A 1733 indenture for property in the City of Philadelphia that involves the following individuals: Adam Lewis, Mary Lewis, John Martin, Thomas Chalkely, Ralph Jackson, John Michener, James Tucker, Mary Tucker, William Carter, and John Dixon.
See the External Documents section below for a transcript of the document.
The collection contains correspondence and indenture documents relating to the affairs of Colonel John Fitzgerald that relate to local affairs in northern Virginia in the 1790s.
Source material collected by Warre for her exhibitions on Pierre Teilhard de Chardin. 18 folders. Items of note include:
1. Copies of typescripts of reminiscences and published articles by Thomas King, SJ; Pierre Leroy, SJ; Solange Soulie; Leo Zonneveld, and Warre, among others.
2. Warre, Janetta, "Travelling with Teilhard de Chardin in Britain." (No publication date.)
3. Teilhard de Chardin Centenary Exhibition catalog, 1983. Inscribed by Warre.
Scrapbook containing photographs, correspondence, and drawings compiled by Sir John C. Bucknill (1817-1897), distinguished English physician who was most noted for his work with the insane. The scrapbook contains photographs of Thomas Carlyle, Charles Darwin, Charles Dickens, Thomas Huxley, Alfred Tennyson, and William Makepeace Thackery, among others. Correspondence includes letters from John Bright, J. A. Clarke, Sir John Duke Coleridge, and Edward A. Seymour.
The Eric F. Menke French Documents Collection consists of 24 vellum documents from seventeenth and eighteenth century France mainly consisting of contracts and deeds. Also includes a handwritten copy of court proceedings from Revolutionary Paris of a child sexual abuse case.
The journal of James Percy Brown documents the life of a wealthy young American living in Paris from 1834-1835 during the reign of Louis Philippe.
The Bernardin F. Wiget, SJ Papers contain one letter from Fr. Angelo Paresce (1852) and six bound volumes of school notes and lectures, mostly those of Fr. Joseph Duverney, taken by Fr. Wiget while at Georgetown (1847-1850).
Correspondence between Powell and writers, publishers, politicians and friends. Notable individuals include Dorothy Day, H.L. Mencken, Denver Lindley, Harry Sylvester, and George N. Shuster.
Additional ephemera added in Folder 24 (not included in 1986 finding aid).
Click on External Documents below to link to collection finding aid.