Contains handwritten notes made by Father Richards, some apparently intended to orient his successor to outstanding issues at the College.
Predominantly photographic negatives of University events (including John Carroll Awards Weekend, reunion, and presidential inauguration of John J. DeGioia). Also includes various images of campus and headshots of faculty and staff.
Miscellaneous Manuscripts. Arranged alphabetically by individual.
Letters from Anna Smith, a Georgetown benefactor, who was the daughter of Admiral Joseph Smith, USN and the sister of Captain Joseph Smith, USN.
Includes letters from Patrick Healy, S.J. dated April 12, 1889 and George Hans Boehmer of the Smithsonian dated May 8, 1889.
Includes letter informing Father Richards that he has been elected to the Washington Society for the Extension of University Teaching, January 12, 1891.
Includes letter from St. Peter's Hospital, Sisters of the Poor of St. Francis referencing the death of Sister Agatha, December 3, 1891.
Includes letters from Office of the Surveyor of Customs, Port of Atlanta, GA referencing the shipping back of items in “the exhibit in the gallery of the Liberal Arts Building.”
Includes letter appointing Fr. Richards as Rector of Georgetown College, August 11, 1888. Among topics referenced: debts of the College and, planning for centennial celebrations.
Among topics referenced: "digging out the Yard" [the Quadrangle] in letter of July 22, 1890 and "Ethics of the Law School" in letter of August 5, 1890.
According to a note in the hand of University Archivist William Repetti, S.J., "these notes were writen by Father Richards as a memo on unfinished business." Topics covered include: scholarship for a baseball pitcher; Glee Club concert; and the need for a day watchman.
Includes letters from: E. Francis Riggs dated July 1, 1889 referencing promissory notes relating to J.A. Maloney and November 11, 1889 offering a photograph of the Pope ; J.A. [James A.] Maloney dated August 14, 1889 referencing expenses associated with manufacturing surgical instruments he had invented; and Father Patrick F. Healy dated September 30, 1889.
Includes copy of agreement with Benzinger Brothers of New York for exclusive rights to publish Father Russo’s book, De Philosophia Morali Praelectionis, dated August 22, 1890, and a letter dated December 11, 1890 referncing Peter A. Roche "who left us (i.e. the Soc.) a couple of weeks ago, on account of fmaily complications".
Some of the correspondence is in Latin. Several letters reference a collection of Pontifical medals and four portraits of Cardinals being sent to Georgetown. A letter of July 21, 1896 discusses the new Georgetown University Hospital and suggests that ownership of the grounds/buildings should vest with the Medical Faculty, not the College or an Order of nursing Sisters "in view of unpleasant complications which may arise later on."
Scripts and manuscripts collected by KJA, mainly in search of scripts for 'Shades of Love.'