contains ALS correspondence from de Theux, VandeVelde, and Verhaegen.
**Former finding aid locations: 119_128_8; XXXH1-XXXH8**
Contains ALS correspondence from Bishop of St. Louis to McSherry 1/12/1835. Also includes ALS from de Theux, J.A. Elet, SJ, Van Quickenborne.
**Former finding aid locations: 119_128_6; XXXF1-XXXF8**
Contains ALS correspondence from de Theux, Verhaegen, Van Quickenborne.
**Former finding aid locations: 119_128_5; XXXE1-XXXE7**
Contains ALS correspondence of Peter Verhaegen, SJ, and T. de Theux, SJ.
**Former finding aid locations: 119_128_3; XXXB1-XXXC7**
Correspondence from De Smet (note: letterhead contains plate of St. Louis University) 2/12/1853; Paresce on 2/16/1853; 2 from F. McAtee on his studies 8/19 & 10/8/1853; Jamison on St. Joseph's, Philadelphia parish school 12/19/1853. Includes photocopy of ALS from Francis Saurelle to Stonestreet on US schooling for sender's children 5/29/1853.
**Former finding aid locations: 119_74_3; 221C1-221D**
Letters to Ryder from Giuseppe De Albertis, SJ 1/6/1829; to McElroy from Rev. Michael D. Egan 1/28/1829; to Fenwick from Ryder 3/13/1829; to Ryder from Dubuisson 6/22/1829, 8/20/1829; to Fenwick from Dubuisson 7/8/1829; to Ryder from Fenwick 7/12/1829; to Ryder from McSherry 9/29/1829.
**Former finding aid locations: 119_127_8; XX**
Liber Continens Nomina eorum, quibus informationis ad gradum & de Gubernandum Romam missa sunt, a die 4th Januarii 1845. Lists promotions of members conferred in chronological order.
**Former finding aid locations: 119_95_2; 502:12**
Miscellaneous documents in Arabic script, late 18th to mid 19th century. A few show notes or calculations, but many contain repetitive text and a significant portion contain illustrated charts of national flags and other maritime signaling intelligence. These manuscripts were originally described as part of the Nicholas Cleary Collection, now separated, sometime before 1970.
Items of interest include: list of missionary Jesuits in Lisbon; copies of 1832 editions of the "Gazeta de Lisboa" [Feb. 14, Feb. 23 & 24, March 9, May 23]; letter (Mar. 25, June 6, 1830/Sept. 6, 1834) concerns Portugal and its restoration of the Society of Jesus.
**Former finding aid locations: 119_1_4; 1N1-6**
The "Foreign Service Newsletter" is a weekly student publication documenting the activities, news and interests of the Foreign Service School students.
This series contains JLF's articles from 1911-1963, arranged chronologically.