A carte de visite featuring a photograph of American Catholic prelate James Augustine Healy, styled as “Rt. Rev. James A. Healey.” On the reverse is printed information about the publisher, T.P. McGowan of Portland, Maine. Undated.
Comparison with scores in IMSLP indicates this piece is a version, possibly an advanced draft, of 4 Etudes de Concert, op. 111, no. 2 ("Le Carrillon"). The manuscript lacks any dynamic markings, and the final 20+ measures appear to contain only rhythmic and tonal sketches of their final form.
Originally framed by the donor with other Verdi items in this collection, most likely the carte-de-visite and the letter written in Milan.
This series contains material pertaining to Carroll Spence.
[Folders 16:10 - 18:64] Contains manuscripts of articles by CBL. Includes drafts and typescripts of speeches/addresses. Arrangement of speeches is roughly by location/Foreign Service post. Also included is reference material and notes kept by CBL for speech writing. Manuscripts and speeches by others are also included in this series, as well as information files used by CBL in preparation for his speeches.
Correspondence. Arranged alphabetically.
1 series only.
(Box 2, Folders 14 - 23) Contains material and correspondence relating to various academic, literary and political organizations.