The Francis X. de Neckere, SJ Papers contain de Neckere's first vows as well as a handwritten volume of meditations likely written while at Conewago (1849-1879).
Personal papers containing letters and documents relating to Francoeur's scholarship on Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, S.J., and to the British and American Teilhard associations. Correspondents include George Barbour; Jeanne Mrotier; Walter Ong., S.J.; and a letter from Teilhard de Chardin to Lucile Swan.
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The Constantin Kluge - Pierre Leroy collection consists of 34 personal, autograph signed letters from Father Leroy to his friend Constantin Kluge, in addition to first-hand background information provided by Kluge on his acquaintance with Pierre Teilhard de Chardin and his circle (especially Pierre Leroy and Claude Riviere). A complete typed transcription of the 34 letters has been graciously provided by Mme. Solange Soulie, a close friend of Pierre Leroy.
Items collected by Gerard O'Brien relating to American Catholic and Jesuit notables of the 17th and 19th century.
Ten handwritten and printed documents relating to the administration and taxation of Colonial Peru by Spain.
The Raphael - Teilhard de Chardin Collection consists of thirty-seven letters, a manuscript drawing, two typed manuscripts, and a number of offprints on evolution and anthropology, all from the collection of Mrs. Francoise Raphael, an old friend of Teilhard from his early days in China. There is also a folder of black-and-white photographs.
Correspondence and source materials relating to Pierre Teilhard de Chardin. Includes material (primarily printed articles and some memoranda) on abortion rights, Georgetown University student group GU Choice, and Catholic identity.
The Thomas J. Murray, SJ Papers contain material related to his position as headmaster of Ateneo de Zamboanga in the Philippines (1928-1935) and milestones in his spiritual life such as his ordination, final vows, and silver and golden jubilees. Also included is a folder of genealogical research on his mother's family, the Welshes/Welches.