Contains ALS from: Van Quickenborne, de Theux, Elet, to Dzierozynski.
**Former finding aid locations: 119_128_17; XXXS1-XXXS11**
Contains ALS from: John Smedts, SJ, de Theux, and Van Quickenborne.
**Former finding aid locations: 119_128_15; XXXQ1-XXXQ11**
Contains ALS from: Verhaegen, de Theux, Van Quickenborne, Elet, to Dzierozynski. Includes financial report of St. Ferdinand Residence. (Note: original cataloger omitted P9 from the sequence. Thus there is no document bearing that number.)
**Former finding aid locations:119_128_14; XXXP1-XXXP13**
Contains ALS from Verhaegen, DeSmet, de Theux, Van Quickenborne. Includes AMs Regulations of the College (presumably St. Louis College) plus photocopy of letter of 11/13/1829. Includes report attributed to Charles van Quickenborne, SJ, on missions among Native Americans, 1829
**Former finding aid locations: 119_128_13; XXXN1-XXXN17**
Contains ALS correspondence from John Elet, SJ, Peter Walsh, SJ, John Smedts, SJ, De Smet, Henry Reiselman, SJ, and Van Quickenborne.
**Former finding aid location: 119_128_11; XXXM1-XXXM12**
Contains ALS from Verhaegen, de Theux, VandeVelde, Van Lommel.
**Former finding aid locations: 119_128_10; XXXL1-XXXL6**
Contains ALS correspondence from VandeVelde, Van Quickenborne, de Theux, and Verhaegen.
**Former finding aid locations: 119_128_9; XXXK1-XXXK9**
Contains ALS correspondence from de Theux, VandeVelde, and Verhaegen.
**Former finding aid locations: 119_128_8; XXXH1-XXXH8**
Contains ALS correspondence from Bishop of St. Louis to McSherry 1/12/1835. Also includes ALS from de Theux, J.A. Elet, SJ, Van Quickenborne.
**Former finding aid locations: 119_128_6; XXXF1-XXXF8**
Contains ALS correspondence from de Theux, Verhaegen, Van Quickenborne.
**Former finding aid locations: 119_128_5; XXXE1-XXXE7**
Contains ALS correspondence of Peter Verhaegen, SJ, and T. de Theux, SJ.
**Former finding aid locations: 119_128_3; XXXB1-XXXC7**
This folder [1K 1-6] consists of Maryland Province Archives correspondence (1839-1849) from South America. Correspondence concerns local area affairs. Items of interest include: Lithograph [reproduction] entitled "De Sacris Expeditionibus initis per Dioecesim Bonaerensem."
**Former finding aid locations: 119_1_2; 1K1-1K6**
Contains ALS from Enders to Stonestreet on misc. at Conewago, including reports of death threats against F. De Neckere 10/22/1854. Also includes ALS from Lancaster to Stonestreet on Conewago misc.
**Former finding aid locations: 119_74_23; 222J**
Letter (Mar. 31, 1862) pertaining to the canonization of the martyrs of Japan-Paul Michi, John de Golo and James Quizai; Sancti Beati et Servi Dei [Catalogue of Jesuit saints and blessed (1869)]
**Former finding aid locations: 119_5_14; 8K6**
Includes Memorial presented to Sacred Congregation de Propaganda Fide, August 1825, regarding debts of White Marsh and provisions for enslaved individuals.
**Former finding aid locations: 119_93_5; 500:37-500:45**
This folder contains materials related to Jesuit slaveholding.
Contains PRN communications from Father General including letters re: difficulties of Society in 1848 ("De Cultu SS. Cordis Jesu"); ordination re publications of members of Society 2/9/1856; teaching in Society schools 5/11/1858.
**Former finding aid locations: 119_122_10**
Correspondence from De Smet (note: letterhead contains plate of St. Louis University) 2/12/1853; Paresce on 2/16/1853; 2 from F. McAtee on his studies 8/19 & 10/8/1853; Jamison on St. Joseph's, Philadelphia parish school 12/19/1853. Includes photocopy of ALS from Francis Saurelle to Stonestreet on US schooling for sender's children 5/29/1853.
**Former finding aid locations: 119_74_3; 221C1-221D**
Spiritual exercises; lecture notes; Extract of pastoral letter (1829) from Pius VIII concerning the year of the jubilee; Notebook fragment containing precepts; Notes-"De ordine in Sancta nostra Ecclesia catholica"; Mechanica-Definitiones.
**Former finding aid locations: 119_15_8; 50Z11**