The Alan G. Barnsley Papers consist of eight letters from such prominent writers as Ian Fleming, C.S. Lewis, Muriel Spark and Stephen Spender.
Abbreviations used in this register include: ALS (autograph letter signed); TLS (typed letter signed).
The collection contains materials related to Pan African composers and musicians that was collected by Hildred Roach. It includes music scores from a variety of Black composers, Hildred Roach concert programs, and music recordings (phonograph records, compact discs, and open reel). The collection includes William Grant Still, Ulysses Kay, George Walker, and many others.
Please see the External Documents section below for preliminary inventories of the collection.
The Constantin Kluge - Pierre Leroy collection consists of 34 personal, autograph signed letters from Father Leroy to his friend Constantin Kluge, in addition to first-hand background information provided by Kluge on his acquaintance with Pierre Teilhard de Chardin and his circle (especially Pierre Leroy and Claude Riviere). A complete typed transcription of the 34 letters has been graciously provided by Mme. Solange Soulie, a close friend of Pierre Leroy.
Letters, manuscripts, printed source material and photographs relating to Hilaire Belloc and G.K. Chesterton.
The Peter Epinette, SJ Papers contains a letter from Fr. Dzierozynski regarding the "Mattingly Miracle," an "Exhortation on the Commons Rules," and four bound volumes of spiritual writings.